The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 730: Family Extermination Case

Lu Li lives in Darnassus and doesn't come to Stormwind City very often. However, he has a relatively high reputation in the Alliance, so the soldiers holding long weapons answered his questions politely.

Sir Flintrey is a relatively inconspicuous gentleman in Stormwind City, the kind who can't be found in the crowd.

However, he is still often mentioned in some small circles, because he has a beautiful and polite daughter. Duke Flan once proposed marriage to their family, but unfortunately Sir Flintrey's daughter had already been married.

The real reason this family is known to everyone is a tragedy.

The guard said with a frightened expression. He happened to be in charge of patrolling the city that time, and followed the commander to see the tragic situation of Sir Flintrey. Even their famous daughter died tragically.

"Who killed them?" Lu Li's brows were furrowed enough to kill a fly.

This mission is too confusing. You always come up with these decryption-like things. You must carefully analyze every clue, otherwise you will probably give up halfway.

"The murderer has not been caught so far. It's really a pity for his beautiful daughter," the soldier said with regret.

"Is there no clue at all, where is the suspect?" Lu Li asked.

"There is one suspect, but his whereabouts are unknown, and the Brotherhood is wreaking havoc. How can adults have time to deal with such trivial matters? It all happened several years ago. I advise you not to waste your time. I want to Went on patrol," the guard said disapprovingly.

"Isn't it Stavin, their tutor?" Lu Li grabbed the guard and wouldn't let go.

"Hey, how do you know?" The guard looked at Lu Li in surprise.

"If you can help me, these are yours," Lu Li took out a handful of gold coins, at least twenty or thirty. These golden little things tempted the guard's eyes.

"Okay, but you have to wait a moment," the guard hesitated for a few seconds before decisively agreeing.

Lu Li and Tangyuan with sesame fillings waited for more than ten minutes before they saw the guard slowly coming over. This guy, who was at least forty years old and was still a patrolman, said anxiously: "I didn't know this document was so important. Now I have to worry about it." poses a very serious risk..."

"If I go to the council hall and file a complaint, you will die miserably. Uncle, greed is a kind of original sin," Lu Li said unceremoniously.

Such guards who are greedy for petty gains are everywhere, and there are countless in Stormwind City who have been corrupted by the nobles. If you let them, they don't mind taking advantage of them.

"Shh, what are you talking about?" the guard laughed dryly: "I just remind you to keep it secret. Come on, children, give me the share I deserve."

Lu Li took the file bag and gave the gold coins to the guard.

The file bag was extremely old and exuded a strong musty smell. After Lu Li opened it, he found a piece of letter paper that was about to break.

This is the second month since I came to Flintrey's house, and there are some things I can't help but want to write down.

The boy named Togler was terrible and maybe a challenge for me, but his sister Tiroya was a very smart child and her beauty was particularly striking.

I got along well with Tiroya, and I found myself falling in love with her. She always looked at me affectionately and silently, and we communicated tacitly. Every time we passed each other, we could understand each other with just one look.

I think I really fell in love, she admired my knowledge and didn't mind that I was much older than her.

When I was tutoring Togler in his studies, Tyroa was outside tending her garden and would listen to me talk about the customs and customs of Azeroth. Once she walked in and put a bright red begonia on my On the palm of my hand, I smiled sweetly, and I felt my heart beating violently...

This week I will be accompanying the family to their summer home near the Eastdale Lumber Camp in Elwynn Forest, which is very close to the Redridge Mountains...

The letter was rotten and some parts had been eaten by insects. It took Lu Li a lot of guessing to decipher the fragments. Fortunately, he discovered the most crucial thing.

Summer home near Eastvale Lumber Camp in Elwynn Forest!

"Are you going to this place?" The glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling turned a little pale.

"Congratulations on your correct answer, but it's a pity that there is no reward," Lu Li sighed: "Just think of it as a fun adventure. I'm curious whether Stavin killed his employer and why he did it."

In addition to logging, the Donggu Lumber Camp is also a famous horse farm in the Alliance. There are a large number of military horses there. This is the first time for Lu Li to come here in his life, but he has been here for a while in his previous life. The NPC here hires players to feed the horses. For a small amount of experience, Sheriff Haggard will occasionally give players a gold coin.

Those easy tasks can reward gold coins. Haggard is the kindest person in the eyes of the Kuhaha people.

"Young lads, you should fight to win your future, not deal with horse manure," Sheriff Haggard smiled kindly.

"Sir, we want to ask you about a place. Do you know if there is a Flintrey family villa nearby?" Lu Li saluted, and then explained his purpose of coming.

"Flintlay, you know this," Haggard tugged on his beard and said a little embarrassedly: "The pasture caught fire some time ago, and I sent people to demolish it to build a pasture. You must know, young man, that No one has come to this place for many years, and the wooden buildings that have not been taken care of will be eroded by rain and become ruins sooner or later..."

"Oh my God," Lu Li's legs softened and he almost knelt in front of this uncle.

The property of the nobles is inviolable. This is an iron law in Stormwind City. Uncle, how on earth did you manage to get into the position of Ranch Sheriff?

Haggard avoided Lu Li's silently accusing eyes and muttered: "The Flintrey family has no heirs anymore. According to the rules, the nearest official organization has the power to recruit its own resources, all for the alliance!"

Alliance, your sister, Lu Li swallowed a mouthful of blood that reached his throat, and asked weakly: "When you were cleaning up that villa, did you pay attention to anything about Stavin?"

"I'm not sure. It has been looted by the mob more than once," Haggard said suddenly as if he remembered something: "I remembered that I packed all the remaining things in the manor into a box and put it in the cellar. , they are all books and the like. The rioters are illiterate and have no interest in them at all..."

"Please take us to have a look," Lu Li interrupted, hoping this would be a clue to the next step.

Haggard led the two of them into the cellar, rummaged among a pile of dust and debris for a while, and found what was said to be the last belongings of the Flintrey family.

After rummaging for a long time, Lu Li found a piece of paper tucked into the book.

It was Stavin's handwriting, but his anger could still be seen in the messy handwriting after so many years.

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