The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 725 The monkey was sold

According to the rules of the competition, Moonlight will stand on the ring to accept the challenge of the opponent's next competitor.

For the sake of fairness, after the battle ends and before the next battle begins, Moonlight's health and skill CD will be frozen, and he will maintain his final state to face the next challenge.

The second person to come up was the warrior.

PK with the same profession is actually quite interesting, but it also depends on who is fighting whom. At best, this warrior can only be said to be purely operational, and is not at the same level as Moonlight.

You come and go, and the battle is over after dozens of seconds.

At the last moment, Moonlight's health volume was 71%, and neither of them had lost one-third of his health volume. The candidates arranged by Sword of Judgment for the arena competition were completely useless.

After this warrior was defeated, he was followed by the Paladin, Warlock, and Hunter professions... After the arena match, Moonlight's HP was still 42%, but in fact, his last fight was very perfunctory, and his ultimate move was almost Useless, let alone hiding hidden cards.

The Sword of Judgment scores 5, and the opposing team naturally scores 0.

The audience on the stage booed. They spent a silver coin just to watch the players abuse their food. This team is too weak.

The ticket price has increased, from ten copper coins to one silver coin.

There are 10,000 seats in the preliminary competition. If they can be filled, it will be an income of 100 gold coins. Even if the system and the organizer take away 60%, there will still be 40 gold coins left.

In the team competition, Yueguang couldn't even raise his interest in playing. In the end, Lu Li, Fat Monkey, March Rain, Luoying Memories, and Maomao Love Meat took the field, with Mu Qiu Wannian sitting on the bench.

"Guangshen doesn't want to go up, let me go up first later," Fat Monkey chatted with Lu Li after entering the arena.

"Uh..." Lu Li nodded: "If you want to go up, then go ahead, but if you encounter a strong team, you still have to follow the established order, and we give priority to training cats."

"Mao Mao and I take turns going first," said Fat Monkey overjoyed.

He doesn't mind at all if his opponent is weak, as long as he can fight, he is satisfied.

According to the original order, Lu Li should go first, then Moonlight after he dies, then Maomao Loves Meat, then Fat Monkey, and the last one is Mu Qiu. His chance of playing is slim.

The other side has four outputs and one healer, just like Lu Li and his team.

The Fat Monkey was still frighteningly unrestrained. He flashed directly into the crowd to cast a Frost Nova, and then used Ice Pick and Arcane Explosion in the crowd. However, when he was wreaking havoc in the crowd, he suddenly found himself so lonely.

Looking back, his four teammates were looking at him with their arms folded.

"I'm going, you guys come and help," Fat Monkey was startled and quickly used an ice barrier to freeze himself. He was not a superman, how could he accomplish the feat of one against five.

"Looking at how unrestrained you are, I thought you were going to fight one another," Lu Li chuckled.

He had long wanted to teach this guy a lesson. Since there was no suspense in this match, he might as well trick him and let him taste what it felt like to be beaten to death by a group of rookies. Maybe he wouldn't be so unrestrained next time.

I asked other people, and everyone was surprisingly unanimous.

Even the new cat who loves to eat meat has a look of anticipation on his face. It seems that it is human nature to gloat over misfortunes, just like the saying "If you have any unhappy things, tell them to make everyone happy."

Fat Monkey's face turned green. The time for the refrigerator was going to be over soon. He had no choice but to unblock the refrigerator.

After the invincibility was lifted, he decisively accelerated and ran away, losing all of his unrestrained attitude just now.

"Monkey, where are you going?" Lu Li shouted.

"Boss, you... you are so unkind, I will never trust you again," Fatty Monkey said, feeling particularly aggrieved. I regard you as brothers, but you are betraying me.

"Okay, let's go." It's unrealistic to expect the five people on the opposite side to kill Fat Monkey, because Fat Monkey is not stupid and he can't run away if he can't be beaten.

The first game ended quickly, and the reward was ten points, and then forty gold coins for the ticket.

"Make money, make money, drink!" Fat Monkey shouted angrily. If he hadn't run so fast, he would have almost been killed. I felt very aggrieved. I wouldn't play with someone like this.

"Okay," Lu Li didn't really care.

Although part of this money has to be handed over to the guild, who cares about these forty gold coins? If you win the first game, you will naturally get together to celebrate.

There were seven people in a private room, and Fat Monkey seemed to vent his anger and ordered the best wine.

With more than seventy gold coins in a bottle, this was a time to kill people. Lu Li chuckled and let him go.

"Mao Mao is playing a game for the first time. Are you nervous?" Lu Li asked.

"No, it feels very fun, no different from before," Maomao likes to eat meat and sip wine. She is someone who often plays arena games, so of course she is no stranger to competitions of this level.

The arena is also a PK, and there are also many people watching.

"Get used to the game more in the future. The team we met today was relatively weak and failed to reflect the characteristics of the field. However, you still had some problems during the game..." Lu Li began to explain today's game to the novices.

Maomao Loves Meat was listening and drinking at the same time. His eyes soon became confused, and it seemed that he rarely drank.

Lu Li did not advise her to drink less. As for whether the cat father would be angry and worried when he saw his daughter coming home drunk, and whether he would feel that his daughter was unsafe outside, that was actually what Lu Li wanted to see.

According to Root Number Three’s idea, Cat’s father would be worried about his daughter coming to his door, and eventually become the free trainer of Sword of Judgment.

Is there anything more serious than a daughter drinking outside?

"Monkey, and you," Lu Li and Maomao said, pointing the finger at Fat Monkey: "Next time you have to wait for instructions before taking action. Don't think you are cool like that. When you meet a master, especially someone who wants to plot against you. The master will be very passive."

"As long as you cooperate well..." Fat Monkey still wanted to defend.

"Don't underestimate the world's heroes. Come on, let's form a team to show you what scheming is." Lu Li saw that the wine bottle was about to reach the bottom, and hurriedly asked everyone to leave.

This was a good excuse, and Fat Monkey followed him unconvinced.

Fat Monkey found four people who usually played in the battlefield. Lu Li did not bully him and also found a few people from the guild. Club players Yueguang, Sanyueyu and others did not play.

Both sides enter the arena.

The 5V5 arena is also a very popular form of PK, but now there are star players competing everywhere, so few people come to the arena to watch PK, and the seats of 10,000 people are not even occupied.

Each side opens a chat room to specify strategies.

Fat Monkey's side is very simple. What they often do is that Fat Monkey rushes into the area to strike first, and then the others behind him cooperate with him to launch a decisive attack, crushing the opponent with overwhelming force.

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