The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 702 Life and death

There was an early theory that players and game companies were natural enemies.

One person thinks about exploiting loopholes all day long, while the other works hard to plug them. Once there are too many loopholes, this relationship will collapse. The most intuitive thing is that the game will collapse and everyone will break up.

Sugon has done a better job in this regard. It spent a lot of effort in the early stage and put a lot of effort into testing from various angles. In addition, the intelligent repair technology has been maximized in this game, so it has been in operation for more than three months. , there are almost no big baskets.

If you want to use some means - such as blocking skills to make huge profits, you are going against the game company.

I will kill you in minutes without any negotiation.

The level 45 boss mutated into level 55, cutting off all means of survival.

However, Lu Li and his team are five-person, and they do not violate any game rules in terms of operation. They are far from being able to mutate the BOSS. At most, it is...

When her health was only 5%, Princess Theradras went berserk.

There was no way to determine whether she was violent because of blocking skills. This was meaningless. In short, Princess Theradras' khaki skin turned bright red, and she started to go crazy.

"You shameless intruders, don't even think about taking my husband away!"

First, he was knocked down and stunned for two seconds, and then three consecutive hits took away all Cang Shui Changge's life in one fell swoop. After killing Cang Shui Changge, he rushed to the next target without stopping.

Frankly speaking, Lu Li was also a little dumbfounded.

He had played Maraudon in his previous life, but it was only a difficult copy, and it might have been weakened by the game company. Even if the princess in it was violent, she was not so perverted.

A three-hit combo killed the Druid MT, which was said to have the most health, and it would be rare for others to survive.

However, Lu Li was not a person who could be intimidated. He looked at the direction the boss was heading, and that direction happened to be the silly little druid. He quickly shouted: "You idiot, hurry up and use Shadow Escape!"

Treatment cannot kill, even if the battle reaches this stage, the effect of treatment is minimal.

"Oh," Hachi-chan responded obediently.

Shadow Escape is not difficult to operate, just stand still after activating the skill.

In principle, Shadow Escape cannot evade the BOSS's perception. Otherwise, anyone can use this move to avoid death when fighting the BOSS. The key is that the BOSS is furious now, his perception has decreased, and Hachi-chan's messy equipment is deceptive. The BOSS sensed the special effects, and the distance between the two parties was relatively far, so after Hachi-chan disappeared, the BOSS ran towards another target honestly.

This target was clearly Lu Li.

Lu Li couldn't run away. If he ran away, who would fight the BOSS? All melee professions would have to get close to fight him.

"Bajiang fights Fu Changge. The others deal with the BOSS. Don't hold back. Use all your strength and beat me hard." The situation was very urgent, and Lu Li was unusually vulgar.

Cain's left hand chuckled, and an acceleration skill followed behind the BOSS, and various skills and special effects were activated.

The water elf spat, and also activated the special effect of increasing attack power, plus a Lu Li. The three output professions were simply desperate for their lives. No matter whether they would die or not, they just needed to knock out a little more of the BOSS's health before dying.

When fighting BOSS, there are often things that are almost two points. It is not that the crisis appears at the end, but the game stipulates that when the BOSS is about to die, he will go berserk, use big moves, and destroy the ship.

At this time, the survivability of thieves is reflected.

Although none of the warriors could resist, they had many ways to save their lives. Lu Li held on for seven seconds before falling to the ground, and Cain's left hand held on for five seconds. When there was still one water elf left, Cang Shui Changge had been The battle resumed and was filled with blood by Hachi-chan.

As long as it's not a skill, it doesn't matter if it's violent. Cang Shui Changge can resist two or three hits.

Barely able to resist the BOSS, Xiao Bajiang, Cang Shui Changge, and Water Elf fought against the BOSS. Lu Li and Cain lay on the ground with their left hands miserable.

Lu Li didn't get up, it wasn't the right time yet.

After going berserk, the BOSS would have another ultimate move like this, and he remembered it clearly.

Hated glare!

As expected, Princess Theradras still has to struggle to the death. After using this mass fear skill, she will enter a state of freeze, absorbing the power of the earth element and forming a shield.

The moment the Hateful Glare was used, Lu Li decisively used the Dark Moon card.

Dark Moon Card: Void (Special): When used, the wearer has a 50% chance of being resurrected. After successful resurrection, health and mana are restored by 20%. The current level experience value fluctuates by -5%~10%, and the remaining times are 4/ 5. Put it in your backpack to take effect. The equipment requirement is level 10.

He used it once before during the battle in Stranglethorn Valley, and currently has four more chances.

If he didn't get up, the remaining three people wouldn't have a chance to kill Princess Theradras. After all, the BOSS was also constantly recovering blood, and only the water elf on Lu Li's side was dealing damage.

After using it, Lu Li stood up.

Resurrection successful!

But Lu Li couldn't laugh at all. When he rushed towards the BOSS, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that his experience points dropped by 3%.

This was a dungeon. It was originally a dungeon that would not lose experience even if it died, but he lost 3% of the experience value. Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to upgrade. He has to grind 3% for an hour non-stop.

Lu Li immediately knocked down the BOSS's shield after he got up.

The shield must be used first, otherwise when the BOSS absorbs enough earth elemental power to form a powerful shield, it will be impossible to fight with high attack and high defense.

After knocking off the shield, Lu Li did not output the BOSS, but read the battle response to Cain's left hand not far away.

Then the team that originally lost less than half came back alive again.

If Princess Theradras was smart enough, she would definitely refuse to play with Lu Li and others. This was cheating. After finally killing a few of them, they all stood up in the blink of an eye.

They had about three seconds of freezing time to deal with Princess Theradras, and their originally low blood volume was even more depleted.

After recovering from immobility, the crisis is still not resolved.

As long as the BOSS doesn't breathe his last breath, there is a certain possibility that the entire army will be annihilated.

Wind Step, facing Princess Theradras' attack, Lu Li did not hesitate to use the Wind Step that he had kept useless, buying the team two more seconds.

Cang Shui Changge grabbed the hatred and died again.

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