Unfortunately, the moment the quilboar rushed out to attract the attention, a crow followed it out of the tent, and the blizzard of Star Dream Dance didn't even blow away a single hair on it.

"Quack quack..." The crow couldn't speak, and Lu Li's mocking voice was automatically replaced.

Harsh, extremely harsh.

Xingmeng Qingwu's head was buzzing. This feeling was very far away, just like when he lost the competition for the first time on stage. All his thoughts came one after another and almost exploded his head. However, he was a racer after all. He quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Brother Xing, what should I do?" Someone asked for instructions.

"Will you die if you don't call me Brother Xing?" of."

"Uh..." Perhaps he was struck too hard and was stunned. The people below made irresponsible guesses.

"Go home, success comes from the old Wang next door to the loser. Hehe, he will succeed sooner or later," Xingmeng Qingwu laughed strangely and gave the order to retreat. The noisy wild boar forest quickly returned to calm.

The wild boar forest was once flooded by flash floods and soaked for many years. The forest was dirty all over the ground, and the high places were also stained with a lot of mud.

A dark crow squatted here, quietly watching the group of people leave. He did not chase after him to retaliate. This was no longer the time when he and Jin Yiwei had a PK. At that time, the players were not very familiar with the game. It was easy to Thanks to his skills, people now have more experience and know how to evacuate safely without being attacked.

What's more, it makes no sense to leave one or two people behind at this time.

He was concerned about something else now.

Not long after sending the message, he received a response. Root Number Three invited him to go back and discuss it in detail. It seemed that the situation was much more serious than he thought.

"Moonlight has been suspended twice, Memories has been suspended once, Monkey has been suspended once, and many other members of the elite group have been suspended. Now there is a lot of quarrel in the guild." After meeting, the root number was three. Let’s briefly talk about the situation.

"I saw it. It seems to be targeted. Where are the others?" Lu Li sat down with a serious look on his face.

Yueguang was hanged twice, which was not surprising at all. He should have something to revive him, and with his temper, it was impossible for him to return to the city to be resurrected honestly. I am afraid that many people died at his hands.

I recall that although I was a shaman, I was used to leveling up alone and rarely worked with people from the guild, so it was normal for me to be killed.

As for Fat Monkey, he is also an impulsive person. As long as he is slightly provoked, he will get into the trap by himself. However, he is not as afraid of death as Moonlight, so he only died once.

"Mengmeng keeps pets at home, so it's okay. Yue Yue Tangyuan and the others are leveling together. There is strength in numbers. The other party charged in a wave and failed to kill anyone, but many died. Piao Ling commanded well," Root Number Three The face was weird: "As for those who went to kill Bacchan, dozens of them were all killed by NPCs. They didn't even escape after entering the safe zone..."

"Where is the elite group?" Everyone was targeted, and this time it was obviously not a small fight.

"The loss of the elite group is a bit serious," Root Number Three sighed: "At least a thousand of our people died today, and many of them are members of the three elite groups."

Thousands of people lost experience, and Lu Li's heart ached with cramps in his stomach.

Now is the time when the major guilds are speeding up and running wildly. Every day is a new scene, and they are about to face the professional league. Morale needs to be stimulated, but unexpectedly something like this happens.

"Is it just the Jiangnan noble family, or are there other guilds involved?" Lu Li frowned and began to prepare for the worst.

"Looking at it now, there should be five or six guilds participating, but it's not just for us," Root Number Three comforted: "Actually, similar situations happen every year during large-scale competitions. We didn't catch up with the Huaying Cup before, but this time As expected, my son was targeted.”

"What's going on?" Lu Li asked confused.

Rebirth does not make him omnipotent. Everything he knows is what he has heard and experienced in his previous life. This kind of game between big guilds is completely gossip to ordinary players. Various versions are flying around, and the truth can only be found in person. The people among them know.

"The guild rankings are re-ranked every March. There are many factors taken into consideration, but the most important thing is the competition results..." Root Number Three shook his head and briefly explained the matter.

There were many competitions in the first half of this year, but they were not as influential as the Huaying Cup after the opening of Suguang in the second half of the year. Even the Magic Cup, which had always been ignored by people, took advantage of Suguang's super popularity and went crazy.

This year, several major guilds are in terrible shape, and they are in danger of being significantly relegated.

For example, Jiangnan Nobles failed to get good rankings in several games in other games in the first half of the year. In the second half of the year, they lost the Huaying Cup and then the Magic Cup. If the professional league continues to be so miserable, they will not even be in the top ten of the rankings. It's hard to keep it, and according to last year's ranking results, they were actually in second place.

In addition, guilds such as Brotherly Love, Shengshi Dynasty, Free Sky, Star and Moon Guild, and Jin Yiwei are also facing this dilemma.

After climbing up, no one wants to be pulled down again.

Therefore, at this time, these large guilds who realize that they may be demoted begin to use various methods to muddy the water, killing and setting fire to all possible means, such as what the Sword of Judgment suffered today is one of them.

"The one who should deal with us is the Jiangnan nobles. We are the biggest threat to them, and I met Xingmeng Qingwu," Lu Li said.

"Xingmeng Qingwu!" Root Number Three exclaimed.

Xingmeng Qingwu is a veteran master, very popular in the gaming circle, and can be said to be synonymous with masters. The Jiangnan nobles sent this person to kill Lu Li, which is not an insult to Lu Li.

However, after Root No. 3 exclaimed, the next sentence almost made Lu Li, who was drinking tea, burst into tears.

"Did you kill him?"

"I'll kill you, Third Brother," Lu Li asked the sky speechlessly, "Do you think I'm a god? He brought so many people with him at that time. I was lucky to escape alive."

Thinking about it afterwards, Lu Li was in awe of his lucky escape.

If Xiao Mo encounters such a lineup alone, there will definitely be no doubt whether there will be life or death. There is no such thing as the immortality of Shuguang.

Killing a master is as exciting as beating a BOSS.

Therefore, most professional racers are followed by a group of people when they come in and out. Only thieves like Lu Li who are accustomed to walking alone are taken advantage of. Moonlight and Luoying Memories, who walk alone, have become negative examples.

As for Hachi-chan, people from Jiangnan nobles should not attack her in front of NPCs.

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