The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 717 Declaration of War (please recommend monthly tickets)

"What should we do? Hiding is not an option. How about I go find the water elves?" Lu Li worried.

If he wanted to conquer a dungeon or mission, no matter how difficult it was, he could always think of some way, but now he was facing a huge guild that was so skinny that a camel was bigger than a horse.

The Jiangnan aristocracy was indeed corrupt, but after all, it was still a large guild with hundreds of thousands of people.

There are always hundreds of thousands, and there are several branches, all with tens of thousands of people. Lu Li's Sword of Judgment does not even have 100,000 people at all, and some of them are professional life players with little fighting ability.

Join Wushuang City and Weiyu Pavilion?

As the competition approaches, they will probably not have an easy time, and if they join forces at this time, they are asking for help, and they will be in a weak position to get along with each other in the future.

"Yes, hiding is not an option," Root No. 3 lit up a cigarette. This thing is also available in the game. It is more exciting than in reality. In the smoke, he said with a smile: "As for finding the water elf, I think You are not that kind of person, otherwise you would not have established this Sword of Judgment. You are like a sharp sword, destined not to fit into a cloth bag."

"Tsk, you're already a fortune teller," Lu Li felt a little embarrassed at being told that, so he shook his head and sighed.

"If you were asked to decide, what would you do?" Root asked Sanhao.

"I will not be impulsive. I know the importance and will not focus on the Jiangnan nobles," Lu Li solemnly assured. He had indeed been impulsive and wanted to assassinate the Jiangnan nobles Jin Se Wushang and kill them. Star racer.

As a top thief and possessing props like the Book of Ur, killing someone is not easy.

But after all, he is not a casual person like Moonlight. He has to consider the form, the guild, and those who stand with him for the sake of honor.

"No, no, no, you are wrong," Root Number Three shook his head repeatedly.

"What do you think, third brother?" Lu Li wanted to drag this guy out for a fight and teach him how to behave in no time.

"Declaring war on the Jiangnan nobles, we will knock them down," Root No. 3's teeth were very white, and there was a hint of coldness in the smoke. This usually gentle man did not lack determination.

"At this time?" Lu Li suspected that he heard wrongly.

"Yes, this is the time," Root Number Three pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray on the table: "The rise of every big guild is accompanied by killing and death, whether it is the City of Glory, the Nobles of Jiangnan, or the Bloody War Regardless of the flag, even Weiyu Pavilion, which seems to be mostly women, they all stepped on others to get to the top."

"What do you mean..." Lu Li was not an idiot, and his blood suddenly became hot.

"Actually, even if we win the league championship, it will be difficult for us to rank among the top three in the guild rankings due to a series of factors such as the size of the guild, years of experience, number of games, record of registered players, etc. In this case, why should we care? What's the ranking?" Root No. 3 spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

If anyone knew that the leader of the Sword of Judgment Guild ignored the first season of the professional league, I don’t know what they would think.

"But we still have hope of entering the top ten." The top ten and those outside the top ten are completely different. Some people call the top ten super guilds, while those outside the top ten can only be called big guilds.

City of Glory, Jiangnan Nobles, Blood Flag, Storm Legion, Seventh Heaven, Blue Guardian, Light Rain Pavilion, Wings of Dawn, Peerless City, and Stars. These are the top ten in the current guild list. Any guild is in the gaming circle. The existence of Gaoshan Yangzhi, the guild members who come out here are superior to others.

"Brother, do you think we will win the game if we tolerate it?" Root Number Three smiled bitterly: "Listen to the voices in the guild, or ask your friends."

Lu Li was silent. He had actually been paying attention to the reaction within the guild. After all, such a big thing had happened.

Now everyone in the guild is shouting for war, even the elite group. Some people have even sneaked out to kill people, including Fat Monkey, who was killed once.

"Damn it, you shameless Jiangnan nobleman, you killed someone and still don't admit it," these were Fatty Monkey's exact words.

Fat Monkey is a loyal, passionate person who likes to play PVP. He is very popular among the PVP players in the guild. There are many people who support him. Lu Li knows that he really regards the guild as an honor, so it is not easy to criticize him.

"Wow, he was bitten to death by my tiger, I killed one," this was Can Meng's soft voice, and he actually ran out to kill someone without saying a word.

"These people are so cowardly, why don't you hit me, hit me, hit me," it was Hachi-chan who was clamoring for others to hit her. She was currently in a wild camp, with hundreds of people surrounding her, stunned. I dare not take action.

Nonsense, there is an NPC staring at him next to him. The Alliance Executive Officer has a level as high as fifty-five. He is a complete BOSS template. It is estimated that these 100 people are not enough for him to kill alone, not to mention that there are several BOSS-level existences in this camp.

The more missions you complete, the higher your reputation will be, and Hachi-chan’s hidden attributes and charm are off the charts, and NPCs just fall for this.

"Looking at the old guilds that have been prospering for more than ten years, none of them came here smoothly. They all fought with swords and guns, and blood flowed like rivers." Root Number Three patted Lu Li's shoulder and said, "This The command is left to you, and no matter what decision you make, I will stand by your side."

Lu Li thought about it and couldn't find any guild that had not participated in the union war.

Even Sushou Zhitian, a branch of Weiyu Pavilion, which was full of girls and not a single man, once faced the siege of several guilds alone, and everyone was killed on average more than ten times.

Iron and blood!

Lu Li leaned on the back of his chair, closed his eyes and meditated for a while. When he opened his eyes, he realized that Root No. 3 had left. He opened the guild channel and said in a deep voice: "Stop arguing and listen to what I have to say."

There was a moment of silence in the guild.

"Shuguang is a very good game. We all like it and want to play it well. Unfortunately, Sanren are easily bullied. I have offended the Xingyue Guild, the Jin Yiwei, and the Jiangnan nobles. In the end, I had no choice but to We were able to find more people who wanted to avoid being bullied and joined forces to form the Sword of Judgment. At the beginning, there were only a few people, but we won the Huaying Cup..." This was the first time Lu Li spoke in such a long speech. Speak in the guild.

No one will think he is verbose.

He is the founder of the Sword of Judgment, the spiritual leader of 100,000 people, and the legend that the Sword of Judgment is undefeated.

"...There are so many of them, hundreds of thousands of them, that they feel they can still bully us at will, but we are not cowards. We must let them know the consequences of provoking the Sword of Judgment," Lu Li took a deep breath and shouted: "Now I declare , declare war on the Jiangnan nobles!"

Writing a game novel is like playing a single-player game. Everyone seems to have disappeared. I yelled: Where are the tickets and rewards? ! !

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