The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 685 Controlling the Demon King

The Zugka Altar is very huge, and it is also the place where Zugka usually hangs out.

"Is it reliable for us to use this thing to defeat the BOSS?" Cang Shui Changge felt a little disappointed. Although he had admired Lu Li's name for a long time, he didn't have many opportunities to deal with him after all, unlike Hachi-chan, Cain's left hand, or even the water elf. Convince Lu Li.

"Have you seen that corpse?" Lu Li asked, pointing in the direction of the center of the altar.

"Is that... a corpse?" Hachi-chan stretched her neck and stood on tiptoe to see. It was hard, but she was short and couldn't help it.

"Devil," the water elf agreed and said, "That's a huge demon. I thought it was something at first, but it turned out to be a monster. What does this monster have to do with fighting the BOSS?"

"That's Demon King Azresok," Lu Li paused, and seeing Cang Shui Changge's equally confused face, he explained: "Demon King Azresok belongs to the Demon Guard, which is Ereduin. He is the most powerful vanguard officer under the abyss lord Mannoroth, and leads the Demon Guard army to capture cities and territories for the Burning Legion..."

Powerful yet wary, these winged, deformed monsters are notorious throughout the universe for their cruelty.

These terrifying, flaming warriors are almost entirely immune to magic and can defeat entire armies with their sheer power. The Demon King Azrethok is one of the most powerful.

During the war, Mannoroth was killed, and Azrethok was also severely damaged and had to stay here to recuperate.

There are rumors that it is waiting for the return of its master, and the demons of Mannoroth's Gathering are convinced of this. The high priest Zurgkar extracted energy from Azrethok's body to feed the altar, thereby summoning the great Marnos. Nolos returns.

"This monster is still alive?" Cang Shui Changge's face turned pale.

He didn't know much about Azresok, but for a person who could survive such a war, a high-level demon who could be valued by a powerful abyss lord and rely on him as his arm, the five of them were sent to fill the gap between his teeth. not enough.

"Don't worry, it's not much different from death, especially since we have this hell power core in our hands," Lu Li said confidently.

"What's the use of this thing?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

"When Zurgka goes out for inspection, we will bring the hell power core to get close to the demon king Azresok, and then we can control the demon king's body to fight. Each of the five of us controls one part..." Lu Li observed Zurgka while observing movements while explaining to his teammates.

"Wait a minute, you mean to control them together?" The water elf was confused.

"That's right, I will control the right hand when the time comes. Water Elf, you control the left hand. With the left hand... Cain's left hand, you and Cang Shui Changge will each control one leg. As for Bachi, you control the body," Lu Li quickly assigned Task.

Zugka has staggered away from the altar, and he wants to patrol his territory.

This is the foundation for his livelihood. Now that he is wearing the mantle of the Burning Legion, the forces of the Horde and Alliance will kill him. If he does not regularly remind these unruly demons, his safety will be very problematic.

"Why do I control my body?" Hachi-chan asked curiously.

Controlling the body seems to be a great thing. In Lu Li's heart, is he a teammate who can be trusted?

"Because you are a road idiot, I don't dare to let you control your legs. Your hands are mainly used to control weapon attacks. You are obviously unreliable. Controlling the body is very simple. You only need to think about balance." Lu Li obviously didn't have eight Jiang thought it was so cute.

After beating Xiao Ba Jiang, Lu Li led everyone slowly to the altar.

There was no one on the altar, and the Burning Legion was very hierarchical. The demon soldiers did not dare to approach here at all, so they were able to walk to the demon king Azresok in a swagger.

He took out the Hell Power Core from his backpack, and then a voice whispered in the ears of Lu Li and others.

This is the call of power that comes from the power core of hell and the demon king approaching each other. The voice says: You recognize that this is the essence of a summoned demon, and incomprehensible dangerous energy is spitting out on its surface.

As you look at it, an image appears in your mind - an image of yourself controlling the demon. Excitement rushes through you at the thought of using such power.

You looked around and realized that you had become the devil.

At this time, Lu Li and others had completed the control of Demon King Azresok. They disappeared from the place and merged into the demon's huge body.

"I'll go, what does this mean? I..." Cang Shui Changge cursed, and then Demon King Azresok's body, which had just stood up halfway, fell heavily back to the ground.

Lu Li used his right hand to support himself, preventing the great Lord Azresok from facing the ground.

Obviously, controlling the Demon King is not that easy to control, especially if one person controls a part of it. At least it will take some time for everyone to adapt.

"Don't panic, take your time and relax," Lu Li instructed the two guys controlling the legs to at least stand up. Otherwise, why would they fight Zugka when he comes back?

After finally standing up, Cang Shui Changge and Cain's left hands simultaneously controlled their legs and walked forward.


You can imagine what kind of experience it was. Everyone controlled the demon's body and also gained his senses. Xiaobajiang, who was in charge of the body part, screamed. Lu Li, who controlled the arm, was able to receive The begging signal of the body wanting to cover its face.

"You two should coordinate the walking problem," Lu Li said helplessly.

He has nothing to do with the water elf. His arms are more flexible than his legs and he doesn't have to bear too heavy a task at the moment.

From standing to taking steps, then moving forward, retreating, and took about ten minutes in total. During this period, Lu Li and the water elf were also getting familiar with controlling their arms, especially Lu Li, who controlled the double-headed spear, which was the main means of attack. .

The double-headed spear is mostly a one-handed weapon, but it can also be held with both hands a considerable part of the time.

This is not a small difficulty. After all, it is impossible for people to truly communicate with each other, so they must practice more. Lu Li set some passwords for this as a signal to attack.

It was difficult at first, but after getting started, everyone found it very interesting to play this way.

It is indeed a very strange experience to control part of a body to move. If it were not in the game, this would be completely impossible, not to mention that this is the huge body of an abyss demon.

When Zugka came back, he saw the demon king Azresok walking back and forth in the center of the altar.

This guy was immediately confused.

Since his arrival, the demon king Azresok has been sleeping, and the two "people" have not had any form of communication. Although he claims to be able to resurrect Mannoroth, he actually has no idea at all, saying that he is a cheat. It’s not an exaggeration to say that he is a magic stick.

At this moment, I really had the urge to turn around and run away.

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