The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 735: Fighting (Seeking the Light of the Great God)

After hesitating for a third of a second, Lu Li gave up the plan of going up to test.

These monsters looked very difficult to deal with, so it was best not to kill them. His purpose was not to kill monsters, he just wanted to collect a few Moon Night Herbs and use them to make a bottle of Moon Night Herbal Medicine.

As for whether one bottle is enough, that's not something Lu Li needs to consider.

Those Scythe Claw Druids are very powerful. As long as this potion proves to be useful to them, they will do everything possible to obtain the Moonlight Grass, and they may even go to war in the Dragon Swamp. Of course, that doesn't matter what happens to Lu Li.

After a lot of effort, he found the first moonlit grass.

The dark green leaves and tender white flowers are mixed among a bunch of inconspicuous weeds. If you don't look carefully, you can't recognize them at all.

At this time, the problem came again. There were two dragons on the left side of this moonlit night grass.

Their postures don't look like patrolling monsters walking around. There is no need to wait for them to leave before picking them. Moreover, one of them's field of vision covers the location of the Moon Night Grass, making it impossible to pick the herb secretly.

It seems that he must be killed.

Lu Li hesitated for a moment and then gave up his intention to call someone. Power is intoxicating, but if he gives up his power because he is addicted to the feeling of bossing around, then sooner or later he will fall like Xiao Mo.

A generation of Dharma God, in front of the fledgling Lu Li, he was like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered.

Lu Li's assassination of Xiao Mo is just a legend to the players, but it had a far-reaching impact on the two parties involved. Xiao Mo re-armed himself and now has the power to dominate again, while Lu Li also always reminds himself not to become An easy target to be slaughtered.

He chose a suitable path, without too much mud and water, and at least looked like solid land, and then slowly lurked over it.

The dragon man who was closer seemed to have noticed something. It turned around and looked in the direction Lu Li was sneaking towards.

Damn it, why is this guy so perceptive?

Lu Li put aside his scornful thoughts and slowly lowered his body, motionless, and even his breathing slowed down a lot.

All thieves know the skill of stealth, but not many can use stealth well. Apart from data factors such as perception and concealment, what affects stealth is personal operation.

Lu Li is relatively strong in this aspect.

After the adjustment, he disappeared from the dragon man's perception. After observing in confusion, the dragon man turned back to do his own thing.

With the lesson learned this time, Lu Li did not dare to be careless at all. He lurked behind the dragon man with the mentality of facing the boss, and then went up and hit the sap. The level gap was a bit big, and the sap only lasted about ten seconds.

Sap can act on humanoid creatures, beasts, demons and dragons in the game, including dragons.

For an excellent stalker, an invulnerable sap is one that can still successfully attack even if the person being attacked is fully prepared.

In fact, Lu Li joined Ravenholdt Manor with the idea of ​​learning to strengthen sap. In the world of Azeroth, the organization with the most proficient sap skills is probably Ravenholdt.

This has nothing to do with rebirth, it is a fact recognized by almost all classics.

It's a pity that his reputation is far from enough now, and he can't redeem the enhanced sap skill book.

After sapling one dragon, before the other one realized what was wrong, Lu Li's dagger stabbed into the back of the second dragon's head like lightning, successfully completing the release of the sneak attack skill.

The blood volume was 4,500, which was acceptable. Lu Li was calculating and outputting furiously.

Of course, one set of skills can't kill him, but neither set of skills can necessarily kill him. What Lu Li is worried about now is whether these two guys will call for help. If a few more people show up, then he will really run away.

The one that had been sapped had just woken up, and Lu Li sprinkled a handful of blinding powder on it, successfully blinding it.

The amount of HP in his hand was about the same. When he had the last few hundred HP left, he did a critical hit, which was completely wasted. Lu Li picked up the things that exploded in the place, sneaked with Shadow Escape, and then pounced on another Dragon Man. .

The experience is very rich, but it also takes a lot of time and is completely inefficient.

While Lu Li was mentally cursing the system's unreasonable settings for these monsters, he squatted down to collect the moonlight grass.

It takes five Moon Night Grass plants to make one herbal medicine, so it can only be regarded as the beginning. In order to find the Moon Night Grass's spawn point more easily, Lu Li had to go deeper into the Dragon Swamp.

I found the second plant. This time I was very lucky. There were no dragon guards around.

But Lu Li didn't dare to act rashly, because not far away were two dragon-man corpses. Fresh blood flowed along the small wounds, giving the smelly swamp air a hint of killing.

Of course, dragon people cannot die on their own, nor can they kill each other.

They could only have been killed by someone, and the person they killed was probably still nearby. Even this lurker had the same target as Lu Li - Moon Night Grass.

The other party may have heard the noise and entered stealth before he could pick the herbs.

If his estimate was correct, he should be squatting near the herb, waiting for Lu Li to leave, or have a life-and-death battle for the Moon Night Herb.

According to common sense, Lu Li should leave.

Anyone who doesn't particularly like PK will not make trouble when doing tasks.

However, the number of Moon Night Herbs currently spawned is too small. Lu Li had been here before he was reborn. Not only were they everywhere, at least they didn't have to run for a long time before seeing the second herb.

Besides, Lu Li is not the kind of person who is afraid of getting into trouble.

So he quietly came to the vicinity of Moon Night Grass, carefully testing whether he could catch his lurking colleagues.

Lu Li's stealth skills were very good, and his equipment added a lot of stealth effects and perception in this regard, but he still couldn't find the opponent he expected.

Has he already left?

It shouldn't be the case. If you have the strength to come to the Dragon Swamp to collect herbs, you must be at least level 40. Thieves at this level are wretched, but they are rarely afraid of trouble.

It was actually very simple to test. Lu Li showed his figure openly and squatted down in front of the Moon Night Grass, as if he was going to pick the herbs directly.

In fact, no matter what methods the other party has, in the final analysis, they are still here to collect medicine.

"Ding," the sound of the daggers clashing was clear and crisp. One was waiting for an opportunity and the other was prepared. Neither of them took advantage. However, Lu Li's goal was indeed achieved. The opponent obviously did not want him to collect the herbs.

At the touch of a button, the two thieves were revealed, and the moonlit grass between them was the moonlit grass.



In almost the same tone, both thieves exclaimed.

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