The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 696 The Princess’ Admirer

Nemaradon is facing some three-headed monsters.

The three-headed snakes should be the descendants of Hydra. They are relatively sparsely distributed and have relatively strong magic control capabilities. The surging magic power in Marathon underground makes these three-headed snakes willing to be driven by Theradras, the elemental princess of the earth.

"Don't attract too many, come one by one and kill them all," Lu Li said.

"Why, can they detect our stealth?" Cang Shui Changge looked confused.

"What a great thing. Even if the three-headed snake drops some materials, it can be sold at a high price. You are so knowledgeable. You should read more books if you have nothing to do." Lu Li complained to him. Once everyone gets familiar with it, you don't have to be polite.

Three-headed snake exploding scales. Snake scales are a good material for making armor. They are light and high-defense. Some people sew them on the back of robes, which can also greatly increase the defense value.

It can be said that three-headed snake scales are not a rare material, but are more expensive than some rare materials.

A three-headed snake snaked over, took a breath and sprayed its head towards Cang Shui Changge.

"Fuck, this guy's damage is so high," Cang Shui Changge was sprayed all over his face. From the visual point of view, it was frost damage. Not only was the damage very high, but it also came with a slowdown. What's even more outrageous was that the frost actually Poisonous.

No wonder Lu Li asked to kill them one by one.

"Don't be afraid, you won't die," Lu Li said calmly.

Thinking about it, you know that Cang Shui Changge, who can take down the BOSS, will easily fall into the hands of elite monsters.

After the three-headed snake fell, it did not drop any scales, but there was no need to worry. Lu Li signaled the water elf to come forward and skin it. In addition to the leather, he also got a piece of the three-headed snake's scales.

Following the same pattern, after cleaning up the three-headed snakes along the way, he harvested more than a dozen scales.

Some people think that Marathon is a dungeon that will never lose money. As long as you enter Marathon and get the scales of these three-headed snakes, you will make back the cost of this dungeon.

As for the consumption of the dungeon, various medicines and equipment repairs cost money.

Lu Li and his team are still good and relatively strong. Those teams that are not strong enough will face the long-term consumption of equipment when they die, and may have to use more precious potions to survive.

The first BOSS in Nemaradoon belongs to a family member of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

For many years, an ancient mountain giant named Lancelid had tended the dazzling crystal gardens in Marathon, but from the day Theradras settled here, Lancelid had been deeply attracted to her. .

The once stoic giant now lives solely to serve his brutal new master.

"I really envy Lancelid," Cang Shui Changge sighed with a melancholy look on his face: "How many people can accompany their goddess, the ebb and flow, and fall asleep in contentment every night."

Well, I hope you still have this idea after meeting Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Don't attack monsters yet. Wait at the door. The two stone men patrolled by just now. Wait for them to come over and kill them before you attack monsters." Lu Li pointed at the two stone men elite monsters that just ran past.

"No, those two monsters wouldn't have walked into this garden," Cang Shui Changge disagreed.

"It's better to be careful. It won't take long anyway," Lu Li glanced at him. Those who died were all people with similar ideas. Only he, a reborn person, knew the cunningness of the two patrolling stone men.

The BOSS, Stone Giant Lancelid, has killed more people than the two patrol monsters.

After clearing the patrolling monsters, Lu Li pointed to the corner and commanded: "Changge, go over there and squat down to pull the monsters. Don't be knocked away. Don't panic if you are knocked away. Remember to use damage reduction."

"Yes, stone giants can be knocked away, and their fists are extremely hard," Cang Shui Changge nodded seriously, completely giving Lu Li an excuse.

"Why don't you consider coming to our guild?" Lu Li pressed his shoulder, his eyes full of sincerity.

In his team, there are either people who never ask why, or people who only ask why, unlike this man in front of him, who can always give an explanation for everything Lu Li does.

Of course, this kind of joking invitation is unlikely to lead to any results.

Cangshui Changge is one of the top three MTs in Weiyu Pavilion, with good benefits and benefits. Weiyu Pavilion is also a place where male players dream of joining. Only a fool would go to Sword of Judgment.

The stone giant has high defense and health, but its attack is relatively average.

This time, he just wasted some time and successfully defeated the stone giant.

A golden shield dropped. It had very good attributes. According to the principle of one for each person, it was given to Lu Li. He put the shield into his backpack without ceremony.

Anyway, Druid MT can't use shields, so there is no need for them here.

No guild would dislike the lack of shields. Although the shields used by Azure Sea Breeze are better than this one, Lu Li can use them as MTs for other teams in the guild.

Although the water elf also wanted it, but if she asked Lu Li to ask for it, the shield was obviously not that high-quality.

Still ignoring the mobs, the five people sneaked towards the next BOSS and arrived at the craftsman Gizlock's workshop in just a few minutes.

It is said that the craftsman Gizlok is a foreigner. He and five other gem hunters sneaked into Marathon to collect extremely precious crystals.

But when all the other teammates were slaughtered by the satyrs, and only Gizlock survived, he realized that their plan had completely failed. The goblin was shrouded in fear of death, and he swore an oath to Theradras, the elemental princess of the earth. Allegiance.

So the craftsman Gizlok became a gatekeeper BOSS in Marathon.

There is no way to earn gold here, and Gizlok is on the verge of madness, coming to see himself as the new ruler of this underground kingdom.

"What's going on outside?" Seeing Lu Li and others, Gizlok did not attack immediately, but asked in a daze. This seemed to be the first time he had seen adventurers.

"The old war has ended, and a new war is about to come," Lu Li replied.

"Why did you come to my kingdom?" Gizlok thought for a while and couldn't find any reason to refute Lu Li's words. Azeroth was such a misfortune, always shrouded in wars of all sizes.

"Go meet Theradras, the elemental princess of the earth," Lu Li said.

"Your Highness Princess..." There was a hint of fear on Gizlok's face, and he shook his head in a panic: "No, I have to stop you, I have to stop you..."

"Get ready to pick up the monsters," Lu Li whispered.

Sure enough, Gizlock turned his back. He rushed towards Lu Li and others with a Goblin Dragon Spear - Craftsman Gizlock shot with the Goblin Dragon Spear, causing 120 points of fire damage per second to all players in front of him for 8 seconds.

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