The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 737 Moon Night Grass

Lu Li had delayed looking for Yue Yecao for so long, and Tangyuan with Sesame Filling had already improved his training skills to 260, which meant that everything was ready, just waiting for him to show off his skills.

The probability of failure in alchemy is not as high as other life professions, so two bottles of Moonlight Herbal Potion soon appeared in Lu Li's hand.

"I'll treat you to dinner later," Lu Li patted the young man gratefully.

This is the guild's first expert-level alchemy. Even those real-life players who bury their heads in making medicine all day long are not as fast as him. He worked hard in PVE with sesame stuffed glutinous rice balls, and his level has not dropped, and he has become an expert-level alchemy. , Lu Li did the right thing by taking him in.

With two bottles of Moonlight Herbal Potion, Lu Li teleported to the Moonlight Grove.

"You mean this potion can solve the problems that have troubled werewolves for many years?" Remulos didn't trust Lu Li very much. He felt that he might have misjudged the person. This kid in front of him actually took a bottle of potion and lied to him.

After all, neither the Jungle Guardian nor the Bloodfang Werewolves thought Lu Li was capable of doing this.

The reason why they issued this mission is because of the nature given to them by the system, and everything is based on this. It can even be said that only when this mission is completed, the werewolves will appear in front of the players openly.

"Actually, it's not difficult to try it out," Lu Li said without any impassioned sophistry.

This actually made Remulos look more solemn, and he began to doubt his own judgment, although his reason soon told him again that the werewolf problem was not so easy to solve.

Why must the werewolf problem be solved?

This is because werewolves are irrational after transformation. Some werewolves can control themselves not to harm people after transformation, but most of them will cause murders. Werewolves will not know what they have done after they transform back into human form.

But one thing is that they know how to transform themselves and the pain of transformation. It is very painful for a werewolf to transform, because the changes in the body's structure are very uncomfortable. During the transformation, most werewolves' sanity will disappear little by little, just like fainting. The outer brain of the brain is closed, leaving only the inner brain. , that is, the part that controls hormone secretion and primitive instinct is operating, so you will lose your mind.

The pain may be bearable, but for the peaceful druids, meaningless killing is something they cannot accept, so they would rather stay and sleep in their ancestral land in the Bloodfang Ruins.

Remulos took Lu Li to teleport into the Bloodfang territory.

The sleeping high lord Kruger Bloodfang felt their arrival immediately. He opened his eyes and counted the passing time in confusion, and found that it was less than three weeks since Remulos last visited.

"My friend, you should not set foot on our ancestral land so often."

Remulos walked gracefully in front of the great lord and said with a wry smile: "Although I don't believe it, this friend of mine claims to have solved your problem."

"Solve our problem?" Of course Kruger didn't believe it, but he could still control his temper and looked at Lu Li expectantly.

Countless failures, countless days and nights of failure and pain, all of which made the Bloodfang Archdruid lose the impatience and exaggeration that a normal person should have. He would rather try to impress Lu Li's efforts.

The possible result within three weeks at least shows that Lu Li is not lazy.

"This is the moonlight herbal medicine I found. I found it in an ancient book and found that it contains rich energy to soothe the soul," Lu Li said casually: "If this still can't solve the problem, then I really have no choice but to give up on this mission. ”

"Please don't mind if I want to find someone to try," Kruger waved, and two younger-looking werewolves immediately came up.

One of them activated the wolf transformation and transformed from the original image of a night elf druid into a monster that resembled a giant wolf but retained a certain human form.

During this transformation process, he suffered great pain and his whole body was shaking.

And just after the transformation, he rushed towards the nearest Lu Li with red eyes, looking at the posture that could definitely tear Lu Li into pieces.

"Restraint," Kruger waved his hand, and a group of vines rose from the feet of the transformed werewolf, trapping him on the ground, and then released mages such as Soothing. The crazy werewolf quickly And fell into a deep sleep.

Then he picked up a bottle of potion and handed it to the other werewolf.

The second werewolf uncorked the bottle without hesitation and poured the light blue solution into his mouth without leaving a drop.

After about a few minutes - enough time for the slowest potion to take effect - he began to transform like the first werewolf. Remulos, Kruger, Lu Li, and the other werewolves were all full of anticipation. watching this scene.

Even if this scene brought them disappointment in the end.

The Bloodfang Druids have never given up hope. They are waiting for the day when they can walk freely on the continent of Azeroth, the land they love and spread their blood for.

At the beginning, the werewolf who drank the potion also frowned, but after this level of frowning, it was in sharp contrast to the first one.

The first one isn't called frowning, it's called ferocious.

It seemed that the potion could at least alleviate the pain during the transformation. Kruger mentally gave Lu Li a boost. The effect at this stage made him look forward to the werewolf's reaction after transformation.

In fact, the reaction of the second werewolf after his successful transformation... was almost confusion.

He may have never transformed in such a rational situation. He lowered his head and looked at his paws on the ground, his dark hair, and his thick limbs and body...

"Zach, you..." The last time it was the transformed werewolf who was shaking, this time it was the Bloodfang Lord.

The old druid wanted to reach out but didn't dare to, or he didn't believe what he saw. His spells had been condensed and ready to be released on the second werewolf.

"Your Excellency, I... I seem to be awake, I am Zach," the second werewolf said in an incoherent voice.

"Yes, my child, you are awake, we are finally awake," Kruger uncorked another bottle and poured it into his mouth. He couldn't wait to feel the sobriety after the transformation. What a feeling.

Lu Li was a little nervous. He was a potion geek who didn't know whether it would be useful against the BOSS. Even if Kruger wasn't the top in the continent, he was at least someone he had to look up to.

Fortunately, the system did not fool Lu Li this time.

The potion worked perfectly, no matter whether the person who drank it was an ordinary werewolf or a BOSS-level being.

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