The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 742 Gold coins for time

"The method is very simple. Please put the materials into this groove, then stand on the altar and recite the incantation like me." The high priest is an old werewolf, and his attitude is very kind.

It was originally a desperate plan to rot in these ruins, but I didn't expect that one day it would see the light of day again.

"Uh... I would like to ask, will activating the altar be a big burden on you and the altar?" Lu Li was very embarrassed. Although he had helped, he was a little impatient to ask for payment so quickly.

"No," the old priest shook his head: "In fact, any spell control profession can activate the altar as long as they learn this spell. As for the altar, it was born with the Wolf God and is not as fragile as you think."

"Can I put the materials in one at a time?" Lu Li wanted to try different materials and see what the effect would be.

The werewolf priest nodded and signaled Lu Li to start.

"Thank you," Lu Li searched in his backpack and took out four rare materials.

There are more than just these in his backpack, but the others are more precious, rare items worth more than a hundred gold. Although gold coins are slightly depreciated at the moment, this hundred gold is still worth thousands of real coins.

As for the four items he took out, they may not be worth a hundred gold together.

The main purpose was to do an experiment first to see what effect so many materials could produce. If the effect was good, Lu Li would start collecting rare materials again.

The werewolf priest inserted his staff into the medium slot of the altar and began to chant incantations in a very ancient language.

The first thing I put in was a rare fur-type material, which was often produced by beast-type bosses and was used to make leather armor and mail armor. However, if it was produced in large quantities, it would naturally not be sold at a high price.

The attributes of the ring have not moved at all, but the experience value has moved forward slightly - only increased by about 2%.

Although Lu Li knew that this material was very ordinary and would probably not have any good results, he couldn't help but become disappointed when he actually gained very little.

But if you do some calculations, at Lu Li's current level, it would take at least two or three hours to gain 2% experience.

The rare materials exchanged for dozens of gold coins in exchange for two hours of upgrade experience seemed pretty good. Lu Li was already very satisfied with this conversion efficiency.

Then he switched to a rare mineral material, which was slightly better than the fur material; a rare plant material, which was a little worse than the fur material. Instead, it was a piece of devil's blood, which made Lu Li's experience increase instantly. 3.5%, almost twice that of fur products.

Demon blood, as expected, still needs to be produced by the BOSS of the Burning Legion.

Lu Li was not surprised by this result.

He searched through all the Burning Legion's production materials in his backpack. Except for the particularly precious ones, there were only three pieces left, and he threw them all in at once.

These three materials brought Lu Li 13% experience points.

Including the previous ones, there were a total of seven rare materials, and Lu Li's experience level increased by almost 20%.

There was still 68% left before reaching level 45. Lu Li couldn't wait to collect rare materials. What made him even more happy was that he didn't know which rare material produced the effect, and the properties of the ring changed subtly.

The Four Supreme Rings (Legendary)*3:

????Agility +55,

????Strength +31,

????Physique +32,

????Crit +31%,

????Vampire +38%,

????Special Effect 1: The Jungle King's Asylum, instant cast, summons a natural shield to absorb full damage to the caster, with a one-hour cooldown.

????Special Effect 2: Blessing of the Jungle King, concealment effect +30%.

????Special effect 3: Cenarius, the king of the jungle, gives it special abilities. You can learn three transformation skills of the druid, and learn up to four skills of this transformation branch.

????Equipment requirements: None

????Durability: None

These are the current attributes of the ring. If Lu Li remembers correctly, the changes made to the ring are agility +5, strength +1, constitution +2, critical strike +1%, and blood-stealing +3%. The special effects have not changed at all.

Don't underestimate this change. Lu Li only used seven pieces of materials today, and the total cost was only three hundred gold. If he was willing to spend the money and spend three thousand or thirty thousand gold, the ring would probably be almost as good as the legendary equipment. .

Of course, he wouldn't do that, and he didn't have the money to do that.

If you want to rely on this to earn experience and upgrade rings, it is a long-term job. Lu Li suppressed his greed and said goodbye to the werewolf high priest politely.

After he went back, he found glutinous rice balls with sesame filling.

First, he thanked him for helping him make the Moon Night Herbal Potion. This favor allowed him to get a powerful skill and upgrade it to another level. In addition, there was another important thing that had to be put on the agenda.

The brothers in the guild were suffering these days, so he couldn't show any signs of it.

"Tangyuan, I want to take you to a place, but the road is a bit dangerous. I'm afraid you may die a few times." Lu Li planned to make it clear in advance that if the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls were not willing, he would not force it.

"Where are you going? Let's go," the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls said without even frowning.

Lu Li was a little surprised. Why did this guy trust him so much? He was not even sure where he was going. He directly asked where he was going. If he was not a man, he would suspect that he had a crush on him.

"I'm a PVE warlock, so my level isn't that important, and I'm almost forty-two, so I can afford to lose a little bit of experience," Sesame-filled glutinous rice balls explained.

"Try to make sure you don't die. Just wait a minute. I'll call on the left hand." Lu Li chatted privately about Cain's left hand. He quickly arrived here. His ability to blur his teammates made this This operation has added a lot of protection.

In the same words, Lu Li also asked about Cain's left hand.

"Haha, boss, you underestimate people. It's unrealistic to climb mountains of swords and seas of fire. We really don't take it seriously if you have little experience."

Yes, he was a villain. Lu Li laughed and said, "It's time for our guild to collect a wave of experience when we go to the Hinterlands. I hope this operation can go smoothly."

Come to the Hinterlands, close to the forest where the troll ruins are.

Cain's left hand expression changed a little: "Boss, you don't want to go in, do you?"

"Why, has anyone explored this place yet?" He didn't know if they had discovered the existence of the ruins. Lu Li was still counting on the Sword of Judgment Guild to be able to use this place to farm experience treasures to catch up with the average level of the big guilds.

"Some people from a small guild met a jungle wolf here with more than 80,000 HP. They thought it was the BOSS. After killing dozens of people, they found out that it was an elite..." Cain's left hand looked strange.

"It must be a monster over level 50," Lu Li felt relieved.

He is a reborn person, so of course he knows the concept of monsters above level 50. Players who have never been exposed to them really don't know how big the difference is between level 40 and level 50.

"That's right, a level 58 elite monster," Cain's left hand secretly admired. It seemed that the boss had already come into contact with level 50 monsters.

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