"Boss, why do you think he is so weak?" Cain stopped in front of Lu Li with his left hand like a wind, and said in confusion.

Only the members of the Sword of Judgment were left on the field. All the Jiangnan nobles, including Xingmeng Qingwu himself, were killed. The ground was full of corpses and equipment potions. The Sword of Judgment also suffered heavy losses, with only a dozen or so people left. But in comparison, they can still be proud to say that they are the winners of this surprise battle.

"Weak?" Lu Li played with Xing Meng Qingwu's fallen staff and shook his head: "He is not weak, he has given up resistance."

"Here, he's still a racer. I've never heard of a racer giving up resistance. Don't they always fight until the last moment?" Cain's left hand was stunned for a moment, and then he showed endless contempt.

"You think too much, left hand, eat more walnuts in the future." Lu Li threw the equipment in his hand to Nuo Yu who came over: "Take a look at it, Xingmeng Qingwu's weapon."

"Wow, I actually exploded the weapon. I really made a profit this time," Nuo Yu glanced at it and handed it back to Lu Li.

Lu Li was puzzled: "Don't you look down on it? This is dark gold equipment. The three special effects are all top-notch. It can be held by Xingmeng Qingwu. It is worth not only tens of thousands of gold, but at least not two or three thousand gold." Don’t come down.”

"Boss, please stop joking. How come I don't like it?" Nuoyu waved his hands repeatedly: "I'm not a racer. It's too wasteful to use it. Give it to the monkey."

"It's his loss that he didn't come," Lu Li insisted and gave the equipment to Nuo Yu. Seeing that he refused, he had to say: "You can lend it to him during the competition. Our rule is who gives it to whom. These are the rules, don’t break them easily.”

Nuoyu's priority is very high, but Fat Monkey is a racer, so of course he can't compare.

But there is another rule of the Sword of Judgment, that is, the priority of being present is higher. Here Nuoyu is the mage with the highest level and points present, and he commanded the group battle brilliantly, annihilating all the enemies with a considerable number of people, without giving up any chance. The enemy escapes.

Having said this, Nuo Yu couldn't refuse anymore and obediently took over this amazingly valuable piece of equipment.

"Okay, after cleaning up the battlefield, let's leave," Lu Li read the return message first. He was very satisfied with the results of this operation. He not only killed Xing Meng Qingwu, but also exploded his weapon.

Don't think that 20% of experience is not much. Xingmeng Qingwu is now level 42, and this 20% is enough for him to grind for at least half a day.

Moreover, he also lost his level 40 dark gold weapon. Lu Li believed that even if he had a spare, it would never be as good as the one that exploded. Dropping a weapon upon death is the most costly way to drop it.

What Lu Li looked forward to more was Xing Meng Qingwu's mentality.

In the morning, he led hundreds of people to kill Lu Li but failed to kill him. In the afternoon, he was killed by Lu Li and his men, and the number of people was even.

"No, boss, I'm going to post on the forum. I've recorded everything." After returning to the city, Cain's left hand couldn't calm down. He still didn't believe that he participated in killing Xingmeng Qingwu.

In fact, he took the first and last knife.

"Uh, do you want to be so cruel?" Lu Li sweated. He could already imagine the reaction of the entire Jiangnan nobles after seeing the video. Because Xingmeng Qingwu gave up her resistance and didn't reveal any of her trump cards, her performance was naturally of a low standard.

"Boss, if you think it's too much, then I'll keep it for myself to enjoy..." Cain's left hand was a little disappointed when Lu Li said this, but he wouldn't disobey Lu Li's order.

"Why don't you keep it for yourself to enjoy and post it? Wait, find a later stage and make it more exciting." Lu Li became the hands-off shopkeeper not very responsibly.

"Boss, where are you going? The offline time is coming soon. Do you want to go drinking with the brothers after the game?" Cain's left hand went to kill people with Lu Li today. He felt that the boss was not so cold, so he extended an invitation.

"Drink?" Lu Li hesitated.

"The bar, the biggest one in Qingshan District, is full of girls from nearby schools. Boss, you are so cool, you must be very popular," Cain's left hand took Lu Li's hesitation as intention.

"I'd better not go, you guys have fun," Lu Li frowned and refused the invitation.

He originally thought that everyone was getting together for a drink and a meal. He was planning to get closer to the elites in the guild, but he didn't expect that they were going to a place like that.

"Okay," Cain scratched his hair with his left hand in despair.

The time to go offline was indeed coming soon. Lu Li checked the time and saw that there was less than an hour left. There was no need to go leveling up. There was chaos outside.

Lu Li thought for a while and went to the mercenary hall.

"Coordinates 3175, 14895, 24, Swamp of Sorrows, I didn't expect that guy to like such a scary map..."

After Lu Li got the coordinates, he immediately set off for the Swamp of Sorrows. Jinse Wushang didn't have a PK value on his body, so his coordinates could only be checked once every half an hour. If he moved slowly, there would be no way to determine his location.

That's right, Lu Li was going to visit Jin Se Wushang, the president of the Jiangnan nobles.

The Swamp of Sorrows is wet and rainy most of the time, and seawater seeps into the swamp, turning it into a salty wetland. The trees growing in the swamp are huge and emit moisture, making the air more humid. Coming here is like being in a rain forest.

When the official introduced this place, they only said one thing: Swamp of Sorrows is not for the faint of heart.

This stinky mud pond is full of monsters. It is difficult to move even an inch. There is almost no place to stay. There is stinky water everywhere, and there are also wild beasts that breed and multiply because of it.

Lu Li quickly saw his target.

In an area where swamp tigers are densely populated, about seven to eight hundred people are leveling up. This is completely a reserved rhythm. This kind of monster is basically reserved by them.

The Swamp Tiger has rich experience points and good drops. It is the favorite monster spawning target of the big guild.

Lu Li was sneaking and lying in a bush. There were no monsters here, and it was completely dark, so he didn't have to worry about anyone discovering him.

However, these seven or eight hundred people were all members of the Jiangnan nobles, and they protected Jinse Wushang very well. When Lu Li saw the lineup, he had given up hope for this operation.

There were many torches around Jin Se Wushang, and Lu Li could see him fighting monsters with a one-handed sword and shield while joking with the girls next to him.

What puzzled Lu Li was that his always arrogant demeanor actually contained a bit of flattery.

Perhaps because of this confusion, he did not retreat immediately. Anyway, time was running out and there was nothing he could do if he went back.

People often led a group of monsters to run in front of Lu Li. They never dreamed that the person whom the Jiangnan nobles now hated so much was lurking around them.

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