The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 686 The violent demon king

But Zugka is a BOSS after all, and he quickly discovered something wrong with the demon king Azresok at this time.


There was no change in the aura of Demon King Azresok, and there were even some impurities belonging to adventurers. Zugka, who was extremely sensitive to demon aura, quickly adjusted his mentality.

Otherwise, he might be the first wild BOSS to escape without a fight.

"Blasphemer, leave Master Azresok immediately, otherwise you will bear the wrath of the demon army and be torn into pieces," Zugka said first in demonic language and then in the common language of the mainland.

"You are the one who is going to be broken into pieces. Your whole family is going to be broken into pieces." Hachi-chan, who was controlling his body, didn't expect to be able to speak.

The demon's pitch is very high, like the thunder of summer, the rumble spreads far away, and then all the demons nearby gather around, including the Hell Witch, Cerberus, and Demon Guard.

They were also a little dumbfounded at first, similar to Zugka's reaction.

But for them, the biggest doubt about Demon King Azresok is language. Do you expect Hachi-chan to know some demonic language? This kind of language is called lingua franca in NPC ears. In the world of demons, Simply inferior.

However, these demons did not attack the enemy as Zugkar hoped.

At least they didn't attack the body of the demon Azresok. They stayed quietly, and some even turned around and left indifferently, seemingly not intending to help someone who couldn't even protect the demon king's body.

This is what Lu Li relies on.

Otherwise, why should he deal with a level 45 BOSS? Could it be that their profession constituted a deformed team?

And what really allowed him to take risks was not just that the monsters didn't interfere. When Lu Li controlled the double-headed spear and swung it hard, a rain of flames enveloped Zugka head and face.

Zugka didn't even have time to open the energy shield.






This alone caused the BOSS to lose thousands of points of damage. It was not until the dark gray warlock energy shield rose that it was out of danger. Otherwise, this rain of demonic flames would continue to burn him.

This body is just a remnant of the devil's energy.

The main power source is the hell power core that Lu Li and the others rely on to control the body of Demon King Azresok. These five power cores are enough to support Lu Li and the others in fighting for an hour.

If the battle couldn't be resolved within an hour, they could just die.

"Cain's left hand, move forward," Lu Li ordered.

Cain's left hand controlled his left leg. His name and this part were a bit confusing, so Lu Li called his full name. When he heard Lu Li's call, he immediately took a big step forward.

Demon King Azresok staggered, but because Lu Li independently controlled his right hand, the double-headed spear successfully hit Zugka's passport.

This time the damage was barely higher than before, and the effect of group damage was not as good. The main reason was that Zugka raised the energy shield. This energy shield similar to the mage shield is said to have borrowed the energy of the devil.

Zugka was beaten repeatedly, and he became angry.

First, he summoned his pet - a tall hellfire. This was not the secondary hellfire outside that turned into rubble after falling for more than a minute.

This pure-blooded demon companion can help the warlock complete an extremely long battle.

"Water Elf, smash it!" Lu Li continued to stab Zugka in the face without reminding the Water Elf to use the skill on his left hand. That skill is perfect for dealing with Hellfire.

His left hand pierced the air and hit Hellfire quickly, and the Hellfire that had just been summoned flew out in a whoosh.

This punch is the signature skill of Grinding King Azresok. It is called Azresok's Heavy Punch. It comes with effects such as heavy beating, knockback, and crushing. The average player can kill him instantly with just one hit. Even if he does not die, he will still be killed. Will endure many negative status entanglements.

Then Lu Li was unreasonable and directed his two legs to keep advancing, beating Zugka to retreat.

If it were a player, he would definitely be tortured. However, Lu Li's method of controlling the Demon King's battle was completely different. Now they were suppressing the BOSS and beating him wildly.

"Lu Li, we probably won't be able to kill the boss within an hour, right?" Cang Shui Changge said worriedly.

He calculated the damage done by Demon King Azresok and the BOSS's total HP of 650,000. He always felt that Lu Li was a little too optimistic. Lu Li had already introduced the key points of the battle and the one-hour limit for Demon King. There was no hiding it either.

"Don't worry, we'll fight better later," Lu Li replied.

The wait he said didn't actually last too long. As the double-headed spear hit Zugka's energy shield with a heavy blow, the dark gray energy shield shattered like an egg shell.

"Down there, you two, hold on," Lu Li shouted loudly.

He raised his double-headed spear to chest level, retracted it, and then stabbed it out violently, and stabbed it in a series, nine times at once.









Each one dealt more damage than the last. This one consecutive stab knocked out more than 20,000 HP of the BOSS, and this was neither the starting point nor the end point. As the person below controlled the two legs stepped forward, Lu Li's double-headed spear hit him once. Never stopped.

In addition to high damage, it also has puncture damage, bleeding damage, armor breaking, knockback, and stun...

In Lu Li's previous life, someone once dreamed of permanently controlling the demon king Azresok. It was an absolutely invincible existence. Even if the player could only control it for a few seconds, he could kill any opponent of the same level.

"It's really awesome," the water elf could occasionally slap or punch his fist.

"Otherwise, why should we fight the BOSS? Even if we can withstand it, we won't be able to defeat it until night. The BOSS in the wild regenerates health too quickly," Lu Li said briskly.

"Why do you control your right hand?" Judging from the tone, the water elf was not so happy.

"Uh..." Lu Li sweated. He had forgotten how belligerent the wealthy woman was. No wonder he felt that her mood was a bit wrong today. It turned out that she couldn't control her most powerful right hand, and he felt unhappy at the moment.

"Can I change it now?" the water elf asked.

The feeling of inflicting more than 20,000 damage with one spearhead was really great. The rich woman was jealous, it would be great if she could be so powerful.

Unfortunately, this is all delusion in the short term. Players' current attacks are generally in a state of less than a few hundred, unless high-level players fight low-level players and obtain high damage by relying on their level advantage, but the water elf is obviously not the kind of person who likes to kill alts.

"Sorry, we can't change this," Lu Li was speechless.

"Hmph, let's kill him again next time we refresh," the water elf said angrily.

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