The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 703 Divine Intervention

MTs generally have subsidies, but subsidies are not easy to get. Not to mention that equipment will last for a long time if you die frequently. Whenever you encounter a violent BOSS, only a few MTs will have the opportunity to get the final experience.

The water elf's damage seems to have been reduced as well. After the BOSS killed Cang Shui Changge, he attacked her several times without losing much of her health.


Lu Li twisted his body and hit the back of the BOSS's head with a bone-cutting blow. He didn't know whether it was a fatal blow or an ordinary critical hit.

In short, after this blow, Princess Theradras fell.

System: Congratulations to Cang Shui Changge, Water Elf, Xiao Bajiang, and Cain’s Left Hand, who, under the leadership of team leader Lu Li, completed their first kill on Maraudon Nightmare difficulty.

It wasn't until the moment the system was announced that several people who had been highly nervous relaxed.

The first few bosses in this book are not difficult, or even easy, but Princess Theradras is too difficult to kill. She has high defense and high attack, and there is no way to deal with her signature skills.

Lu Li and the others were relatively strong, but if they were an ordinary team, even the elite group of the Grand Guild would be reduced to a pile of corpses.

"Stop looking and touch the body," Lu Li waved his hand, interrupting the water elf's daze.

"You are such a scheming bitch," the water elf pouted and turned towards the BOSS, leaving Lu Li feeling confused as to what he had done to deserve such an extreme evaluation.

"Scheming bitch!" Xiao Bajiang made a face at Lu Li and kept sticking out his tongue.

As for why Lu Li is said to be a scheming bitch, how would this girl know? Anyway, as long as someone scolds Lu Li, it must be correct. Why let this guy keep calling him stupid?

How stupid is this girl?

"Good stuff, I want it!" The water elf held a dagger and winked at Lu Li.

One moment he was calling himself a scheming bitch, and the next moment he was ogling him. Lu Li really had an extraordinary understanding of women's fickleness, but he really had no need. He nodded at the moment: "You can discuss it with your left hand, can you Just discuss it."

Just because he doesn't want it, doesn't mean he doesn't want Cain's left hand that he brought.

Legendary equipment is unlikely, but Unique Gold is the minimum, otherwise it would not be worth the temptation of a wealthy woman.

If Lu Li guessed correctly, it should be the famous Blade of Endless Darkness. It has a very powerful special effect. When it attacks the target, it absorbs a part of the blood. When the blood reaches a certain level, a layer of blood will be formed on the user of the dagger. The shield is somewhat similar to Princess Theradras's power shield that absorbs the earth elements.

The Blade of Endless Darkness is the best drop in Maraudon, no doubt about it.

I hope Cain's left hand can have some backbone. It's a good piece of equipment. As long as you insist on it shamelessly, can a female overlord like the water elf still fight with you...

However, the reality is always different from expectations.

Not knowing what the water elf said, Cain's left hand gave up the competition for the dagger without any position.

The three thieves didn't want it, so the water elf got the dark gold dagger without a doubt.

The Rock Princess wristbands, warrior equipment, gold level, are pretty good. Warrior equipment on the market is particularly precious at present. The dagger belongs to the water elf, so of course Lu Li took it in his pocket without any hesitation.

Broken Jade Heart is also a golden equipment.

The Broken Jade Heart is a necklace with a crystal clear color and a heart-shaped shape. However, the heart-shaped pendant is full of cracks. It looks like a Broken Jade Heart just as the name of the item describes.

The attribute is biased towards output, so there is no reason for Xiaobajiang and Cang Shui Changge to need it, leaving three people to compete.

"This equipment is so beautiful," the water elf touched the pendant with a look of obsession.

Some women say that they don’t like jewelry. They are either tomboys, the kind that can carry a bucket of mineral water in one hand, or they have no money in their pockets. How can a woman not like jewelry? In this regard, women are more greedy than Any dragon.

"The attributes are really good," Lu Li rubbed his chin, hesitant.

Such a beautiful thing is not bad to give to your sister. I believe that girl will like it very much.

But in that case, it would be a waste of the attributes of this equipment. What will happen after a heart is broken? Either sinking or going crazy. This equipment has two special effects. One is to reduce the enemy's attack and armor, and the other is The increase in his own attack and armor, one plus and one minus, widened the gap by 40%.

Although the duration is shorter, it can still produce subversive effects as long as it is used properly.

"Okay, Sister Shui, I'll quit." Cain didn't know what thoughts were instilled in his left hand, and once again gave up his right to demand equipment. Lu Li glared at him bitterly, and decided to make this guy look good when he returned.

"I..." Lu Li opened his mouth.

"Lu Li, we are friends, right?" The water elf's expression was very gentle, with a quiet and gentle look of a lady - something you don't usually see.

"Why didn't you ask me how much it cost?" Lu Li was confused.

"I know you don't like me always talking about things with money..." Water Elf still remembered that many times she asked Lu Li how much this one cost and which one cost, but Lu Li would interrupt her rudely.

Talking about money hurts feelings, especially between a man and a woman. This is what Luo Xing, the president of Weiyu Pavilion, told her by her best friend.

"Uh..." Lu Li was speechless.

Sister, what are you going to do? I'm just waiting for you to make an offer. This change in style is so uncomfortable. The reason why we didn't talk about money before was because you couldn't sell the things you wanted to buy...

As a result, the water elf began to act with emotion and reason.

In this situation, could Lu Li say that he planned to sell money? That would be too vulgar. Although he values ​​his sister more than gold coins and gold coins more than his life, he is still a man after all. .

"Okay, why don't you let me give it to you?"

Lu Li held his bleeding heart and accepted the water elf's definition of two people becoming good friends, while giving up the right to compete for equipment.

Broken Jade Heart, this equipment is too girly in appearance and does not suit his style, and he already has a gift from Pamela.

After the three pieces of equipment, there is a skill book, "Holy Intervention" for the Paladin.

The Paladin sacrifices himself to protect the target teammate from any damage. The enemy will stop attacking the protected teammate, but the teammate cannot take any actions for 3 minutes.

It's actually this skill.

It's a legendary magical skill. Although it can't kill the air every second, this skill is one of the most signature skills of the Paladin profession.

It is said that countless Paladin players have used this skill to pick up girls and escape the single life.

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