The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 745 Working together

The fourth time was a level 35 monster. In fact, the pressure was not very great. It was just that compared to the previous three levels, it was impossible to achieve an instant kill. Lu Li's star-killing equipment played a huge role, killing monsters more efficiently than the mage Noyu. high.

This time the SSS scoring was also completed.

A big carousel appeared in front of everyone again, and a skill point jumped into view.

Lu Li looked at the skill point and felt like a cat was scratching at it.

His skill points are in short supply to an astonishing degree, or in other words, in competitions between masters, when the gap between equipment and skills becomes smaller and smaller, it is often just a matter of one or two levels behind the previous skill level.

This is not the time of the Huaying Cup, when the players are still in the stage of adapting to the new game. It has been four months since the game was launched. If there is anyone who has not adapted well, then just stop being a player and go home to take care of your children.

"Mengmeng, should you turn left or right?" Lu Li pressed the turntable and turned to ask.

Can Meng thought hard and replied: "Well, if men are on the left and women are on the right, you should go to the left."

Is that the conclusion?

No need to think so hard, Lu Li suddenly found that the question he asked was really boring. It was a mistake to ask her about this kind of thing, so he didn't have much hope.

But since it doesn't matter whether it's right or left, I simply followed her instructions, treated the dead horse as a living horse, and turned hard to the left.

The others were not too busy to move around anymore and were all paying attention to what Lu Li could move to.

The turntable rumbled, and the pointer rotated rapidly, from fast to slow, and finally...

"I'll go, it's really happened," Nuo Yu was dumbfounded. He originally thought it was ridiculous to ask Can Meng this question. If Can Meng had this ability, he would be more than just a group favorite.

Lu Li watched stupidly as the number of skill points he had used up turned into one, which meant that he had drawn skill points.

"I'll give it a try too, men on the left and women on the right, get this skill book for me," Yusi Wanderer followed closely behind. Only one of his eight items was a skill book that was of top quality, and the rest were worthless. The thing he aims for is the skill book.

Maybe Can Meng's good luck is really contagious.

Everyone held their breath, watching the turntable's pointer magically move from fast to slow, and then stop on a piece of silver equipment.

Frankly speaking, this piece of silver equipment is actually just okay. It has a damage reduction effect, plus a top-quality attribute that adds 5% to the upper limit of blood volume. However, for Nuoyu, who has already begun to pursue gold equipment, this piece of equipment has undoubtedly become a problem. It's tasteless.

I didn't get the skill book.

The man on the left and the woman on the right are out of control...

"Mengmeng hasn't said it yet. I have to come again and again. Mengmeng tell me how to get this formula." Xiaobajiang was interested in a jewelry formula-a gold necklace.

Necklaces are relatively difficult equipment to obtain. The price of silver necklaces is at least 50% higher than other similar parts, and gold-level ones are even more expensive to find.

Even Hachi-chan, who doesn't know much about equipment attributes, knows that this thing must be valuable.

"Well," Can Meng thought about it seriously and said, "It's Wednesday, so let's turn right."

Everyone was confused as to what the connection between Wednesday and turning right was, and they had no idea where this girl's logic came from, but the suggestion of turning right was clear.

Hachi-chan turned the turntable sharply to the right without hesitation.

"Why didn't you get it?" Hachi-chan looked at her bestie with a resentful look on her face while holding a skill book she had learned a long time ago.

"You really think I'm capable of this? Maybe I won't be able to draw good stuff myself," Can Meng didn't even bother to complain about these friends who looked at her with special eyes.

She turned around for a while, and then drew the best rare material among the eight items.

The four people looked at her with resentment.

Unwilling to give up, Nuo Yu also asked Can Meng for advice, but in the end he only drew a piece of junk equipment.

The final conclusion is that Can Meng's luck is really not that good, and the advice she gives to others is not that reliable. As for Lu Li being able to use her advice to get skill points, it is just pure luck.

The fifth floor, a level 40 monster.

Lu Li and his team finally began to feel pressure. Last time he killed the monsters on this floor alone and got a double S rating. This time he did not go alone, but formed a team just to get an S rating on this floor. Three S rating.

After all, the better the rating, the better the product.

It's just that when there are more people, there are also more monsters. It's hard to say that this method of killing monsters is more promising.

This time, Lu Li was responsible for pulling monsters, and all the monsters he pulled were carried by the Yusi Wanderer. For level 40 monsters, Nuo Yu and Can Meng would become the main force. Nuo Yu is a mage, and he is a profession with outstanding group damage. , and Can Meng, in addition to having a very good group damage skill, the pet she brought this time was a flamingo with two group damage skills.

Hachi-chan naturally needs to increase his health. Rain Like a Wanderer is a higher level than the monsters. However, when the number of monsters reaches a certain level, his health will be greatly reduced.

"It's up to you if you go faster, Lu Li," Nuo Yu poured a bottle of potion to restore magic and released his skills crazily.

"Dora, I can handle it," said Yu Like Wanderer. Although the equipment of Yu Like Wanderer was not as good as that of Azure Sea Breeze, there were all ordinary monsters here. He managed to hold on by using a method of moving while releasing group taunting skills.

The purpose of this mobile anti-monster technology is to minimize the number of monsters that can attack him at the same time.

Coupled with Xiaobajiang's continuous use of various healing skills, Yusi Wanderer's health volume could always be maintained at more than half, which was still far from the limit, so he shouted to Lu Li to pull more.

Since they all said so, Lu Li would certainly not let them down.

The speed was already fast enough, but when he accelerated to pull monsters, the efficiency was further improved. Many monsters crowded in behind him, and it looked like a game of eagle and chicken.

"I'll fight for the Three Ss," Nuo Yu watched the time passing by, gritted his teeth and swallowed a bottle of potion.

This is the best potion he got from completing a mission. It increases damage by 50% and lasts for five minutes. There is only one bottle of it. He has never been willing to use it, and now he can't care about it so much.

The effect of using the potion is very obvious. The damage caused by the large floating area increases sharply, and the speed of monster death also increases.

Canmeng also has something similar. Although the effect is not as strong as Nuoyu's, after using it, it can also increase the speed of clearing monsters. With everyone's concerted efforts, the monsters on the fifth floor were quickly wiped out.

All the time was much shorter than expected. The system prompted that they had received SSS evaluation, and all the investment had good results.

"I have a piece of dark gold equipment here..."

"I have a mount here..."

"I have an excellent recipe here..."

"The eight things I have here are very good..."

The SSS on the fifth level is naturally much better than the fourth level. After all, you are facing level 40 monsters.

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