The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 729: Running errands to death

"Mrs. Iva..." Secretary Dalta looked strange. If it weren't for Lu Li's friendship with the night watchman, he might have ridiculed her directly.

"I know you don't really believe in divination, but I did get some information from other channels. I think we should pay attention to it, otherwise we will be another Moradim," Lu Li said seriously.

These words seemed to hit the key point of the clerk, and Dalta nodded: "Okay, then, I will help you check the records about Stavin."

In a game world without computers, searching for information is a crazy thing. There is a huge room in the Night Hall of Night Town to display these files.

Fortunately, Dalta has been working in Night Town for more than ten years, and he is extremely familiar with everything here.

It took him more than half an hour to find Stavin's record.

"The data shows that there is only one teacher?" Dalta was very dissatisfied with this Stavin. What kind of threat could a teacher pose, let alone become the second Moradim?

"My intuition tells me that there is something wrong with this person," Lu Li blamed his reason on his unfounded intuition.

"In that case, you can take these files first and come back after using them." Darta did not force it. Anyway, he had already done what he had to do, and the outcome was beyond his control.

"Thank you, and thank you to the Night Watchman for your friendship," Lu Li thanked him.

After pulling the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls away and arriving at a secluded place, they began to study the files.

In fact, it is a very crude piece of information. It is just a description of gender, age, origin, appearance, etc. If a stranger comes here, the secretary will record it if possible.

Yuexi Town.

This place name came into the two people's field of vision. This was probably the only clue to this information.

If you want to go to Yuexi Town, you have to go to the Western Wilderness, which is also the place where Lu Li once set foot. Because of the teleportation array, it actually doesn't take too much time.

But Lu Li had a hunch that this was definitely not the end. These job transfer tasks before the next system update would not be easy to complete.

Yuexi Town, a once beautiful town, has been completely destroyed. The creek that was once full of fish and shrimps has no life left. There are ruins of houses everywhere. The brotherhood controls the place, and there are patrolling guards and mages everywhere.

The town's original residents fled amid the Brotherhood's constant attacks.

Because Stavin was a teacher, they came to the former school in Moon Creek Town, which was also looted.

"This place is really spooky, who can I ask?" Sesame-filled glutinous rice balls no longer find the task of running errands simple, he said with a frown.

"Why don't you go ask these monsters?" Lu Li teased with a relaxed expression.

"It's just a monster in the twenties, why don't you kill it and see," Sesame-filled glutinous rice balls said disdainfully after observing them.

"I totally agree with your idea. I'll lure the monsters, and you'll attack. Maybe I'll drop some clues." Lu Li accelerated and took a circle around the school, followed by densely packed monsters.

Tangyuan with sesame filling activated the group attack skill, and a large amount of critical damage was floating in the air, and soon there were corpses on the ground.

Then there was the joy of touching the corpses, including junk equipment and low-level materials, all of which would be disgusted by NPCs when thrown into a store. Fortunately, what Lu Li and the others wanted came out.

That's a letter.

Lord Flintrey:

I heard from a friend that you need to find a teacher for your child. Now I am temporarily living in the Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire. Due to the current bad situation in Moonbrook, I have been forced to give up my job as a teacher. I would like to be your child's teacher and hope you can accept my application. If necessary, Mr. Murdoch can demonstrate my capabilities to you.

When the winter rains are over and the roads are suitable for caravan travel, I will come to you myself.

See you then.

Written by Stavin Mistermantle in Silverpine Forest.

Who is Lord Flintrey?

Lu Li also didn't know that he had never done this task in his previous life, and he had never even seen a guide on this. This was just a small knight in the human kingdom, and it was not enough to be included in a biography.

"What should we do next?" Tangyuan with sesame filling pulled his hair, and his face was so painful that water could ooze out of it.

"Let's go to Goldsmith Town and have a look. Do you still think the errand missions are easy?" Lu Li wanted to back off when he heard him talk about the errand missions. Some of the errand missions in Dawn were not only troublesome, but also often lacked clues. It would be better to kill the BOSS. .

Goldshire is a small town near Stormwind City. The environment is much safer and it is not far away.

Farley, the owner of the Lion King's Pride Inn, is a Mediterranean uncle. Many newcomers to the human race have dealt with him and admire this NPC's wisdom and character.

"Can I help you with anything, kids?"

"We want to ask about a person, Stavin, Stavin Mistmantle. I wonder if you still remember him. He was a teacher. He lived in your hotel a long time ago," Lu Li said shyly. Er Tangyuan is even better at dealing with NPCs, so he is the one doing all the talking.

Uncle Farley thought for a long time, suddenly patted his Mediterranean forehead and said: "There is really such a person. He lived here for a long time with one of his friends. Not long after he left, he sent a letter back. , but his friend also left at that time, so he kept it with me, otherwise I might not be able to remember him, after all, too much time has passed."

"Thank you, Uncle Farley," Tangyuan with sesame filling said sincerely, and the mission could finally proceed again.

Dear Murdoch:

Hello, thank you for your recommendation. I finally became the tutor of Lord Flintrey's daughter Esanna. Esana is really a charming girl. She is very interested in the math class I teach, and I feel like she seems to admire me a little... Don't worry about these irrelevant words. If you have a chance to come to Stormwind City next time, we should have a good time. Have a few drinks.

Your friend Stavin.

Stormwind City!

Tangyuan with sesame filling and Lu Li looked at each other and let out a long sigh.

It's not over yet. If Stavin doesn't just stay in one place and teach, why is he wandering around?

Moreover, Stormwind City is a place where nobles gather. It is undoubtedly difficult to find a knight here. Even there are hundreds of dukes. In recent years, knighthood has become almost a worthless decoration.

Arriving in Stormwind City, Lu Li and Tangyuan with sesame filling began to inquire about Sir Flintrey.

He had decided that if he couldn't find it, he would mobilize people in the guild who had nothing to do to help him find him. He also posted a task in the mercenary hall to offer a reward for information about Sir Flintrey.

However, what is surprising is that Sir Flintrey is very famous among NPCs, even the guards at the gate of Stormwind City know about him.

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