The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 706 Dwarf’s Reward

"Actually, I have also sought the opinion of Lord Remulos. He feels that the people in Ravenholdt Manor will not be unfavorable to you," Lu Li added tentatively.

Of course there would be no disadvantages. Zaltar was able to ask the masters of Ravenholdt Manor to assassinate his brother. This was obviously not an ordinary friendship.

Sure enough, Zalta's mood fluctuated again.

"Are you willing to go back with us?" the water elf asked. She was not very clear about the entanglements behind these NPCs, but her intuition told her that this mission was almost completed.

"Okay, I will go back with you. I haven't seen my old friend for many years," Zalta sighed.

"Are you leaving Maraudon and Princess Theradras?" the water elf asked. No matter whether Zaltar is a good guy or a bad guy, no matter how much the combination between him and Princess Theradras is ridiculed, the female Tuhao always insists on believing that it is a beautiful love.

Well, this is a common problem among most girls.

"She is my wife, and I will always be with her," Zalta looked at the ugly corpse on the ground, her golden eyes softening.

It seemed that he and Princess Theradras did have a deep relationship.

One left the tribe for the other, and the other lived in an underground palace after her husband died.

"In this case, let's leave. Can you please come in here?" Lu Li took out their mission item, which was a bead. The waitress gave Lu Li to use it to contain Zalta's soul.

If Zaltar refuses to enter the bead, then the mission will be miserable.

Taking him all the way back would become an escort mission that spanned most of the world of Azeroth and would last for many days. Lu Li would carefully choose whether to give up on this mission.

Fortunately, Zalta was not such a bastard. He turned into a puff of smoke and entered the bead. Lu Li put away the bead and read back to the city with the water elf.

Quickly teleporting to Nanhai Town, Lu Li brought this hot potato into the tavern.

"It seems that the mission is completed. You can go to the backyard of the tavern. Someone is waiting for you there." The waitress was obviously not the one to hand over the mission, and she was also a little indifferent to Zalta's soul.

There is a small side door next to the stairs leading to the second floor of the tavern. Some players have also explored it. There is an old tree with a crooked neck and nothing in it.

Lu Li and the water elf walked in from the side, only to find that the inside was completely different from what others had seen. It was almost another world, with mountains and water inside, and an exquisite hut built outside a bamboo forest.

A "person" with his face covered. Lu Li was not sure if he was a person because he was too short.


There were actually dwarfs in Ravenholdt Manor. This feeling of surprise flashed past, but he was quickly accepted by Lu Li. This ancient organization has existed for countless years, and of course there are other races in it.

In fact, some believe the founders of this organization were Titans.

"Hello, we have completed our mission and brought Zalta's soul." Lu Li pulled the water elf to a stop when he was still some distance away from the dwarf.

Don't get too close to a gnome, especially if the gnome is very powerful.

Some dwarves don't like to look up at people, and you may offend them unknowingly because of this. Many players don't understand this until their death, and Lu Li, as a well-read reborn, will naturally not make this mistake.

"Thank you, you can get your own reward," the dwarf did not ask Lu Li and the water elf to get closer and acquiesced to the distance.

"Your Excellency Remulos said that we can send Mr. Zalta's soul back," Lu Li said.

No matter what kind of entanglement Remulos and Zalta had, Lu Li didn't want to be caught in the middle, not to mention that Lu Li couldn't afford to offend anyone from the family behind them.

"No, I will send him back. You can keep the beads and leave here. This is not the place you should stay." The dwarf shook his hands and threw two things towards Lu Li.

Lu Li was very sorry. He really wanted to watch the interactions between these NPCs, which often contained information that could affect the direction of the game.

It's a pity that he doesn't dare to disobey the NPC, at least he doesn't have the strength yet.

After accurately receiving the mission reward equipment, Lu Li and Water Elf both heard the system prompting them to complete the mission. In addition, they also received a very generous amount of experience points. Coupled with the previous accumulation, Lu Li's experience bar had exceeded level 43.

The rewarded item is a bracer.

This is not an insult to the identity of this mysterious dwarf. This is a piece of dark gold equipment, compared to Lu Li's Killing Star Bracers...

Well, it can't be said to be better than the Killing Star Bracers. After all, if the value of the Killing Star equipment is truly reflected, it is a 200% increase in strength. However, the Killing Star equipment also has shortcomings.

Killing Star Bracers (Gold): Armor 35, Agility +20, Strength +12, Attack Speed ​​+10%, Special Effect 1: Use, increase attack by 20%, increase critical hit probability by 15%, lasts for 30 seconds, cooldown time Thirty minutes, special effect 2: Successfully kill the unit target within thirty seconds, the attack power increases by 1%, the maximum stack is 100%, the equipment requirement is level 40, and the durability is 82/82.

After strengthening by three, the attack speed and attack power are increased.

But one thing must be admitted. This piece of equipment is almost useless on the field. At least the second special effect has no chance of being realized. If anyone can't survive for thirty seconds under Lu Li's hands, then he is definitely not valuable. Target.

And even if you kill one person, your attack will only increase by 1%.

This special effect is only effective during leveling and group battles, so Lu Li has been looking for a wristband suitable for PK. Now that he was dozing off and taking a pillow, the dwarf thief threw him over and it happened to be a good PK item.

Stab Scar Wristband (unique gold): Armor 38, Agility 24, Strength +16, Critical Hit +15%, Special Effect 1: Used, seriously injures the target's popliteal socket and knocks the target down, paralyzing it for 1.5 seconds, cooling time is two minutes. Special Effect 2: Bloody Killing, use, lose 20% of your own health, and cause damage to the target equivalent to 40% of the target's total health. When the target's health is not enough to deduct, 1% of the remaining health will be retained. Cooling time 2 hours, equipment requirement level 40, durability 96/96.

There is a line of small words at the end of the equipment that says: They can't see you coming, but they can definitely see you leaving.

Lu Li was very satisfied with this piece of equipment. Compared to the Killing Star Bracer, it was more suitable for the competition.

The first special effect is rather strange. It actually attacks the target's popliteal fossa. The popliteal fossa sounds confusing, but it's actually easy to find. It corresponds to the other side of the knee, and some people call it the crook of the leg.

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