The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 736 Cross-camp cooperation

Undead are not uncommon, and elves are also one of the top clans in the alliance, so neither of them would find it strange.

What really surprised Lu Li was that they didn't have any hostile relationship with each other.

How could an undead or an elf not be hostile? Such a thing should not happen on a map like Dustwallow Swamp.

If it were a normal encounter between tribe and alliance players, at least in Lu Li's personal eyes, this undead thief should be exuding some blood, which would indicate that the opponent is a unit that can be killed and rewarded with honor.

The same should be true for standing on the side of the undead.

"Raven..." Lu Li, who was still reborn, reacted quickly and was more knowledgeable. He spat out half a word, then looked at his opponent and waited for his reaction.

"...Hode," the undead's unique hoarse voice completed the name of this small assassin camp.

"Nice to meet you, Lu Li," Lu Li put away his dagger.

In addition to special maps and special scenes, small camps can allow players from two different camps to live in harmony, and there must be a premise that the thief on the opposite side not only belongs to Ravenholdt Manor, but also must be in the process of pulling A small camp mission released by Wenhold Manor.

These two conditions are indispensable.

"Hey, it turns out to be Brother Lu Li. I am your defeated general. I wonder if you still remember the Song of Everlasting Regret of the Prosperous Dynasty?" The undead thief smiled and also reported his name.

"It turns out it's you, what a coincidence." How could Lu Li not remember this person?

Song of Everlasting Regret belongs to the super guild Shengshi Dynasty. Even when Shengshi Dynasty was at its strongest, he was among the top three players. Now that Shengshi Dynasty is not as good as before, with some people gone, his status becomes even more unique.

He is a very famous star player in the gaming circle. He is often regarded as a great god by the gaming circle for his profession of assassin and thief.

In the top 100 competition of the Huaying Cup, Lu Li got the chance to fight him alone, and finally defeated him with his equipment and technical advantages. That battle was a classic among thieves.

So far, there are still many rookie thieves who have repeatedly studied the movements and operations of the two people, trying to suddenly realize it.

"I accepted a small camp mission and asked me to get some of this moonlight grass. I accidentally disturbed a black dragon before and it died once," Song of Everlasting Regret said with a sigh.

"My goal is also Moon Night Grass, why don't we cooperate," Lu Li said.

He made up his mind to cooperate after discovering that the other party belonged to Ravenholdt Manor. One more friend and one more path. Besides, if two people rob, there will inevitably be a fight. It is hard to say whether it will be efficient or not. If the dragon is alerted, Then I really can’t eat and walk around.

If they met on another occasion, Lu Li might really want to meet him again.

Lu Li would not underestimate this defeated general. He had moved for a long time but could not find the location of Everlasting Regret, which at least showed that the opponent was not much worse than him in terms of stealth and perception.

When Everlasting Regret lost to Lu Li, the main reason was that his stealth was not as good as Lu Li's and he was caught out.

"Okay, these dragons won't be left alone. It's safer for the two of us to kill them. What about this moonlit night grass?" Everlasting Regret pointed at the tree among them and asked.

"You come first, after all, you discovered it first," Lu Li said cheerfully.

"Okay, the next one is yours," Chang Regret Ge said without being polite. No one is a fussy person.

The demand for Everlasting Regret is a bit large, but he has been here for a long time, and the difference is not much. The two of them can complete the task in tandem.

"It's too disharmonious for us, a tribe and an alliance to farm monsters together." After cooperation, the efficiency has more than doubled. Two dragons are not enough for them to kill, so they have a leisurely chat.

"No one will see it," Lu Li disagreed.

"Oh, by the way, can't you turn into a dead spirit? Let's try changing into one," Everlasting Sorrow encouraged.

"I'm not Monkey King, what will happen?" After picking up the things dropped by the Dragon Man and putting them into his backpack, Lu Li bent down and picked the second herb.

"What do you need to hide? Everyone knows that you turned into an undead and approached Xiao Mo, and then easily took off his head. You changed your appearance so that your brothers can see it. If someone sees it, they won't say that we are in cahoots," said Everlasting Regret Song .

"You are the one who committed the crime," Lu Li was speechless, but he still activated the Orb of Deception in his backpack.

An undead thief appeared in front of Everlasting Regret. He circled Lu Li twice and couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "I can finally understand why Xiao Mo was deceived. It's such a miraculous craftsmanship. There's no way to distinguish the truth from the truth." Fake."

"Stop prying into secrets, we don't have a good relationship," Lu Li used his undead form to fight monsters and refused to reveal anything else.

"Maybe, we can actually form an alliance," Chang Regret chuckled, "Or do you really regard the concept of camp opposition as a rule of the game..."

"Agitation is of no use to me," Lu Li shook his head: "What is left of your prosperous dynasty?"

The number of racers is declining, the guild is in short supply of funds, and various endorsement cooperations have fallen through. It is like a Titanic about to sink.

And the tribe is different from the alliance. The alliance does not have a truly dominant guild. Everyone competes for it, but there is still a good living space.

On the other side of the tribe, the Capital of Glory is the only one, and this is no joke.

It is not obvious now that the game has only been open for three months. In two years, except for the Storm Legion, it will still be able to survive. Stars, Prosperity Dynasty, Brotherly Love, and Eternal Kingdom, these once glorious guilds will all be suppressed. You have to survive.

Many things have changed in this life, such as Xiao Mo standing on the stage from a manager again, but Lu Li doesn't think this change can determine anything.

There is a saying that the general trend is the general trend.

"How could the hundreds of years of glory in our prosperous world be wiped out just because we failed in one game?" Chang Henge said with an unsightly expression on his face, but he didn't know what Lu Li said was right.

"I'm not opposed to cooperation. The City of Glory is really developing too fast." Sometimes, Lu Li felt that the so-called top ten guilds, all nine together, were not as big as the City of Glory.

Xiao Mo is a Dharma God and an extremely clever manager.

Chang Henge heard the implication of Lu Li's words and nodded with a smile. He even began to think about any projects that could be cross-camp cooperation.

Everyone else had left the Shengshi Dynasty. The reason why he didn't leave was largely due to emotions, but also partly because he had his share in the guild.

Cooperating with the Song of Everlasting Sorrow, the efficiency of searching for herbal medicines was greatly improved, and the five plants Lu Li needed were quickly collected.

Song of Everlasting Regret was completed earlier than Lu Li, so he waited until Lu Li finished before asking to leave.

Lu Li watched his back disappearing into the darkness, wondering whether he should sympathize with him, because no matter how reluctant he was to admit it, at least the prosperous dynasty had reached the point where it was running out of fuel.

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