The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 719 Revenge does not last overnight

Lu Li himself was not idle either. From the moment he called for war, his blood was already boiling.

Who is the first target?

Nonsense, of course it’s Xingmeng Qingwu!

He actually wanted to kill himself. Not taking revenge is not a gentleman. Although Lu Li is not a gentleman, he is stingy and holds a grudge. Especially for such a dead hand who doesn't leave him any room, revenge will never be overnight.

Where is Xingmeng Qingwu now? The information was quickly sent to Lu Li.

Moreover, he went to the mercenary hall to pick up a wanted order about Xing Meng Qing Wu. This guy actually had a PK value. Lu Li quickly got the detailed coordinates of Xing Meng Qing Wu.

Leveling up in Tanaris.

This desert has the most difficult group of monsters on the map of the same level. The effort and reward are directly proportional, and the experience value will certainly not be bad.

"There are more than forty of them, with all professions, but I estimate there is at least a small team of thieves who can stealth and gain experience," Lu Li used a simulator to simulate the deep sand plain map of Tanaris.

There is a similar function in the game, but it can only be used on maps that players have explored.

"It's hard for us to start. This is a desert. Except for a few small sand dunes, you can see everything at a glance. You can see it from a long distance. Do you want to drag all the thieves in the guild over?" Cain's left hand looked sad. He is now I also understand why Star Dream Light Dance chose Tanalis for leveling.

A single professional attack is not as powerful as people imagine. A hundred thieves working together may not be able to defeat fifty people with a normal combination of professions.

Because these fifty people have control, treatment, output, and defense.

Unless the number of people is relatively small, catch him by surprise.

"This is unrealistic. The battle is in full swing now, and the thieves are almost the busiest. One person cannot affect the overall situation," Lu Li shook his head, obviously not intending to do so.

"What do you think we should do, boss?" Cain's left hand asked.

"Send a half-man group to charge directly at them." Lu Li picked up the dagger on his finger and waved it: "Then you and I take advantage of the chaos to kill people. Remember to hold him until death."

"Okay, absolutely no problem, I'll make arrangements," Cain's left hand was overjoyed.

This guy was filled with joy when he heard that he had a part in it, and that it was such an important task. He was killing the top star racers, even though he was only an assistant.

There are a lot of "star-chasers" in the game. Some of them want to have close contact with the star game, hold hands and sign autographs. Thinking about it makes them feel a little excited. However, some of them are not psychologically normal. They hope to be able to put themselves into the game. Kill the celebrities you follow.

Cain's left hand was clearly of this type.

A team of fifty people quickly gathered. Their mission was to charge into the formation, create opportunities for Lu Li and Cain's left hand, and then retreat calmly after completing the mission.

There is not a trace of cloud in the sky. This endless sea of ​​sand dunes is said to be the home of sand-dwelling hard-shell monsters. These creatures live in nests in underground caves and wait for unwary travelers. However, the ground is currently covered with a kind of red color. Wolf cubs, they are bloodthirsty and will rush towards you whenever they smell the scent of living things.

And then... it turned into experience.

Lu Li and others set off from Gadgetzan and soon arrived at the place where Xingmeng Qingwu was training. He was a star player and couldn't chase others all day long. Leveling was his main job.

"I'm going to see if there's any ambush," Cain asked Lu Li with his left hand.

"Go ahead and be careful," Lu Li felt reassured. The piece of equipment on Cain's left hand that could enhance his invisibility was very powerful and generally would not be discovered.

After two or three minutes, Cain's left hand came back.

"There are no people nearby, but there are about four or five thieves surrounding Xing Meng Qingwu," Cain's left hand gave the general situation, and finally added: "None of the thieves are sneaking."

"They probably don't know about our attack yet, that's why they are so bold," Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"No matter what, let's kill them." Cain's left hand felt itchy, and so did the fifty or so people they brought. This is an action to kill a star player. If it succeeds, take it outside and say , it’s really too face-saving.

"Wait for my signal and then take action," Lu Li nodded to Cain's left hand and hid his figure.

After Lu Li left, the commander here was Nuo Yu, a fire mage. He was once assigned by Jin Se Wushang to be an undercover agent in the Sword of Judgment. Later, he was instigated by Lu Li to rebel. Now he is the commander of a hundred-man regiment. In the Sword of Judgment, He is also considered a relatively respected figure in the camp.

"You, go to the direction of Gadgetzan and stay in contact with the brothers in Gadgetzan. If a team of more than ten people suddenly teleports over, report it to me immediately," Noyu assigned a druid to sneak there. Watch out.

Not long after, a signal came from Lu Li.

"Okay, the warriors rush forward, the mages follow behind, and the melee professions outflank them. Kill the healers first, then the mages. If you see Xingmeng Qingwu, let's focus our fire together and take action!"

More than fifty people straightened up and rushed over quickly.

Xingmeng Qingwu failed to kill Lu Li, so he knew that if he tried to succeed, he would have no chance. As for the follow-up attack on the Sword of Judgment, it was not his turn, as an important person, to worry about.

He was just feeling a little unhappy, but this unhappiness did not delay his leveling up.

In order to compete, he had to practice leveling up. He usually paid great attention to protecting himself, and he didn't put in extra protection today.

Because he didn't think that the Sword of Judgment would fight back at all, nor did he think that the Sword of Judgment had the power to fight back. The gap between the two sides was really too big, and they were not on the same level at all.

There are more than 400,000 people in the Jiangnan Nobles Association's additional branches, while the Sword of Judgment has less than 100,000 people in total.

Five against one, no suspense!

The biggest possibility is to find Weiyu Pavilion to mediate. The Jiangnan aristocrats still have to give the female rich man this face. Otherwise, if the female rich man joins her group of accomplices to press hard, life will be difficult.

The super guild that once dominated for a while actually has scruples.

Xingmeng Qingwu was also a little depressed. Could it be because Jinse Wushang was incompetent in his leadership, or was it because the conflict between himself and Tong Yanwuji affected the results of the competition.

While releasing his skills, he was thinking about something. When he heard the exclamations of his teammates, he realized that someone was sneaking up on him.

Things are really changing. Not long after they attacked Lu Li, it was their turn to be attacked so quickly. Didn't they see how many people there were on their side? Even if they couldn't defeat forty or fifty people, they had to buy themselves thirty seconds to start the furnace. Shi is absolutely fine.

There was no cover in the desert, and the troops from both sides instantly crossed each other, causing massive damage.

Generally speaking, the Sword of Judgment made a profit, after all, it was a sneak attack, and the Jiangnan nobles continued to fight, and their health and magic values ​​were not slow. Most of their professions were mages, and mages who did not hold up their shields were squishy. Five or six fell in the first wave.

Xingmeng Qingwu was immediately protected by thieves, and she experienced the perfect quality of the elites of the Grand Guild.

The few thieves who protected him were not so lucky. They were either killed instantly or had only half health left. Those with half health left showed that his equipment was of good quality.

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