The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 733 Blind Mary

After spending a few minutes and paying the price of sacrificing three knights, Lu Li and the others ended the battle.

In addition to regular coins, the quasi-BOSS only dropped two things.

One of them is Stavin's copper coin. On the copper coin is engraved a sentence, the handwriting is as fine as a cow's hair: You despicable invaders actually refuse to help two people who love each other come together, just because one of them has not realized that they are made for each other. A pair? I want you all to die!

It seems that Stavin still lived in his own world until his death.

Someone once said that when a person's love is not responded to, he needs an equal amount of hate to fill the void in his heart.

Because there are too many beautiful things in the girl that he does not have, love creates longing, and the longing is allowed to develop into fantasy. When the fantasy is shattered, the pressure from the status gap and inferiority turn the shattered fantasy into a persecutory delusion. The humble teacher He picked up the butcher's knife and committed an atrocity that no one, including himself, expected.

In fact, he is not even a spare tire.

This copper coin belongs to the category of souvenirs and has no actual value, but a rich man with a collecting habit is willing to spend a lot of effort to acquire this thing.

The other thing is the quest item for the Sesame Rice Balls - the Mistmanto Family Ring.

The accompanying quest prompt says to bring it to Lady Ivar.

On the contrary, a lot of gold coins were collected in the hut where Stavin lived, as well as several pieces of relatively ordinary equipment. The best was just a piece of silver equipment.

There were several scraps of paper that interested Lu Li even more. He carefully put them together, and then learned about a little-known aspect of Stavin's story.

Many years ago, when I came to Twilight, I was spotted by a lich from the natural disaster. He saw that the hatred in my heart was so strong. Yes, I hate this world, which cannot even treat everyone fairly.

But I love Tiroya so much, I am willing to not care about anything because of her...

Oh my God, why is this happening...

Is this all just a joke I performed alone? My hatred began to amplify endlessly. I felt the call of the lich deep in the forest. Please believe me, I tried so hard to resist.

I fell into an undead state, and my body died at the moment of my fall.

I killed that girl and brutally killed their entire family. I regretted it because I loved her so much. Whenever I was in so much pain that I couldn't help myself, I had to continue to vent my hatred. I hated every noble, and I sniped every noble in Stormwind City I saw.

Lu Li had to be lucky that this guy was not at level 50 yet, otherwise this battle would never have been so simple. After resurrecting his dead teammates, the group dragged Stavin's huge body back.

As for the lich, it shrouded Lu Li's heart like a shadow, but he was unable to do anything about it.

At least until he crossed over, Night Town was still under the control of the Night Watch.

The huge abominable corpse was transported back to Night Town, attracting many residents and soldiers of Night Town to watch. They kept exclaiming and admiring, and the reputation of Lu Li and others was once again enhanced.

Stavin's body was purified by the Paladin and buried in Raven Hill.

Not knowing if he would have a chance to crawl out of the ground, Lu Li said goodbye to Althea and went to see Mrs. Iva again with sesame-filled glutinous rice balls.

"Thank you, my divination results told me that my granddaughter is safe," Mrs. Iwa did another divination after getting the ring, and then got a conclusion that reassured him.

"Then, let's go back and do business," the glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings came to life in an instant.

This task lasted for more than ten hours, and he almost broke his leg. Without Lu Li's help, he doubted that no matter how much time he spent, it would be useless.

"Rogue, can you do something for me?" Mrs. Iva suddenly stopped Lu Li who was about to leave with him.

Lu Li played a decisive role in this mission that was not his. The NPC would not turn a blind eye. If the charm value was high, he might just give him a reward. If the charm value was low, he would issue a mission just like Lu Li.

The glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling nodded to Lu Li, turned around and left without hesitation.

In fact, Lu Li wanted to refuse, saying that Mrs. Ivar's Stavin series of tasks were too cumbersome. If he hadn't had extremely high connections and reputation in Night Town, it would have been even more difficult.

Can you imagine what it would be like to not be able to finish a task in a day?

"What should I do, poor old thing? I need some ghost hair, but it's too dangerous outside, and I'm too old and weak... Brave elf, can you help me?" Seeing Lu Li's hesitation, Madame Ivar plays the pathos card instead.

"Please give me your orders," Lu Li comforted himself, thinking that maybe this time it would be a simple task.

"In an old farmhouse on the hill south of Night Town, there is a poor and pathetic ghost, Blind Mary. Come and get this ghost comb and comb Blind Mary's hair. Then bring the comb back so I can get it The ghost has sprung up. Beware, there is darkness lurking around that house now."

It sounded quite scary. Lu Li rubbed the non-existent goosebumps on his arms and set off to find the ghost.

Blind Mary is a ghost who lives in a dilapidated hut in the south of Night Town. She is dressed in gorgeous clothes. The purple clothes make her face pale in comparison. Her eyes are blind, where there should be a pair of beautiful eyes. Only two cold holes were left.

Rather than taking the initiative, Lu Li approached cautiously and took out a comb to comb the female ghost's hair.

Lu Li is very confident in this aspect. He has always combed Lu Xin's hair since she was a child. Her best thing is her two cute twin tails. Because of this, her classmates in school are jealous that Lu Xin has a good brother.

A typical series about other people’s older brothers, one’s own older brother only pulls his hair.

Lu Li used the ghost comb given by Mrs. Iva to secretly comb the ghost girl's hair. The combing motion was so gentle that blind Mary couldn't see it, but she finally felt it.

She suddenly turned her head and let out a cry of horror: "No! Take it away, take the comb away from me! I am a monster, no one will think I am cute anymore!"

Another sad story.

It happened one night many years ago. The corpses killed by the Scourge crawled out of the grave. The first people to suffer were the surrounding residents, including Blind Mary's family.

Mary was protected by her brother and father. She was still alive, but her eyes were badly injured, she had a high fever and was talking nonsense. A few days later, she suddenly woke up. She seemed to have forgotten everything. The poor girl asked about her father and brothers. The residents of Night Town couldn't bear to tell her the truth, but just told her that they had gone on an emergency mission, and then she died. .

Now, she has become a ghost and is still wandering here, waiting for her family...

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