The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 741 New upgrade method

"Is there anything else? If not, see you next time." Remulos raised his hand, which meant Lu Li, you can get out of here.

Lu Li stood up, stopped, turned around and asked, "Can I decide who will do this task?"

The first thing that comes to mind...

Lu Li was a little distracted at this time, why was it a water elf?

This is very strange.

Shouldn't it be Azure Sea Breeze or March Rain? The former is Dawn's No. 1 MT who claims to be able to withstand Sargeras with one hand, and the latter is the powerful man with big breasts that Lu Li has always trusted.

Why do you think of water elves?

She is a thief. She has the same profession as Lu Li. What profession do thieves hate the most? Of course it is thief. She knows almost everything Lu Li knows, and she also competes with Lu Li for equipment and skill books.

This strange thought made Lu Li feel ashamed. He felt sorry for his teammates.

"Well, I'm sorry, I only have one spot here," Remulos shook his head and said decisively. He was probably only responsible for finding a "savior".

"Okay then, is there any way to upgrade my ring now?" I had already asked it last time, but Lu Li still wanted to ask it again.

The future may be more difficult, and the higher the strength, the more benefits you are likely to reap.

No one would mind having too much money. He still has foreign debts to pay off and a sister to support. He might even marry a wife in the near future and raise a son or daughter, and...

In short, someone who is scared of poverty always wants to go further.

"Hmm..." The strange thing is that Remulos did not directly ask Lu Li to find Malfurion like last time. He thought for a while before saying: "I think you should kill the BOSS of the Burning Legion. Collect the After the BOSS's blood, go to the Bloodfang Werewolf, and they will use the altar to instill the power of the BOSS's blood into you and your ring more efficiently."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Lu Li had been worrying about how to find Malfurion recently.

Please, Malfurion is actually so easy to find. Even his wife Tyrande can't find her and can only wait miserably for him to wake up from the Emerald Dream.

"The Bloodfang Werewolves couldn't protect themselves before, how could they let you use their Bloodfang Altar," Remulos said innocently.

"Can the ring be upgraded?" Lu Li thought to himself that he would need a bunch of rare materials, but if it could really make the already legendary Supreme Ring a step further, he would be willing to collect any more rare materials.

"No," Remulos denied simply.

"Your Excellency Guardian, are you kidding me?" Lu Li was speechless. He felt that he was wasting his time.

"Your ring can convert rare materials into experience points and attributes of the ring through the Blood Fang Altar. This is one of the functions of the Supreme Ring," Remulos said seriously.

Brother, don't lie to me. Lu Li's heartbeat was racing.

If that were the case, wouldn't he be able to use rare materials to upgrade?

"Can only the Blood Fang Altar be used?" Lu Li asked cautiously.

"The ancient night elf druids accidentally discovered a natural altar, which is said to be the place where the wolf god Godrej was born. It is full of wolf soul power. This altar can allow druids to transform into the form of a wolf. The combat effectiveness is greatly increased," Remulos said.

"Then what?" Lu Li actually believed it.

"Malfurion opposed this power-draining ritual. He believed that this beast form was uncontrollable and would devour the druid himself and pose a threat to others. He was right, but the druids did not Reluctantly, they built the Bloodfang Ancestral Land based on the Emerald Dream, thus giving birth to a group of Sickle Claw Druids. They shined in the battle against the Burning Legion, but Malfurion's worries were not unreasonable. As a result, you I know it too," Remulos sighed.

Even he was a little jealous of Malfurion. It was not without reason that his father Cenarius chose him as his personal disciple.

"If I use the Bloodfang Altar, will I encounter the same problem?" Lu Li was worried.

"Isn't the problem solved?" Remulos said with a smile.

"Uh... wouldn't it be possible to continuously produce werewolves, and all of them could be promoted to the level of Lord Kruger?" If that's the case, the Burning Legion is nothing.

"Haha," Remulos sneered: "If you want to upgrade an ordinary druid to Kruger's level, the resources consumed are beyond your imagination. You will never be able to do it in your lifetime."

Chi Guoguo looked down upon him, but Lu Li really had nothing to say.

Dawn is a very big game, and the strength gap between players and NPCs is really too big. It will probably take a long time to reach the level of fighting against mainstream NPCs.

Lu Li once fantasized about killing Sargeras, but the more he learned about it, the more he realized that even a shadow projected by Sargeras into the Sunwell was not something he could handle. Even if he rose to Level sixty, level seventy, level eighty...

Level is very important in the early stage. Although Lu Li has never experienced it, he guesses that there must be a kind of power that replaces level in the middle and later stages of the game, becoming the ability for players to gradually compete with NPCs.

"Can my friends use the Bloodfang Altar?" Lu Li hoped to help his teammates.

How could his level increase be compared to that of the entire team? Apart from the troll ruins in the Hinterlands, he hoped to find a safe and effective way to increase his level.

There are even guild members who have been fighting with Jiangnan nobles during this period. Not only have their leveling been delayed, but some of them have also lost their levels.

Just like Fat Monkey, if Lu Li hadn't forced him not to PK, he might not have even reached level 40.

"The Bloodfang Werewolves are your friends, and they will open the altar for you to use. As for the others, they don't have the Supreme Ring, and the Bloodfang Werewolves are not that easy to talk to," Remulos shook his head.

The Bloodfang werewolves themselves possess some of the arrogance of high-level spirits, and they have been isolated and isolated for so many years. The reason why they chatted and laughed with Lu Li was because Lu Li was kind to them.

"Okay, thank you," Lu Li could only say goodbye with regret.

He decided to go to the territory of the Bloodfang Werewolf first. Although it was a bit shameless to go back just after leaving, he couldn't go so far in order to verify Remulos's words.

After activating the Bloodfang Werewolf Blessing, Lu Li teleported directly to the Bloodfang Ancestral Land.

The two patrolling Bloodfang Werewolves saw Lu Li and hurriedly approached him. Their teleportation array was semi-enclosed and only a few people could teleport over. They were all friends of the Bloodfang Werewolves.

"Your Excellency, the High Lord, has gone to look for the formula," the Bloodfang werewolf guard said respectfully.

When Lu Li proposed to use the Bloodfang Altar, the two guards could not make the decision, but they took Lu Li to find a high priest of the Bloodfang Werewolf, and the high priest agreed to Lu Li's request.

They no longer need to rely on the Blood Fang Altar to suppress the wolf's rage, and they attach less importance to this altar.

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