The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 718 Counterattack

A declaration of war is an understatement, but the impact it has is huge.

In the Hillsbrad Hills, more than a dozen people are slaughtering a herd of wild horses. These wild horses refresh quickly, come in groups, and have extremely high experience points. It is possible to gain half a level of experience in a day if you persist here.

Because of this, the competition for farming the wild horses is so fierce that individual players can hardly stand.

Today, the people who occupied the best position were the Jiangnan nobles. Three or four groups of wild horses were regularly refreshed here, and they could do so almost non-stop. They had not moved from morning to night except for going offline to eat some food.

Several waves of individual players and people from small guilds approached here, but when they saw the guild badges on the chests of more than a dozen players here, they immediately backed down.

What a joke, no one in the Grand Guild is unreasonable, especially the Jiangnan nobles.

"What are you looking at? Get away." A mage who was sitting on the ground eating bread to recover his health saw someone coming over. He rolled his eyes and shooed the person away without politeness.

"I was just looking at you," the person said stiffly, squeezing his neck.

"Hey, let me go. I've hit a thorn in the side today. The brothers are here for business. Kill these people. Find out where they come from. Issue a wanted order. If you dare to offend the Ax Gang... ahem, if you dare to offend, We Jiangnan nobles are simply..." Before the words "Huo Niwai" could be spoken, the mage was horrified to see these people on the opposite side taking action directly.

It doesn't matter if it's just these seven or eight people. They are all the elites of the Jiangnan nobles, and there are more than a dozen of them.

What made him even more desperate was the sudden sound behind his head. From the corner of his eye, he saw that his teammates were enjoying the same treatment. Twenty or thirty thieves had sneaked in while they were arguing, and now they suddenly broke out and injured people. On average, each Jiangnan noble was taken care of by two thieves.

Death is a very simple thing. It only takes a few dozen seconds. A dozen people who were originally alive and kicking died completely.

"Hey, call it a day, leave two people to clean the battlefield, and let's go to the next target," the leader chuckled, showing no nostalgia for the wild horses that had just been refreshed. Obviously, he had no intention of grabbing leveling points and spawning monsters.

Lakeside Town, this scenic town also has no shortage of combat players. Most of their goals are team tasks.

Although the team tasks are not easy, the rewards are also high. The most important thing is that the experience points are generous. Many players will form a team to come here, and escorting Stubby is a must-do task.

At this time, a group of people was escorting Stubby to fight the jackals.

Stubby is a businessman who hires players to retrieve his goods. It is said that the goods were stolen by jackals. As long as the player escorts him to regain the goods and returns to Lakeside Town safely, he will receive a large amount of experience points as rewards. , if you are lucky, there should be some rare potions.

"Don't run too far, be careful to protect Stubby," the commander squad leader shouted loudly.

Countless jackals came from all directions, but unfortunately they were all ordinary monsters and had no power to fight back against this powerful combination of elite members of the Grand Guild.

"Look, Mr. Stubby, our soldiers are very brave. We will definitely be able to escort you to Lakeside Town unscathed, and your cargo will also be safe and sound," the commander team leader said in addition to commanding. Can get close to NPCs.

It is said that if the NPC is not injured and the goods are not damaged, there will be a greater chance of obtaining rare medicines.

He didn't see the contempt for them in the NPC's eyes at all. The merchants relied on mercenaries and looked down on these poor people. Stubby obviously would not give his medicine to these guys with low charm.

"The flames of anger, burn all this, hahahaha..."

Along with the sound, there was an overwhelming rain of flames, and various skills followed closely, killing dozens of people in an instant. Shuguang has always insisted that quantity can change everything, and the strength of an individual is not enough. Now this is the evidence.

When a group of 100 people faced off against 20 or 30 people, the outcome was determined in such a split second, not to mention that these 20 or 30 people had been fighting for a long time, and the group of 100 people attacked unexpectedly.

Stubby, who looked arrogant, was stunned. He looked at the group of robbers stupidly - is there any more vivid way to describe this group of people than robbers?

"Hey, man, my skill control is good, haha," the fire mage said with a smirk on his face, and a arrogant look on his young face, which made the old NPC businessman sincerely feel how great it would be if I could still be so young. Overview.

"Elder brother, get out of the way and let me come," the little girl Druid squeezed out of the crowd.

"Okay, Bacchan, be careful, I will stand by to protect you," Fat Monkey also knew that the NPC would not abandon him, so he reluctantly gave up his position facing the NPC.

With his fierce look, it is indeed difficult to win the favor of the NPC.

"Hello, uncle, we are good people," Hachi-chan said seriously, raising her little head.

"Huh, I was shocked. I thought my life was in danger today. Little girl, how could you hang out with these despicable mercenaries..."

Then, this mission, which was originally triggered by the Jiangnan nobles and could be completed only a few minutes away, was easily transformed into a mission for Hachi-chan. Not to mention the experience value, Stubby, who was very late to meet Hachi-chan, The merchant also gave her a bunch of rare potions.

Things like this happened everywhere. From the moment Lu Li announced the war, all the professional combat players began to unite.

There are many sources of intelligence, and many intelligence organizations are happy to share information about the Jiangnan nobles with the Sword of Judgment. Most of them have a background in large guilds, and they are happy to watch the Sword of Judgment and the Jiangnan nobles fight to the death.

In fact, many previous wars between old and new guilds were like this.

The new guild is deficient in all aspects, and the main factor that can overthrow the big-name old guild is the fueling of other guilds. They are very happy for a guild that was originally ranked second to fall apart.

Earlier, Wushuang City defeated the super guild Brotherhood and eliminated him from the top ten. He has not recovered for two or three years. Even earlier, Weiyu Pavilion completely defeated Ragnarok. If it weren't for the fear of Mu Mu, a super racer, will never give up. Let alone occupying the 30th place on the guild list in Ragnarok, he may not even have a chance to reach the 100th place.

Now the Jiangnan nobles are facing off against the Sword of Judgment.

The momentum of the Sword of Judgment is unstoppable, and it seems difficult to contain it. So let's simply let him and the Jiangnan nobles fight to the death. On the one hand, it can curb the development of the Sword of Judgment, and on the other hand, it can also be used by those who are eagerly looking for it. The further guilds will make room.

Even the Bloody Banner, which had always been fair and strict, couldn't help but send a group of people pretending to be the Sword of Judgment to kill people everywhere.

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