The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 726: Divorce plan

Lu Li's career composition is Mage-thief and Muqi, and his strategy is also very simple, just let the fat monkey rush over, just like he often does.

When Fat Monkey rushed over, his teammates also moved. He often used this configuration when fighting on the battlefield. Under normal circumstances, the teams he encountered did not have any effective means to stop them. .

However, this time it was different. When Fat Monkey's teammates rushed over to support them, the first thing they faced was the mage's ice cone technique.

The skill of Ice Cone is a deceleration skill released directly in front of the mage. The better the skill of the mage, the more people can be slowed down. The mage on Lu Li's side was not bad, and he hit all the people on the opposite side at once.

Compared with Frost Nova, the slowing effect of this skill does not disappear when attacking.

This is certainly not a killer move.

The killer move is the warrior's big whirlwind. He charges over and spins around like crazy when he comes to the person who is being slowed down, causing damage like snowflakes.

Fat Monkey's teammates were not rookies either. They quickly used their own methods to remove the slowdown and quickly escaped from the warrior's whirlwind.

The amount of blood lost is not much, let alone fatal.

However, the purpose of the mage's ice cone technique and warrior whirlwind is not to kill people. They disrupted the lineup supporting Fat Monkey, leaving the unrestrained Fat Monkey as alone as in the previous games.

Fat Monkey rushed in and didn't use any skills at all, just a Frost Nova, and was knocked unconscious by Lu Li immediately.

It is too easy for a thief of Lu Li's level to control him. There are at least four or five methods that can be used.

Fat Monkey also had a way to release his control. He released it, and Lu Li controlled it again, and he released it and controlled it again. After several attempts, he quickly ran out of control. Lu Li was not bullying him. Blood Dagger, Water Elf... any of these top thieves have this kind of thing. Strength and awareness.

The mage on Lu Li's side came back after releasing the Ice Cone Technique, and then the three professions of thieves, magicians, and cavalry worked together to fatten the monkey.

Fat Monkey's heart was broken at this time.

He finally understood what Lu Li was trying to tell him: You only have a colored pen, and it's like controlling you for fun, and then he sends two people to use amplified moves to harass your teammates, and you're like pork belly on the chopping block.

It's not like no one has told him this truth, but he can't hear it.

Since becoming a racer, he has performed various amazing performances in the competition, and even killed many celebrities who only existed in legends to him. His self-confidence has been extremely expanded, and he has completely regarded himself as a super racer. s position.

Only after experiencing it did he realize how big the gap was between himself and the super racers.

He was controlled just as he rushed in, and all the subsequent methods seemed to be within Lu Li's expectation. This god-like guy was so calm and composed that he nipped all his resistance in the cradle.

The blood volume is emptied and he falls to the ground!

A fire spell that mainly takes the output route has poor survivability.

The remaining few were even more unable to climb the waves. They had even given up hope and resistance after Fat Monkey died.

Lu Li came out of the arena room and saw Fat Monkey squatting there without saying a word.

He went up and kicked him, Lu Li laughed and scolded: "Why do you look like you've been turned around?"

"Didn't I get turned? Three people beat me one." Fatty Monkey was pulled up, feeling depressed. His smile was uglier than crying. He had just woken up from a big dream.

"Let's go, keep drinking," Lu Li said.

Judging from the mood of this guy, it seems that he has been hit too hard. If he doesn't give some guidance, it may affect his performance in a gentle way. In serious cases, he may be useless.

"You please?" Fat Monkey looked at him sideways.

"I'll treat you, I'll treat you," Lu Li was speechless: "Why are you so stingy? There are so many people who want to treat me to a drink but I don't even have a chance. Let's make a deal this time and don't order anything worth 70 gold coins."

"Boss, you are too stingy. What kind of good wine does seventy gold coins count? You don't even know... The wine that Long Chen invites you to drink is called good wine. It costs hundreds of gold coins for just a small bottle. I even want to say that he is... It's better to just give him money." Fat Monkey seemed to be in an unstable mood and didn't even know what he was talking about.

"Long Chen?" Lu Li asked.

Long Chen is the president of the Blood Flag and the vice chairman of the Blood Flag Club. He is considered a relatively powerful figure. It is said that he is a retired veteran with more than ten years of military experience.

Lu Li has always admired such people. In the early years, he had wanted to be a soldier for a while - it seems that every man once had a dream of being a soldier.

It's a pity that he is not a carefree person. His sister needs to be taken care of and he has no one to entrust to him. The dream of a soldier can only be fantasized occasionally, but his respect for soldiers has never changed.

He even respected the police and would not resist every time the police arrested him.

"Long Chen..." The two of them entered another tavern. Fatty Monkey heard Lu Li ask and realized that he had spilled the beans. He said a little embarrassedly: "He came to me a few days ago and asked me if I wanted to be with him. Cooperation can give me a lot of money..."

"Isn't he poaching you?" Lu Li was also a little confused.

He didn't have too much heart. After all, if Fat Monkey wanted to go, he wouldn't say it.

As for whether he spilled the beans... maybe he really spilled the beans, or maybe this guy just pretended to spill the beans to expose the matter. Although Fat Monkey is impulsive, he is not stupid. It is said that he is still a top student.

"He asked me to let off steam during the competition..." Fat Monkey curled his lips and said, "It's in vain that I admired him so much before. He's not a good person either."

"Did he find you and say, "Let me go and I'll give you money?" Lu Li was dumbfounded. In fact, he had thought that Long Chen was a good person before.

"Of course it's impossible." Fatty Monkey poured himself a glass of wine and also poured a glass for Lu Li. He took a sip and said, "I tricked him for several days before he revealed his purpose. Do you want to trick them?"

"I can't tell, Monkey, you are not a good person either," Lu Li thought it was quite funny.

He could imagine what was going on. Long Chen probably thought Fat Monkey was a breakthrough, so he contacted him, invited him to drink, and slowly implemented the alienation plan.

As for why I think Fat Monkey is the breakthrough.

In fact, it is very simple. Although Fat Monkey entered the Sword of Judgment and became a professional player with his dare-to-fight style, he is not a member of the Xinxin Mercenary Group - strictly speaking, he is still a member of the Xinxin Mercenary Group. They are the original ten people.

Lu Li used his mercenary group to get his first kill. In the eyes of outsiders, Fat Monkey never broke into Lu Li's group.

Maybe he would feel very aggrieved. As long as the benefits were enough, he might be able to instigate him to rebel. And the fat monkey that Long Chen came into contact with did behave as he imagined, so he came up with the idea that the fat monkey can The illusion of bribery.

After a few days of hard work, Fat Monkey figured out all of Long Chen's plan.

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