"Players cannot change their profession to Satyrs, but it is said that there are props that can allow players to transform into Satyrs for a short time," Lu Li said while playing the role of a professor.

He won't show off his knowledge for no reason, but he won't pretend to be profound either.

Viritan is the descendant of Harveys. Compared with his ancestors, he has inherited many skills and a strong and almost immortal body, so his defense is stronger than the previous bosses.

If the vines here are not burned to death, he can also summon these vines to tie him up so that players cannot attack him, and he can recover by absorbing the health of these vines, which is more powerful. Move, now that the vines have disappeared, the water elf and others have no chance to see them.

This BOSS contributed a golden piece of Paladin equipment to everyone, and Lu Li took it.

The rare materials were distributed to the water elves. As long as they were not needed by everyone, Lu Li and the water elves took turns taking one piece at a time. Lu Li had to take slightly more because he had three people here. As for how to distribute them to his teammates later. That’s another story.

Velitarn also drops the Celebras Gem.

In this case, the two components of the Scepter of Celebras are completed.

Celebras appeared in front of Lu Li like a ghost. His image was more mysterious and powerful than before. He had completely escaped the sequelae of pollution. From his emerald green eyes, Lu Li even had the impression that he had seen Rem. Los feeling.

Perhaps, the experience of being trapped in Marathon during this period did play a key role in his growth.

"You used dishonorable means in this battle," Celebras said, looking at the burn marks everywhere on the cave walls.

"I don't think you need even the slightest bit of mercy to deal with the envoys of the Burning Legion," Lu Li replied politely.

For some unspeakable reason, Celebras might have planned to embarrass Lu Li. Unfortunately, Lu Li's answer left him speechless. He couldn't say that the Burning Legion should also have human rights. In that case, he would really of fallen.

His great-grandfather Malorne was killed by the Burning Legion, and his grandfather Cenarius was also killed by the Burning Legion. Although he was later resurrected, the seeds of hatred have been deeply implanted in the bone marrow.

Otherwise, why would Remulos always encourage Lu Li to hunt down the BOSS of the Burning Legion?

As a member of this family, Celebras also hated the Burning Legion. In this way, not only could he no longer be able to accuse Lu Li of dishonorable fighting methods, he should instead be grateful to Lu Li.

"These are the two parts of the scepter. Is there anything else you need?" Lu Li asked.

"Nothing is needed, I will synthesize it for you now," the emerald green natural power appeared in his hand, lingering around the two parts of the scepter, slowly integrating them into everything.

The new Scepter of Celebras appeared in his hand.

"Thank you, respected guardian of the jungle," Lu Li took the scepter and thanked him gratefully.

This task can actually be extended to other aspects, such as what kind of adhesive to find, what kind of ore to find, which are all very troublesome, and there are no additional benefits. Now the synthesis is completed smoothly without doing anything. He The gratitude really comes from the heart.

The Scepter of Celebras is similar to equipment, with only one attribute.

Use: Create a portal to teleport teammates who pass through it to Disong Waterfall in Nemaradon. The remaining times are 1/1.

In other words, this is a disposable item. Otherwise, you won’t have to worry about finding the princess in the future. When we got this scepter, everyone was very sorry to see this. Who doesn’t like to look at beauties? NPCs can also be eye-catching. .

As for after meeting the princess...

This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

"There is a BOSS outside. Do you want to fight him?" Lu Li asked.

"Fight, why don't you fight? It's the BOSS anyway. We're on nightmare difficulty, and it's the first kill. There's a high chance that we'll get gold equipment," Cang Shui Changge said in a fuss.

The others nodded together.

Level 40 gold is still considered high-end equipment. No one here dares to say that they don’t want it at all, and even if they don’t use it themselves, they can take it back to their guild members.

Lu Li agreed naturally.

In fact, even if these people didn't want to fight, he would still encourage them to fight the Sharp-thorned Lasher.

The Sharp Thorn Lasher is a plant-type BOSS. It has no intelligence and is extremely easy to defeat. Because it is easy to defeat, the drops it drops are mediocre. However, there is a plant called the Ghost Mushroom where it grows.

It is a fungus that can be collected, and it can be used to make the Moonlight Herbal Potion, which is the key he plans to use to complete the mission of the Werewolf Curse.

Moreover, ghost mushrooms are also neutralizers and enhancers for many high-level pharmaceuticals. They can not only neutralize the toxins contained in alchemical materials, but also increase the efficacy of the medicine by at least 30% after adding them.

This kind of herb is rarely refreshed, and Marathon is considered a relatively fixed place.

The Sharp-Spiked Lasher fell down quickly, and Lu Li took advantage of the water elf to touch the corpse, squatting down and picking all the ghost mushrooms.

Others didn't say anything when they saw it. Many herbs they saw along the way were collected by Lu Li. The water elf mainly learned to peel skins, and she would not let go of monsters she could peel.

Six ghost mushrooms, which was probably only produced in nightmare difficulty. Lu Li was very satisfied.

As for the equipment drops, they were indeed lackluster as he expected, and the gold equipment was also rubbish. Trash, this time they happened to encounter it, and none of the three special effects are likable at all.

If you can't complete the mission of the Scepter of Celebras, then this copy will end here.

Fortunately, they were finished before they could continue. Lu Li took out the scepter and activated the special effects on it. A purple portal appeared in front of them. The group of people passed through the portal and disappeared. The scepter supporting the portal disappeared. The staff did not follow the passage, it escaped from Lu Li's control and fell to the ground.

Lu Li vaguely saw Celebras appear again and catch his scepter.

That scepter must not be that simple. Unfortunately, Lu Li couldn't ask clearly. Maybe he could mention it by the way the next time he sees Remulos.

What Lu Li and his group conquered just now is generally called Outer Maradon, but now they are entering Inner Maradon.

Only in Nemaradoon, players can meet Theradras, the elemental princess of the earth, and the scenery in Nemaradoon is even more beautiful. All kinds of beautiful scenery you can imagine can be found in this underground world. It reflects the control of life by the earth element.

This month has come to an end. I can say that I am very sorry for everyone. On the one hand, the update is not good, and the plot is also in trouble. In addition, there are problems in life and work. I even had the idea of ​​​​ending it. Fortunately, the author You are a man of integrity. You have adjusted yourself and will seek new breakthroughs in the future. I hope everyone will support me, thank you.

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