The attack is so fierce, the Grand Guild, the Sword of Judgment!

"Lu Li, you're still not a human being, why are you so hasty?" Thoughts whirled, Xingmeng Qingwu instantly judged who his enemy was. He was shocked and angry. This revenge must have come too fast. .

The situation was not good for the Jiangnan nobles at the beginning, and many of them died.

But they are a big guild after all, especially the players who can form a group with the players to level up. They are all the elites among the elites, so they quickly stabilized their position, at least there will be no one-sided situation.

"Get out of the way," Xingmeng Qingwu pushed away a thief who was blocking him, and faced Nuoyu and the others with a blizzard group attack skill.

It was too chaotic over there, and even he didn't dare to flash into the crowd. In comparison, the star racer cherished his life even more and valued his experience points more.

Isn’t the damage of group attack skills high?

Come on, it all depends on who casts it well. With Xingmeng Qingwu's equipment, the blizzard's damage is more powerful than that of an ordinary mage's ice arrow. It is probably only comparable to the level of Huadi Liqing.

Two people were knocked down instantly by the Sword of Judgment. It was not that they were killed instantly, but that their health was almost exhausted in the melee.

"Okay, it's rude to come and not return. Haven't you heard?"

Lu Li's voice sounded behind him, but it was a pity that Xingmeng Qingwu couldn't move because he was successfully attacked by a sneak attack.

This is unreasonable. Why is it so easy to be attacked by a sneak attack? Why is such a high perception fed to dogs? And there are still two thieves around him.

In fact, there were no longer two thieves at this time.

It was Cain's left hand that knocked out Xing Meng Qing Wu. His piece of equipment helped him a lot. He was not discovered even when he was close to Xing Meng Qing Wu, while Lu Li was responsible for the remaining two thieves.

One with residual health and one with half health, I really can't afford to make waves.

"Fuck, come here and protect me," Xingmeng Qingwu's unique drake voice shouted loudly. He didn't know that the situation was bad. The other party obviously wanted to explode his anus with premeditation.

At the same time, he uses the badge to escape from the thieves' control.

Unfortunately, while using the badge, another sneak attack followed. He didn't even have a chance to flash. Cain's left hand was always attacking. Lu Li had been waiting for his badge.

Can Xingmeng Qingwu be controlled until death in this way?

Don't be kidding, let alone Xingmeng Qingwu, even a slightly inferior mage cannot be killed so easily, unless he kills him instantly before he can react.

The ice barrier is the legendary refrigerator.

The mage freezes himself and is protected from all damage. This skill is invincible. Only in the future will priests have enhanced dispersion and warriors have shattering throw to be able to deal with it.

However, while the refrigerator was protected from damage, Xingmeng Qingwu was not a threat to Lu Li, and his health and magic would not be restored.

At this time, Lu Li decisively gave up on Xingmeng Qingwu and pounced on the players from the Jiangnan nobles who came to support him. With his sharp blades flying, he harvested lives with his friends.

Xingmeng Qingwu was caught in a tangle, and he now knew that there was more than one thief dealing with him.

After Lu Li left, there should be a thief waiting behind him.

Once he breaks out of the ice, he will inevitably be attacked by thieves behind him. Lu Li seems to have no regard for this side, but everyone knows that he can counterattack at any time.

But he couldn't hide it forever.

Not to mention that the skill of Refrigerator will eventually end, just talking about his teammates, it seems that they can't hold on any longer. If it were an ordinary player being beaten like this, they would probably collapse.

"Fuck, if you die, a bird will fly to the sky, if you don't die for tens of millions of years, let's fight," Xing Meng Qingwu suddenly opened the refrigerator.

Cain's left hand was highly tense, and the dagger in his hand was always ready to be handed out. However, there was still a gap between him and the professional players. Not only did he fail to sneak attack Xingmeng Qingwu, but he was also frozen to the ground by a Frost Nova.

Just as Lu Li was about to return for help, frost began to condense under his feet.

Of course, a Frost Nova could not have such a large range. What Xingmeng Qingwu left behind was a water element, and the hydrated finger of the water element pointed exactly at Lu Li's feet.

"You want to kill me with just a few people, Lu Li, you are a little naive," Xingmeng Qingwu's ice pick accompanied his fast-moving figure and wreaked havoc among the Sword of Judgment team.

Many people were slowed down, accompanied by a deceleration effect.

With the addition of this new force, the morale of the Jiangnan nobles suddenly rose.

"I'll give you a chance to fight in a duel. I'm not as shameless as you, bringing hundreds of people against me." Lu Li suddenly moved behind Xing Meng Qingwu.

White's third leg (gold)*3: Armor 42, agility 25, constitution 12, movement speed 10%, special effect 1: escape into the shadows, appear behind the target, and increase your movement speed by 80%. Lasts for 3 seconds, the damage caused by your next skill is increased by 20%, the threat value is reduced by 50%, the cooling time is 120 seconds, special effect 2: White's prosthetic leg, use, bounce forward or backward eight yards, cooling time is 120 seconds, The equipment requires level 35 and durability 82/82.

Worthy of being called the third leg, this kind of maneuverability made Xingmeng Qingwu's scalp numb.

Of course, he would not sit still and wait for death. He just activated the special effects of one of the equipment and instantly appeared eight yards away. He often used this move to get rid of thieves chasing after him.

It is best for mages to keep their distance from their opponents.

However, what made him helpless was that Lu Li obviously had similar special effects or skills. This guy was still chasing after him, and Xingmeng Qingwu was once again entangled.

Should we use the method that we have been hiding?

An attack of this level can only be said to be a trouble for him, and it has not reached the point where he is helpless.

But after using it, this is what he needs to consider.

For example, one of his trump cards is a clone skill, which creates three clones, each with 20% of the attack power of the main body. Although he can only use one skill, Ice Arrow, the significance is far greater than that.

This skill cannot allow you to escape today, so there is no point in using it.

There is also a burst damage, which is not very useful. At least it cannot kill Lu Li. As for killing Cain's left hand, this guy is not worthy of Xing Meng Qingwu's trump card.

Unless his teammates are still able to protect him and rush out.

The most realistic situation at the scene is that more than half of the Jiangnan nobles have been killed, and although the Sword of Judgment has also suffered heavy losses, there are at least more people than the Jiangnan nobles. The gap in strength between the two sides is getting wider and wider, which has also caused Star Dream Qingwu's despair.

The mage is not a thief, and he has no particularly effective means of escaping.

In Dawn, agility divides the player's speed into several levels to a certain extent. The intelligence and strength systems can't compare to the agility system, let alone in front of Lu Li, who is famous for his rabbit legs.

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