The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 747: Involvement

"Don't look at me like this, I'm nervous," the little hunter said weakly.

"Hurry up," Hachichan patted her on the head. The jealousy in her head could no longer save the fragile friendship. She really wanted to get whatever she wanted like her best friend.

I didn't see Can Meng being confused about whether to turn left or right, so he grabbed the turntable with his little hand and moved it casually.

It turned out to be a real winner.

The level 40 dark gold crossbow has been replaced with Can Meng's shotgun, further increasing its attack power.

On the sixth floor, there are monsters at level 45. This is not just a simple difference of five levels. The levels of monsters begin to surpass the players. Except for Lu Li, whose level reaches level 44, he will not be crushed in level. Others They are only forty-one or forty-two.

Dawn's level penalty is level three, and anything above level three is an insurmountable gap.

Both damage and sustaining injuries have become important factors affecting spawning monsters. Just now, Rain Like a Wanderer kept urging Lu Li to pull more monsters, but this time he screamed and stopped before he could pull any more monsters.

For MTs, the most troublesome part of high-level monsters is their critical hits.

"It will be good if we can beat this level. There is no chance of 3S. Just try your best." Lu Li didn't even try this level last time. It would be great if we can beat it this time. People can't be too greedy and be content with what they have. .

Now that Lu Li said so, others were not so nervous.

"These monsters have a lot of experience," Nuoyu said with emotion as he looked at the experience bar.

He is now considered a high-ranking member of the guild, and he is also very active in guild activities. This time, he was at the most critical position in every fight with the Jiangnan nobles, and he died four times in just a few days.

Even if a teammate is resurrected, his level has dropped by half a level. To say he doesn't feel bad would be a lie.

This time Lu Li took everyone to clear the trial tower. In addition to the lottery draw, another important reward for the 3S rating was the experience reward. Their experience bar had increased by more than thirty years, and the lost experience had almost been made up.

Especially the monsters on this level at the moment are as high as level 45, and the experience they give is higher than that of ordinary elite monsters.

The final quasi-boss is also very difficult to deal with. It has many skills and high damage. What's even more annoying is that the blood regeneration speed is too fast. If you beat it for 1,000 points of blood, it will immediately recover 500.

If it were an ordinary team, they wouldn't be able to consume the BOSS at all.

When the system prompted them to complete the sixth level and receive an A-level rating, Lu Li and the others were a little surprised. It wasn't that they disliked the low rating, but they didn't expect it to be so high.

I didn't even have any hope at all.

No matter what the score is, as long as the level is cleared, there will be a chance to draw a lottery, and the lottery wheel soon appeared in front of them again.

The items were all relatively average, and they must be far different from the previous lottery on the fifth floor. Half of Lu Li's eight items were junk. He had learned two skill books, and a weapon casting blueprint. The equipment that comes out is only silver level, and its attributes are very average. The materials are not cheap at all. It is a complete waste to spend money on this.

Since there was nothing good, Lu Li didn't care so much and just turned around casually.

As a result, it was transferred to a piece of rubbish equipment, and the others were similar. That is, Can Meng was transferred to a skill book. Although it was not very good, she had not learned it yet, but she could just learn it.

The seventh floor contains level 50 monsters. Lu Li's friends wanted to try it, but Lu Li decisively stopped them.

It’s true that the trial tower is full of mobs. There is only a quasi-BOSS at the end. There are no elite monsters in other links. However, if someone thinks that ordinary mobs at level 50 are easy to deal with, then he is not far from death. .

As long as you start to break through the level, as long as you don't die, there is no way to force the end.

After Lu Li and the others came out of the trial tower, there was still a huge crowd of people outside. All the 80,000 Sword of Judgment players who had participated in the war in the past few days were pulled over, and the number reached more than 60,000.

Of course, people from other guilds had already known about such a big movement.

Not only did they know that the people in the Sword of Judgment were frantically leveling up, they could even easily find out where the people in the Sword of Judgment were, and the coordinates were clear.

The Jiangnan nobles, who had been locked in a tit-for-tat battle with the Sword of Judgment these days, couldn't sit still.

They dispatched an army of tens of thousands. Not only did they want to get involved in this holy land for leveling up and earning items, but they also planned to use force and the sword of judgment to settle the ledger - Jinse Wushang would not admit that their defeat in this war was Not as powerful as him, he always felt that the Sword of Judgment did not dare to confront them head-on.

In fact, his idea is not unreasonable at all.

There are hundreds of thousands of Jiangnan nobles. If they really have a duel with the Sword of Judgment, they can do it five to one. A small group of people can kill the Sword of Judgment.

Tens of thousands of people teleported to the Hinterlands and rushed to the forest where the trial tower was located.

Although the other guilds didn't make any big movements, information has already spread all over the sky. They are always paying attention to the progress of the Jiangnan nobles. Once the Jiangnan nobles successfully enter the trial tower, other guilds will naturally not mind sharing a piece of the pie.

Level 50 monsters are like paper pulp under the advantage of numbers. Dozens or hundreds of skills will hit them and they will stop immediately.

But what if it's level 51, level 52, level 53... level 58, level 59, when a hundred-man group of Jiangnan nobles encountered a level 60 mantis monster and was destroyed by a strong group. In the end, all guilds lost their optimistic attitude.

This is not enough to make people despair. After all, there are not many monsters at level 60. If you encounter a monster at level 60, you can sacrifice some people to lure it away.

What really silenced the Jiangnan nobles was the Velociraptor BOSS. It was not a high level, just a level fifty-five BOSS. But what would happen if three of them appeared at once?

This time the Jiangnan nobles suffered more serious losses, with more than 700 people massacred in this encounter.

What are the things in this forest?

The Jiangnan nobles used death to test and came to a conclusion - once the number of people exceeds a hundred, the BOSS may fall from the sky, and they have no choice but to reduce the size of the exploration team.

In just over an hour, more than 3,000 Jiangnan nobles died, which was more than they had lost in a single day of fighting against the Sword of Judgment.

More than an hour later, the Jiangnan nobles finally crossed the forest and arrived in front of the trial tower. However, what greeted them was a head-on blow from the Sword of Judgment, and they were all killed without any resistance.

It was originally just a hundred-man group, and after going through battles to get here, it would be good to have half of it left.

The wise guild has decided to give up the trial tower for the time being. Although they are not willing to do so, it is at least better than the Jiangnan nobles dying like this.

Only Weiyu Pavilion did not intend to give up.

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