The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 734 Dragon Swamp

Damn the Scourge!

Lu Li and Mrs. Iva, who had obtained the ghost hair, cursed the common enemy together.

"My child, there is no doubt that you are a warrior, and I can only sit in the house and wish you peace silently," Mrs. Iva said sadly: "I spent a lot of effort to make this piece of equipment. I hope you can You can wear it to kill more natural disaster monsters."

When I took it, I saw it was a beautifully made glove.

Natural disaster nemesis (gold): Armor 40, agility +30, strength +16, critical hit +10%, special effect 1: the damage caused to natural disaster units is increased by 30%, special effect 2: when its own blood volume is lower than 30% , has a certain probability of bursting triple damage, the equipment requirement is level 40, and the durability is 84/84.

Lu Li had been using the level 15 equipment obtained from the Dead Mine before.

Van Cleef's Grip (Silver): Armor 20, Agility +12, Strength +4, Special Effect 1: Critical Hit +5%, Special Effect 2: Thrust, instantly close to the target within eight yards, and deal 120% damage to the target. Damage, cooling time 120 seconds, equipment requirement level 15, durability 45/45.

Frankly speaking, this piece of equipment has long been outdated. If it hadn't been for the special effect of thrusting, Lu Li wouldn't have kept it until now.

He currently has more means of pursuit and escape than before, and his need for thrusting is less urgent. If he can replace it with this natural disaster nemesis, his output will make a qualitative leap.

And he also has new options for where to level up.

The Plague Land is full of natural disaster monsters. This piece of equipment increases his damage to natural disaster units by 30%. If combined with the Killing Star Bracers, it is really not an ordinary efficiency.

However, before that, Lu Li had to end the werewolf's mission.

When Lu Li used the Werewolf Altar to upgrade the ring, he promised them to complete the Werewolf Curse mission within three months. The penalty for failing the mission would be to be downgraded by three levels.

Thinking about it from another angle, such a severe punishment also means that the reward must be very generous.

It would be nice if there were skill point rewards. Lu Li didn't have that urgent need for equipment now, but skill points were very scarce. He even added the ones he usually kept as spares to blinding.

To complete the werewolf curse, a simple moonlight herbal potion can solve it.

There are three prerequisites for obtaining the Moon Night Herbal Potion. One is the alchemy level expert level, and the other is the materials and formula.

If Lu Li remembered correctly, the recipe for the Moonlight Herbal Potion required an expert level of 260 to learn, and the Sesame Filled Rice Balls had just been raised to 250, and there were still ten life skill experience slots to fill.

During this period, he planned to steal the formula first.

Stealing by one person is of course slower, but it is different if there are dozens of thieves. He spent some points to recruit thieves in the guild who had nothing to do for the time being.

Then the gnolls in the Badlands suffered.

They were stolen as soon as they were refreshed. They had just been stolen here, and before they had time to feel sorry for their lost property, they were stabbed to death when white knives went in and red knives came out.

"I got it, I got it," a thief cheered as he released his stealth.

It only took a little more than twenty minutes. If Lu Li stole it alone, there's no telling how long it would take for the formula to be produced.

This is the benefit that money and power bring to people, and anyone will be addicted to it.

Once you have the recipe, you have the materials.

One of the most important materials is the Ghost Mushroom. Lu Li got it from the Marathon dungeon last time, so now he only needs to consider another material, Moonlight Grass.

Moonlight Grass is said to be a herbal species passed from the outside world. There are very few updates and it is an extremely rare material.

Since the trading house couldn't find it, Lu Li had no choice but to pick it up himself.

His chosen destination was Dragon Swamp.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Moonlight Grass has many uses, and the outside has been exposed. There are still some stocks in inaccessible places like Dragon Swamp.

Of course, this is what the game says. Intuitively speaking, only a small amount of Moon Night Grass is refreshed here.

When the werewolf race is opened, the supply of moonlight grass will exceed the demand. Many people will come here to take risks. As long as they get a few moonlight grass, they will earn a lot of gold coins.

The more troublesome thing is the level. Many of the monsters here are at level 50, and the worst ones are elite template dragons.

Therefore, it was unrealistic for Lu Li to charge in. If Ebostaff appeared, even if he pulled the entire Sword of Judgment, it would be useless. That was a real ancient dragon.

Dragon Swamp is part of the Dustwallow Swamp map.

The geography of Dustwallow Marsh is, as its name suggests, a large, smelly swamp, with grass, reeds, and weeping willows forming the local vegetation.

The road through the swamp is muddy and dangerous. Those who accidentally mistake the swamp for land will get stuck in the mire. The number of players dying in the mire every day is almost equal to the number killed by monsters.

Moreover, the game is very complete and simulates the feeling of being stuck in a quagmire, and will also give you a suffocating experience for a few seconds.

Lu Li also needed to be careful of the large number of predators hiding under the water or lurking behind bushes. They were given a strong desire to attack by the system, and they did not mind participating in the siege in small groups.

After spending a lot of time and getting covered in mud, Lu Li arrived at the entrance of the Dragon Swamp.

Dragon Swamp is perhaps the only black dragon habitat in the world that is within easy reach of a human orc settlement. The huge young dragon Ebostaff manages the daily affairs of the black dragons in his lair. However, such a powerful man is just a servant of Lady Onyxia.

Lady Onyxia is the Black Dragon Princess.

Onyxia lurked in Stormwind City under the false identity of a human noble, corrupting the politics of the Kingdom of Stormwind. After being exposed by Marshal Reginald Windsor, she became a wanted criminal in the world of Azeroth.

Deep in the swamp is the lair of the large copy of Onyxia.

Because it can reveal the flying mount based on the Black Dragon Princess - Onyxia Wyvern, this copy has attracted many players.

But that was something that only people after level 50 were qualified to consider. Now any monster in there could kill Lu Li, and Lu Li had absolutely no intention of spying on the princess's face.

He was just a soy sauce passerby who came to dig a few straws and left.

After being prepared, Lu Li quietly sneaked into the Dragon Swamp. Not long after, he saw the most spawned monster here - the Dragon Man.

Dragonites are not actually real dragons, nor are they the product of interracial love as some wretched guys imagine. In fact, they are all transformed by dragon magic.

These elites were level 48, which was a full five levels higher than Lu Li.

The gap was very disappointing. Lu Li estimated that if he could fight these monsters, he would be able to do half the usual damage.

I have a cold and my brain is a mess. There may only be one update today. It alternates between cold and hot. Please pay attention to your health.

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