The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 708 The Great Tinker

Lu Li left Jiangnan with his sister, and no one saw him off.

Originally, the water elf was going to come over. Lu Li had only one friend in this city, but he still couldn't come in the end. Maybe there was something that stuck him.

Root Hao San personally drove over to pick up the brothers and sisters. He was already worth a lot, and after becoming the Guild Master of the Sword of Judgment, not only did he get a share, but Lu Li also treated him badly.

This car was just mentioned recently. It has a very cool appearance, and its safety is also among the best among similar cars.

"Or, I'll give this one to you. I have more cars," Root No. 3 said.

"A lot of cars?" Lu Li shook his head: "Third brother, are you showing off your wealth? I didn't know you were such a wealthy person."

"Hey, when it comes to wealthy people, who can compare to you?" Root Number 3 chuckled: "What I mean is that next time you come to Jinling for a date, you won't be someone else's car. It's too unworthy, anyway. You are also a person with status."

"How much does this car cost?" Lu Li was also a little excited, but he quickly waved his hand dejectedly: "Forget it, I don't have a driver's license!"

There are still people who don't have a driver's license these days, so Root No. 3 expressed sympathy for his new boss.

There are no players in the game at this time, but all the plots are continuing, so the courtyard that Lu Li left must not be called a courtyard anymore. The jump in space makes many things possible.

"My friend, it's time for you to come out. Did you learn shyness from the Elemental Princess?" The dwarf thief stared at the bead and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Does time mean anything to you?" Zalta appeared on the chair opposite the dwarf, not staying in the bead.

If Lu Li saw this scene, he would be very surprised, because he would feel that Zalta had never really entered the bead that contained the soul at all - a strong person would not put himself under the control of others.

"My friend, why did you turn a deaf ear to my call?" the dwarf asked bluntly.

"Thermaplugg, are you still dreaming of your king? Is power so attractive to you?" Zalta's golden eyes were full of ridicule.

Even though it's just a soul state, he doesn't seem to be afraid of dwarfs at all.

Thermaplugg, MacNeil Thermaplugg!

I believe that many people know this name. Even players who don't study history very much, especially players of the dwarf race, will know this biggest traitor of the dwarf race.

Macnair Thermaplugg was once a brilliant and wise tinker.

Tinker is not a secular profession. For the dwarf clan, this title symbolizes the supreme power of one person over ten thousand people. Except for the great craftsman, all dwarfs will respect him.

The dwarves have not had a king or queen for hundreds of years. They prefer to choose their supreme archon to make laws. The supreme archon of Gnomeregan is the great craftsman Gelbin Mekkatorque, and the great tinker He is his political and technical advisor, and can be said to be his right-hand man. If Mekkatorque is regarded as the prime minister, Thermaplugg is the deputy prime minister.

Thermaplugg was a dwarf who was extremely fragile even in his youth, but he was extremely talented and destined to become a great tinker.

He grew up step by step and became Mekkatorque's friend and partner, and together he led the rise of the dwarves.

He envisioned a great kingdom beyond Gnomeregan, carving up all of western Dun Morogh, and even uniting the forces of nearby dwarves to expand. Nothing could stop him!

However, at this time, an ancient and savage trogg emerged from the depths of the ground and invaded Gnomeregan.

At that time, it was the full-scale invasion of the Burning Legion. The gnomes realized that their allies needed to focus on dealing with the invasion of the Burning Legion at this time, so they decided to use their own power to fight against the invading enemies.

According to legend, the Great Tinker Macnair Thermaplugg spread radioactive poison throughout the city. Although the radiation stopped the invaders, it killed many more gnomes. The Great Tinker himself also stayed in Gnomeregan. It is said that he became a leper dwarf and realized his dream of becoming king in the fallen Gnomeregan.

True or false, history is written by the victors.

"Please don't let your anger infect me, Zalta, I am an engineer and a thief," the dwarf said slowly after being silent for a while.

"But you are still very angry," Zalta smiled sinisterly: "Doesn't it feel good to be betrayed by a friend?"

"I have not been betrayed, Zalta. You are just a kid who can't get candy. You have completely insulted your status as the son of a demigod. Remulos is indeed better than you," Thermaplugg couldn't help but Stab back.

Everyone has obsessions, and there will always be many scars that they are unwilling to uncover.

"Not betrayed? Haha, Thermaplugg, everyone said that you detonated the bomb. So many dwarves died, including old people and children..." Zalta smiled crazily. .

"It was indeed me who detonated the radioactive bomb. I not only detonated the radioactive bomb, but also invented it. I got part of Ivey's inheritance, didn't I? I watched the children fall down in front of me with my own eyes. They were because of I will die," Thermaplugg said through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with blood as he hugged him outside.

"Then Mekkatorque became a hero and the greatest leader of the dwarf clan, and you could only remain a humble mouse," Zalta mocked relentlessly.

"I won't kill you, Zaltar," Thermaplugg's bloody eyes returned to calm, "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are friends," Zaltar condensed his body and looked no different from a normal jungle guardian. At least no one felt that it was in a soul state anymore.

"Is it fun to kill yourself in order to lure out your father?" Thermaplugg sighed and pushed a cup of orange liquid over.

"One death is obviously not enough," Zalta twitched the corner of his mouth. He had to admit that he had perfectly inherited the appearance and grace of a demigod, and even an ordinary expression looked very charming.

"So you asked me to assassinate your brother, but unfortunately he is too powerful." Thermaplugg took off his mask. There is still a deep wound on his face, and the power of nature continues to erode his body. , leaving him unable to recover no matter what.

"Is this why you came to me?" Zalta stretched out his hand and grabbed the green light in his hand from a long distance away.

It's not that he is more powerful than Thermaplugg, but because this group of power has the same origin as him, he didn't use any means at all, and it left Thermaplugg like a stream returning to the sea.

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