The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 705 Brotherly Fight

"Adventurers who have come from afar, your recklessness has disturbed my tranquility," Zalta's golden eyes were shining with light, and his whole person was very charming.

This is the style of the son of a demigod, isn't it? Remulos is just like a bad old man selling marshmallows on the roadside.

"Let's complete a task," Lu Li said bravely.

"Mission...a mission about me, it's really ridiculous." This word is also unfamiliar to the aborigines, but Zalta couldn't connect it to himself for a while. He shook his head that appeared and disappeared. Golden eyes scanned several people: "Are you all?"

"No, it's just the two of us," Lu Li pulled the water elf over and motioned for the others to return to the city.

No one can be sure of Zaltar's attitude, but from the current point of view, this person is far less talkative than Remulos. Hachi-chan was frightened and obediently read the words "Return to the City", "Cain's Left Hand" and "Aoi Sui Chang" Although Ge felt it was unloyal to leave like this, there was no point in them staying, so they simply returned to the city one by one and left.

"Did that guy send you here? I feel a familiar scent on your body," Zalta walked around Lu Li and the water elf twice.

Carolina had previously given Lu Li the blessing of the Moon Girl Priest, and given him the ability to teleport to the Moonlight Grove several times. Later, Lu Li became familiar with Remulos, and this ability was solidified, and he became a frequent visitor to the Moonlight Grove.

Lu Li revealed the blessing for Zalta to see.

I hope that for the sake of the Moon Girl's sacrifice, this ghost-like guy will give him some face, follow Lu Li to Ravenholdt Manor, and then send him back after completing the mission.

"That's not it..." Zalta was silent for a while and then shook his head.

"Then I don't know," Lu Li spread his hands and decided to give up the idea of ​​trying to please this son of a demigod because the two sides had nothing in common and he had just killed his wife.

Zalta stared at Lu Li's hand, and the golden light in his eyes became more obvious.

Lu Li even felt that his originally illusory body had become a little more solid. Not knowing what would happen next, he could only smile bitterly and take a defensive stance with the water elf.

To deal with ghost-type monsters, paladins and priests actually have the advantage, and even worse, arcane, shaman, and druid.

Thieves really have nothing to do with this kind of monster.

"We killed your wife, aren't you angry?" the water elf suddenly asked.

Lu Li sighed in his heart, it's been so long and you're still thinking about this kind of problem. Women's thoughts are really strange. Lu Li himself wished that Zalta would forget this incident.

"She is not dead, this is just a special space," Zalta looked away from Lu Li's fingers and answered the water elf's question.

Sure enough, there is a certain intersection of time and space between the dungeon and the outside. It is said that the bronze ancestral dragon, the calm and prophetic Nozdormu, accepted the blessing of the Supreme Father Amanthel and became the time of Azeroth. 's guardian.

Together with several other guardian dragons, he created the unique space of the dungeon.

Now an NPC bluntly told the players that everything in the dungeon was illusory. In this way, a mystery that had puzzled players for a long time was revealed. Lu Li felt a serious sense of loss.

"What about you, are you also illusory?" the water elf continued to ask.

"When did I say illusory? This is just a special space, not illusory." Zalta was a little impatient. He turned his head and continued to stare at Lu Li's hand: "Show me your ring." .”

"I'm sorry, I have already obtained its approval and cannot hand it over to anyone else," Lu Li complained in his heart, but since he was targeted by Remulos' son Celebras last time, he had thought of such a statement. , at least it can make those who covet it a stumbling block.


This is the ring forged by Cenarius. Who approves it?

This reason is very imaginative, at least it is very lethal to Zalta. His ghostly body deformed several times, and it took a while for him to stabilize.

"How can such a weak person get his approval?" Zalta's voice was full of chill.

"When I got it, it was just an ordinary ring, but in just three months, I have upgraded it three times. Now, please call it the Four Supreme Rings." Lu Li was slightly angry. , your sister, you, a coward who was killed by your son, have the nerve to speak out against me?

Improved three times in three months!

Zalta's expression was extremely surprised.

If he is not dead in terms of his state of consciousness, then his life is endless. What is three months to his long years? I am afraid that even a moment is not enough to describe its brisk and erratic life.

Malfurion upgraded his Supreme Ring three times, which took more than a hundred years...

I really couldn't tell that this weak guy was a genius. Zarta's always proud soul was hit and he was completely confused.

"We have brought a message from Ravenholdt Manor. An adult you once knew hopes to meet with you." Lu Li saw that he had almost defeated the other party and started to carry out the mission.

"Ravenholde Manor...hehe," Zalta laughed.

He is in a ghost state, and he is inherently gloomy, so his laughter sounds particularly creepy.

For some reason, Lu Li suddenly remembered something.

When he first entered Moonglade, he felt that although the environment there was peaceful and quiet, the druids were very nervous. It was said that an unknown assassin attacked Remulos, causing the entire Moonglade to fall into a state of catatonia. middle. The druids were increasingly fearful and suspicious of the powerful enemies of the Cenarion Circle.

If Lu Li hadn't been blessed by the Moon Girl's sacrifice, he, a thief, would have been killed immediately.

In this world, Ravenholdt Manor may not have the most assassins, but they are definitely the best. Could it be that a high-level assassin from Ravenholdt Manor was hired to attack Remulos?

As for who hired the assassin, Lu Li felt a little chilled down his spine.

It seems that the two sons of Cenarius are not just competing for favor. Lu Li combined the performances of Remulos and Zalta and became more confident in his guess.

But this is not a dispute that he can intervene in. Although he is often regarded as the number one player now, at least for now, the player's strength is still scumbag in front of high-end NPC forces. Only when it develops to a certain level, adventurers Only then can we gain the right to speak.

By then it will not be a dream to slaughter Stormwind City and Orgrimmar.

But those are all things in the future. The only thing Lu Li can do now is to complete the task in hand.

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