The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 746 Goblin Rocket Boots

The eight things in front of Lu Li were equally good.

A rare material is the Shadow of the Demon that he likes very much. It is the best quality that can only be produced by the BOSS of the Burning Legion. It is very suitable whether it is kept for equipment or used to upgrade experience and rings.

One skill book was Enhanced Shadow Attack. Lu Li was jealous as soon as this skill appeared.

He especially wants to enhance skills. Currently, there is only one enhanced werewolf transformation. Although it is very rare, it does not really help his output. The thief profession must be able to guarantee a certain output to survive on the field.

In terms of output, look at equipment first, and damage skills second.

Everyone has skills, or they will have them sooner or later, such as throat wiping, backhand stabbing, kidney attack, ambush, etc. Lu Li has no advantage in this aspect. Then there are skill points. Who has more level 5 skills? Whose output is higher.

Lu Li has a certain advantage in this aspect, but it's not big, and he can't keep the gap with other thieves.

As a reborn person, he knows how powerful enhanced skills are, and he especially hopes to get enhanced skills earlier than others. This enhanced sneak attack is what he particularly hopes to get.

Shadow attack is his most commonly used skill. The damage of enhanced shadow attack will be at least 20% higher than that of ordinary shadow attack. With this skill, his overall strength will be significantly improved.

In addition to rare materials and enhanced skills, he also saw a recipe - Goblin Rocket Boots.

What a surprise. Lu Li had even imagined seeing a mechanic's motorcycle, but he didn't expect to see something like goblin rocket boots so early.

Goblin Rocket Boots are not shoes in the true sense, but a prop that can be attached to shoe equipment. In addition to increasing the movement speed to a certain extent, it can also jump over short distances. It can be called a murderer and treasure hunter for home travel. Excellent stuff.

When Lu Li was reborn in his previous life, three years after the game started, anyone who didn't have a rocket launcher on his shoes would be embarrassed to say he was a PVP player.

Of course, such a good thing requires a high level of engineering, and no expert level can hope to make it.

Adding three pieces of gold equipment and two pieces of silver equipment, this is the temptation placed in front of Lu Li, provided that he can switch to what he wants.

What I want most is the Enhanced Shadow Strike Skill Book, followed by the Engineering Formula, then the Demon's Shadow, and lastly a piece of golden equipment... Oh no, I'm really not willing to accept it if it's a golden equipment, no matter how good it is. Golden equipment always becomes outdated, and these pieces of gold equipment are not necessarily better than what he has.

As for the two pieces of silver equipment, if he really drew these two pieces of silver equipment, Lu Li would probably vomit blood and die immediately.

"Mengmeng, which way are you turning? If I want this skill book," Lu Li's voice was shaking a little as he spoke. He looked at Can Meng expectantly, although he knew in his heart that this expectation was unreliable.

"Well, I think it should be to the left. No, let's go to the right. The skill point that turned to the left last time must be to the right this time." Can Meng was so embarrassed by Lu Li that he couldn't refuse him, so he gritted his teeth and acted as the role again. Got a little magic stick once.

The little magician's words gave Lu Li a little confidence, and he turned to the right without hesitation.

The others were waiting for Lu Li to get the results. This time, Lu Li's carousel contained the best stuff. Although the other four carousels were also good, they were all inferior in comparison.

"God bless!"

Lu Li closed his eyes and uttered the prayer of an unbeliever. He doesn't believe in God very much, because he prayed countless times in his previous life for someone to save his sister, but in the end he was always in despair.

"Wow!" someone exclaimed.

The results came out, and the tone sounded pretty good. Lu Li was overjoyed and opened his eyes. The picture before him showed the pointer pointing at the position of the engineering drawing.

Damn it, why isn't it a skill book? As long as this broken pointer rotates a little more, the next one will be a skill book.

Blueprint: Goblin Rocket Boots

Recipe: Engineering

Required: Expert Engineering (280)

Use: Teaches you how to make Goblin Rocket Boots

Goblin Rocket Boots: Equip your boots with a pair of wings, giving them the speed of a rocket, increasing the movement speed by 5%; rocket jump, use, jump eight yards, cooling time is 2 minutes, there is a certain probability of happening when used After the explosion, the effect of the Goblin Rocket Boots disappears. If you are lucky, you may be able to pick up some parts.

Even a pair of ordinary boots will transform into the best with the addition of a rocket launcher.

It's just that the expert engineering requirement of 280 made Lu Li very painful. He hadn't practiced engineering skills for a long time since the Ivey bomb.

"Stop watching. I'll give each of you a pair when it's finished. But I'll provide the materials myself," Lu Li waved his hand feebly.

"Don't worry, boss, we will get the materials together." When the others heard this, they immediately beamed with joy. This thing was of such high quality that it naturally cost a lot of materials. However, most of the people present were not short of money, and no one felt that they had to collect the materials. Incomplete materials.

"Don't worry, it will take some time to reach 280, you can draw the lottery first," Lu Li handed out the required materials.

Of the five turntables, only Lu Li's has produced results, and the others are still waiting to be turned. There are many top-quality things among them, and there is even a mount that Lu Li feels will sell for a sky-high price if he takes it out.

DK horse!

Level 45 dungeon Stratholme has a cloud-like probability of dropping. In fact, even when Lu Li traveled through time, there were very few people who could own such a mount. There were a few lucky ones who still passed through this lottery method or specific I got it just for the event.

Not only because of the low probability of falling, but also because of the popularity of this mount. It is more beautiful than the skeleton horse of the undead race and the reins of the headless horseman.

"Wandering, you must turn your mount out," Nuoyu patted the shoulder of the wandering man like rain and said without much hope.

It would be great if this carousel belonged to Can Meng. Her incredible luck would make everyone think that the mount is not a dream either.

"Stop putting pressure on me. I'm almost crying, haven't you noticed?" Yu Like Wanderer smiled bitterly.

As expected, he did not transfer and only got a piece of gold equipment. This man had a good psychological quality and was quickly conquered by the excellent properties of the gold equipment, so he changed it into his body.

Bacchan's luck is still average. This time he got the skill book - Zhan Fu. Most druids know this skill.

Nuoyu also drew the equipment, which is not as good as the Yusi Wanderer. Everyone can only hope that Can Meng draws the dark gold crossbow. The three dark gold crossbows with the best special effects should not be much worse than the legendary equipment.

If you draw it, it will probably be Dawn's best hunter weapon.

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