The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 722: Take a walk (please give me monthly tickets)

The way Lu Li dealt with Xing Meng Qing Wu before was actually no different from the way Xing Meng Qing Wu dealt with him.

The reason why two essentially identical actions produce completely different results is mainly due to the completely different professional types of thieves and mage, and there is also a slight difference in personal strength between Lu Li and Xing Meng Qingwu.

If Lu Li wasn't a thief, he wouldn't have been able to escape Xing Meng Qingwu's attack.

Now in the current situation, he couldn't continue to apply the previous methods mechanically. Lu Li didn't need to count at all, he knew how many people this place could accommodate to level up with maximum efficiency.

There are at least 700 Jiangnan nobles here.

So, if Lu Li brought over 3,000 people, would it be possible to kill Jin Se Wushang as well?

Jinse Wushang is the president of the Jiangnan nobles, and he is the kind of person with very great power. There is no behind-the-scenes boss like Water Elf or Lu Li to restrict his decision-making. In terms of influence in the gaming industry, his The status is no worse than Xingmeng Qingwu.

Killing him would be a bigger blow to the Jiangnan nobles.

But Lu Li would not bring 3,000 people to surround these 700 people. Seven hundred and seventy are completely different concepts.

If there are 70 people, it will be done in one pot, but if there are 700 people, it will be a close battle, because you 3,000 people will not be able to spread out at all for a while, and only a few hundred people will actually fight head-on.

While fighting, Jinse Wushang can definitely read the hearthstone and return to the city calmly.

Don't think that they will stay and live and die with everyone, that is what they did when they were young. If you see these old foxes with a passionate and risk-taking attitude, it means that their reinforcements will arrive in the next moment.

So Lu Li could only hide here and watch.

He had almost given up. He just planned to stay up until the offline time and end the game today. His sister could go out for a walk recently, and Lu Li would accompany her after he quit the game.

Time passed little by little, and Lu Li was very patient.

It would be unrealistic to say that he had given up completely at this time. There was always a glimmer of hope in his heart.

When this group of people returns to the city later, if Jinse Wushang doesn't return to the city first, he plans to take the risk of kicking his return to the city. Maybe the Jiangnan nobles will relax their vigilance because they are about to go offline.

The more you can relax, the more likely you are to become an assassin.

Numerous cases in Lu Li's memory in his previous life have confirmed this point.

The dark night was shrouded in wildness, and the light of the torch was erratic in the wind. Lu Li gradually approached Jin Se Wushang and waited quietly in the open space behind him.

There are still ten minutes left.

Generally speaking, everyone should go back at this point, either to have a drink, or to clean their backpacks, and their equipment needs to be repaired, so that they can go out directly after going online tomorrow morning.

Jinse Wushang had no idea that there was someone squatting not far behind him, guarding him.

He was talking and laughing with the girl at this time, his voice was full of flattery, and he deliberately showed off his martial prowess, using a shield and a one-handed sword to fight monsters.

Blood splattered and the shield thudded as the monster struck.

It looks like his skills are pretty good, but in the eyes of an expert like Lu Li, it's ridiculous. A level 40 defense knight can't even hold down more than two swamp tigers. He uses taunting skills in conjunction with What a mess.

That girl, on the other hand, is pretty good for the mage profession.

At least when the monster's health is low, she will use an ice gun just right to take away the remaining health, while rookies will often continue to read Ice Arrow, causing extra waste of damage.

"Boss, please withdraw," a player came over to ask for instructions.

"Oh, is it time yet?" Jinse Wushang laughed and said, "Look, I have such a tacit understanding with you to clear monsters that I have forgotten the time. Brothers, you have worked hard today. Let's go back."

"Then boss, you go first," the player stood still.

In fact, this is not flattery, but professionalism, just like walking with the leader in daily life, one step ahead or one step behind, both are knowledgeable.

"Sister Ling, this is not far from the camp. How about we walk back? I am a paladin and I will have no problem protecting you." Just when Lu Li was about to turn around and leave in despair, something unexpected happened. Jinse Wu Shang actually wanted to take a walk back.

Take a walk back?

You are sick, your brain was kicked by a donkey, right?

Superfluous, dangerous, and cheap!

Lu Li, who was obsessed with being alone, could never understand the meaning of Jin Se Wushang's move.

Take a slow walk back with the girl, and there is a chance for a hero to save the beauty. Maybe the girl will be tempted at a certain moment.

"Well, that's okay," the female player called Ling Mei put away the hearthstone without comment. She actually didn't object to Jin Se Wushang's proposal. It seemed that Lang Youqing was interested.

"Well, then I'll arrange it..." The player who was waiting for Jin Se Wushang to return to the city was a little dumbfounded.

"No, no, no, what time has it been? Where is the threat? If we encounter a monster, do you think Miss Purple Wind Chime and I will not be able to deal with it?" Jinse Wushang waved his hands, and the implication was Get out of here, all you light bulbs.

"Okay," the player thought for a moment and didn't think there would be any threat in the last ten minutes of today.

As long as you take the main road, even a few escaping mobs will not threaten a level 40 defense knight wearing gold or dark gold equipment, and maybe it can add some excitement.

So, under Lu Li's delighted gaze, the Jiangnan noble players read the return to the city one by one.

The originally noisy and lively area suddenly fell silent, leaving only a few lingering torches, oh, and a pair of doggy men and women who were about to go back for a walk.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to take action and waited for Jin Se Wushang and Purple Wind Chime to get on the road.

There were too many monsters in the strange area. Although Lu Li was sure that he would not be affected, wouldn't it be safer if he took the main road?

"It's tiring. Managing such a big guild, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired, but seeing the shaky Jiangnan nobles recover day by day under my leadership, I feel a special sense of accomplishment," Jin Sewu Shang sighed, but even ghosts could hear the boastfulness in his tone.

Lu Li wanted to slap him in the face. A guild that was originally ranked first had been tortured like this in his hands, and he still had the nerve to say such things.

Moreover, although the Jiangnan nobles have always had a mediocre reputation, their style is to use money to hit people, at least not like people like Jin Se Wushang who always like to use villainous methods.

"Brother Wushang is a gaming celebrity, I have always admired him," Purple Wind Chime pursed his lips and chuckled.

Purple wind chimes, purple wind chimes, Lu Li was shocked when he saw the woman's smile.

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