The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 709 Return to Jiangnan

"Don't you already know the reason why I came to you?" Thermaplugg breathed a sigh of relief. This natural energy was not fatal, but it stubbornly eroded his spirit.

"Yes, I have seen the ring," Zalta understood instantly.

"That kid, he got the ring, and you seem to have no chance." Thermaplugg sniffed the cup in front of him greedily, and carefully took a sip of the golden liquid.

"I have no chance, and neither does that person," Zalta said angrily.

The supreme ring!

In order to prevent Illidan from getting the ring and even seduce him to study magic, the two brothers fought for so many years, and finally fell into the hands of an unknown little ant. Zaltar originally thought that he would be angry and unwilling, but in fact He didn't feel this way too strongly.

He just told himself that as long as it was not Remulos, anyone else would be fine.

"Now that the Supreme Ring has appeared, Malfurion can obtain the coordinates from the Emerald Dream, and the whereabouts of Lord Cenarius can also be known," Thermaplugg said with a rare look of expectation.

"I never promised you this, Thermaplugg, but Malfurion should indeed be the most likely person to know the whereabouts of his father," Zaltar said reluctantly.

In the mind of his demigod father, the only person he trusted most, besides the Queen of Dreams, was Malfurion.

Even his brother, who had always been admired by his father, probably didn't know his father's true whereabouts after the war. If calculated, he hadn't seen him for many years.

If it weren't for the fact that the Emerald Dream was still peaceful, Zalta would have doubted whether he was dead.

"I've been waiting for this day for too long, and I can't wait." Thermaplugg put on the mask again. In fact, his face was terrible even after Zalta's treatment.

Leper dwarf!

This was one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the dwarf clan.

Nearly half of the dwarf tribe was contaminated by the radioactive bomb. They have been suffering from leprosy. No one can save them, not even the Moon Girl sacrifice, but Thermaplugg has always believed that Cenarius can .

If Cenarius can't do it, then only the moon god Elune takes action herself.

"Did you introduce the adventurer named Lu Li to Ravenholdt Manor?" Zarta asked after the two sat in silence for a while.

"That was a complete accident. He just recently learned that such a new person was introduced into the organization. This little guy is not very lucky. Unfortunately, he is a risk-taker," Thermaplugg said with a look of regret.

"Don't underestimate the adventurers. This small group of adventurers you sent out cleaned up my Marathon and killed my wife," Zarta snorted coldly.

"It's just an illusion. I pay tribute to Lord Nozdormu." Thermaplugg raised the wine glass and almost drank the liquid in the glass. Fortunately, he reacted in time and spit out the golden liquid that had been poured into his mouth. When he came back, he finally took out a wine bottle and poured all the liquid back.

Zalta pushed back the cup of golden liquid in front of him: "You should keep it. This kind of thing is of no use to me. If I get news from my father, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Thank you Zalta, you saved my life," Thermaplugg did not refuse.

This golden liquid was very effective in curing his leprosy, and was probably the only thing in the world that was effective.

"This is the first time in so many years that I heard you say thank you," Zalta waved his branch-like arms to form a natural magic circle on the ground, and vine-like plant stems and leaves poured out from the magic circle. It wrapped him and pulled him into the ground, and then the plants remaining outside quickly withered and turned into fly ash.

Thermaplugg—the former dwarf tinker. After Zaltar left, he leaned on the stone table. Not long after, he let out a very small moan, and his whole body trembled as if in the wind. The fallen leaves took a long time to recover.

Then he called the waitress.

"Sir," the waitress said, not daring to look at Thermaplugg, even though this gentleman had a low position and never showed any anger.

"Thank you for your hard work this time," Thermaplugg calmly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Perhaps he thought that the pain had been tormenting him, and even strong strength could not stop the fragility that ordinary mortals would show.

"This is all my duty. Is there anything else you need me to do?" The waitress was not at all negligent because of the other party's performance. She knew very well that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Ravenholdt Manor.

Many believe Thermaplugg betrayed his people and allowed the invasion to occur.

Because Thermaplugg once declared that the dwarfs' problems did not need to interfere with the outside world, it is generally believed that he wanted to discredit Mekkatorque and become the first real king of the dwarves in 400 years.

It was Thermaplugg who flooded the halls of Gnomeregan with a bomb, killing the troggs.

As for if some dwarfs died in the process, they would have sacrificed their lives to save the entire race.

Afterwards, he was still trapped in the ruins of Gnomeregan, leading a group of crazy leper gnomes, dreaming of a man's dream of being a king. In fact, he had long been a member of Ravenholdt Manor. In the early days it was.

Ravenholdt Manor provided him with precious engineering drawings, otherwise he would not have become a great tinker so quickly.

For an ancient organization that can last for endless years, you can't even imagine how profound its heritage is.

Everything in the game happened silently and peacefully. No one knew about it. Lu Li had already brought his sister back to Jiangnan City - his real hometown.

This is the place where he was born and raised, no matter whether those days were painful or beautiful.

I still live in my original place. There is a hospital affiliated with the medical school nearby. The medical level is considered to be one of the best in Jiangnan City. If an emergency occurs, it can be handled in time.

Moreover, the hospital in Jinling also introduced experts.

Lu Li would take his sister to the hospital for relevant examinations every week. He also hired a nurse who he thought was relatively experienced and had experience caring for such patients several times.

Lu Li had already considered buying a house, but there was no need to rush yet.

His recent energy may have to be transferred to his first professional league. This is the foundation for him to settle down, and it is also the guarantee that he can make the life of the brother and sister better and better.

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