The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 744: So stupid and naturally cute

Forget it if you drop the equipment, Captain Sandel's belt is level 30 equipment and will soon become outdated. What made Lu Li most distressed was his experience. Twenty percent of his experience points were dropped. He was so distressed that he wanted to cry. It would take him two days to gain these experiences.

Using seven rare materials on the Bloodfang Altar only increased the experience by 20%.

I looked for thieves with "Standby" remarks in the guild member list. Guild members can modify their own remarks. If they go to a dungeon, they will change it to "In dungeon". If they go to the battlefield, they will say "PK". If they do nothing, they will say "Standby". .

Most guild members, especially those in the elite group, must mark their status at all times.

The thieves from the four elite groups, Wolf Fang, Scarlet Young Moon, Insufficient Energy, and Bloodthirsty Setting Sun, joined the group one after another. They were chatting in the guild channel and looked very idle, so they were chosen by Lu Li.

These people all joined the guild relatively early. They joined the elite group immediately and witnessed the growth of the guild. Lu Li has also seen them in real life, so they are more trustworthy.

"What's going on? Are we going to fight in the boss group?" Xianhong Youyue asked in surprise.

"Go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, no matter what!" He is a bit of a middle-class player because of his lack of energy. He is a regular member of the fat monkey battlefield team. His skills are not bad, and he is a relatively typical PVP player.

"Since the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​​​fire are all over, then you can be cannon fodder," Lu Li said with a sigh.

He could only say sorry to these brothers. He planned to use these people to explore the way ahead. The reason why he wanted to find people from the elite group was because ordinary thieves simply could not bear the task of attracting monsters.

"Okay, boss, please tell me the location," without sighing, after a moment of silence, the bloodthirsty setting sun asked in a firm tone.

After grouping them together, Lu Li called Xiao Bajiang, who was working hard like a little bee. Of course, such a young girl is not used as cannon fodder. If someone dies, she will be responsible for resurrecting those who died in battle if conditions permit. teammates.

If you stand up, you will lose 20% of your experience, and if you are resurrected, you will lose 10% of your experience. It is a completely different concept.

A few dozen seconds later, several people appeared in the Hinterlands teleportation array.

The team expanded to eight people and once again embarked on the road forward.

This time, the first one to die was Langya. His level was a little lower and his skills were a bit weak. However, the location where he died was far away from the monster, and Hachi-chan could reach him to save him.

Just like that, it was more than two hours later when I saw the dark trial tower.

A lot of people were killed along the way. Except for Lu Li, the other five thieves were killed more than twice on average, but they didn't even frown, which was really good.

Lu Li directly transferred a lot of guild points to them, which was enough for them to exchange for a piece of golden equipment from the guild warehouse and still have some leftover.

Standing in front of the trial tower, Hachi-chan raised his little head and asked, "What is this place?"

"Why are you asking so many questions, Tangyuan, get ready to go out!" Lu Li patted the little girl's head and commanded Tangyuan stuffed with sesame filling to summon the portal.

He had just informed Root Number Three and explained the situation in detail.

As soon as he heard that there was a place where everyone could go crazy leveling up and get props and equipment, Root No. 3 started mobilizing everyone to prepare without hesitation, and large teams were organized.

The people summoned this time are not limited to the elite group, but any members who participated in the battle with the Jiangnan nobles.

Tangyuan with sesame fillings withdrew from the team, and then joined Root 3's team. After giving him the status of team leader, he added two people in front of him, so that he could pull the entire team over one by one.

The Sword of Judgment has enjoyed this kind of teleportation more than once, so everyone started to act in an orderly manner.

Dozens of minutes later, thousands of members of the Sword of Judgment spread out in front of the trial tower, and they followed Lu Li's instructions to eliminate the surrounding monsters. Keys to the trial towers popped out one after another.

Those who come first go in first, and there is a steady stream of people coming from behind.

There was almost no one present who could give the SSS rating alone like Lu Li did.

Therefore, under the arrangement of Lu Li and Root Hao San, they formed teams of five to enter. One was responsible for fighting monsters, one was responsible for healing, and the other three were for output. The efficiency was much higher than that of Lu Li alone.

Lu Li refreshed once last week and refreshed this week, giving him another chance to enter.

He also organized a group of people this time, Xiaobajiang for treatment, Can Meng, Nuoyu and Lu Li for damage. The one responsible for defense was Yusi Wanderer. He was the leader of the Knights of the Sword of Judgment and the leader of the small camp of the Night Watch.

This lineup is not the strongest, but it is still no problem to get SSS.

The first three floors were almost crushed all the way. Even Hachi-chan, the guy who was chosen as a healer, seemed to be having fun chasing monsters everywhere. The rewards for clearing the SSS were quite generous, and the experience bar bounced several times.

What excites them most is the rewards for completing the level.

There is a big carousel in front of everyone, and what they can get depends on their own luck.

As expected, Lu Li didn't get as good a prize as he did the first time. The first time he drew a piece of bronze equipment, he threw it away. The second time, he got a rubbish skill book that no one would want. Good thing, luck came in the third time, and he got a basic riding skills book.

Although he won't use it, he can give it to other people in the guild.

Nuoyu, Yusi Wanderer and Lu Li are similar.

Nuo Yu was even worse than Lu Li. All three were equipment, the best was a piece of silver, and none of them were decent. However, Rain Like Wanderer got a skill book for this profession, which he had never learned before. Learned on the spot.

Although Hachi-chan is called the daughter of the system by many people, her luck here is not very good. She only got an 18-slot backpack the second time.

The most enviable and jealous person is Can Meng.

This little hunter with red hands is so amazing here that people are stunned.

If Hachi-chan is the biological daughter of the system, then Canmeng may really be the biological sister of the system. Is it possible that after reaching a certain level of stupidity and cuteness, she can be compensated in other ways?

For the first time, she got a skill book.

The second time, she got a mount, yes, a mount - a white goat.

This is an exclusive mount for the dwarves. It requires reputation and gold coins. Other races in the alliance can buy it at a high price if their reputation reaches a certain level. It is not too rare, but even the dwarves may not buy it at the moment. She got the goat, and the fact that she got this mount was enough to make people jealous.

The third time, skill points.

Can Meng's skill points are not much lower than Lu Li's, and her equipment is also good. If group damage is not considered, the damage she can do is higher than that of the fire mage Noyu.

The rookie who once had trouble finding anyone to form a team is now able to compete with top players.

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