The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 724 Soy Sauce Team

This time of year is always full of excitement, but there are always two or a few guilds that become the protagonists of the war.

This year's results have been announced, they are the Sword of Judgment and the Jiangnan Nobles.

One old guild has dominated the gaming industry for more than ten years, making many opponents dare not speak out, while the other is a new rising star this year, who is even more powerful than Wushuang City a few years ago.

At least Wushuang City had to swallow its anger for two years. Two years later, it went on a killing spree with its brothers, establishing its status as a super guild in one fell swoop.

The Sword of Judgment surprisingly doesn't care about anything and just cuts it apart!

These days, the most famous one is Sword of Judgment. Even people who don’t care much about games know about this group.

"It was only established this year..."

"Just ten people, got a lot of first kills, stepped on the heads of all the big guilds, reached the game Huaying Cup championship, became a guild after the game, and became a big guild in a few days..."

"He is very tough. Lu Li relied on his superiority to kill Jiangnan nobles Xing Meng Qingwu and Jin Se Wushang. The thieves are so powerful. If he had known what kind of warrior I would be..."

"An all-out war has begun, and dozens or hundreds of people from the two guilds can be seen competing against each other everywhere..."

"How could it be possible to lose? Anyway, I don't see any sign that the Sword of Judgment is losing. It feels like it is fighting against the nobles of Jiangnan..."

"I've heard that the Jiangnan nobles subsidize 4,000 yuan per death. The Sword of Judgment doesn't subsidize even a cent. But the people who use the Sword of Judgment are as strong as any medicine they've taken. They really are not afraid of death. I usually see it. If you don’t come out, the people in this guild will actually be crazy.”

"Nonsense, you don't even know who Lu Li is. How dare you go out and kill the president of your family alone? How can you not be crazy?"

"The craziest one is probably Fat Monkey. It is said that he has been killing Jiangnan nobles in the past two days. I feel that he likes PK more than Moonlight. He is indeed a fire spell, very hot."

"You know what the heck, Moonlight has died three times, and he's still killing people everywhere..."

"Fat Monkey is just a stupid young man. He is not as handsome as Yueguang. But the most handsome one is Huadi Liqing. He is handsome and cold, and he is super nice to his sister..."

"Hey, where did your topic go? Let's guess who will win."

"Guess what, some of the nobles in Jiangnan are starting to withdraw from the membership. Do you see anyone pretending to be a coward in the Sword of Judgment?"

In fact, some people have withdrawn from the Sword of Judgment. Root No. 3 gave Lu Li a copy of the list. From the day the war was declared, more than a hundred people had withdrawn from the membership in just three days.

One of the members of the elite group even wanted to terminate their contract.

Things that can't be helped are like this in real life. There are all kinds of people. The Sword of Judgment did not embarrass this person and terminated the contract readily. However, these people who left will never come back.

Even if you recruit a few people randomly on the street, it is better than leaving at such a difficult time.

This was not an evenly matched battle. What really allowed the Sword of Judgment to survive was the support from its allies. The most powerful one was of course Weiyu Pavilion. They filmed thousands of people entering the Sword of Judgment, all inside Weiyu Pavilion. PK fanatics.

This has almost become an open secret. After all, there are so many people and there is no way you can keep it a hundred percent secret.

But the Jiangnan nobles had no choice. They couldn't condemn Weiyu Pavilion, let alone start a war against Weiyu Pavilion. Water Elf, a local rich woman with full wings, was worrying about not having a fight.

Wushuang City has not formed an alliance with the Sword of Judgment. They all have a friendly relationship with Weiyu Pavilion. Wushuang City's "fasting mosquito", a professional hunter, also brought a group of people to participate in the battle. They covered their faces and cleared out several Jiangnan nobles on the map, helping the Sword of Judgment take a lot of pressure off.

In addition, there are some more mysterious people.

Lu Li didn't even know where the people who were helping them came from. There were probably other guilds who wanted to add insult to injury, and there were also individual people who had been bullied by Jiangnan nobles who wanted to take revenge. We couldn't rule out mercenaries who had the equipment to fish in troubled waters and kill people.

There are generally no activities on Christmas. For casual players, it may just be a variety of games, but for those who really play games, starting from this day is the beginning of the most important competition of the year.

Sword of Judgment previously paid seven hundred gold coins and signed up to participate in the professional league.

Each player has one hundred gold coins. This is a new rule. Although most clubs complain, no one will give up the game because of this rule.

They are the champions of the Huaying Cup and have the right not to participate in the preliminary round. However, because the team needs to get used to it, and they are reluctant to part with the generous ticket money, they plan to follow the normal way and gradually enter the competition.

The first arena match started first.

The new competition system will calculate results based on points. There are five people in the group competition, and points will be calculated based on head count. For example, if Lu Li kills five people on the opposite side by himself, the Sword of Judgment will score 5 points, and in the team competition, another 5 points will be scored based on winning or losing.

If Lu Li is killed, the opponent will get a point.

If two Swords of Judgment are killed and five are killed by the opponent in the arena, then the Sword of Judgment will get five points and the opponent will get two points.

Preliminary round, promotion round, top 100 round, top 16 round, quarter-final round, semi-final round, final round, every time a new stage is reached, the points will be reset to zero, and each round will be advanced according to the level of points.

"Are you coming, or am I coming?" Lu Li asked Yueguang. There is no doubt that the two of them are the strongest people in the team in a duel. According to the rules of the game, of course, the strongest person will be sent first.

"I'll do it," Yueguang entered the arena unceremoniously.

The registration fee of one hundred gold coins is not a small amount. The first season of the professional league has set a certain threshold to deter players who come to compete. Therefore, those who can really participate in the competition must either have some ability, or they do not have a hundred gold coins. The little rich man who puts gold coins in his eyes.

This time, the Sword of Judgment encountered a small team of rich people. The mage player who came on first appeared to have very good equipment, but in fact he had no skills at all.

Only a small amount of blood was lost, and the moonlight emptied the opponent's blood.

Although he lost, the mage player was as excited as a lunatic. If it hadn't been banned from the game, he would have hugged Moonlight and kissed her a few times.

Perhaps for those who hope to enter the promotion round, meeting a strong team is a disaster, but soy sauce teams like them are here to see the world, and drawing the Sword of Judgment is a complete surprise.

From now on, when you go out, you can tell others that I have played against the top star players. You have heard of Yue Guang? I fought with him for 300 rounds and was defeated by his big move.

Yueguang regretted taking the initiative to take the stage. This was not a competition, and her opponent was no match for her.

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