The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 751 Advanced Engineering

In fact, the dwarf cloaking device is a very simple engineering creation. As long as there are no problems with the engineering circle and there are some precautions when assembling it, the rest will take more time.

The first one is made successfully, and the rest will just follow the same pattern.

Lu Li made more than thirty of them, during which time they failed seven times and exploded twice. Fortunately, there was no explosive in the ingredients of this thing, and the power of the explosion was average, at least not enough to kill him.

Successfully pushed the skill level to 190, and then started making self-exploding sheep.

The self-exploding sheep is a more subtle thing. In the words of the engineering NPC, it has touched the mysterious threshold of engineering.

The materials involve wool, strong gunpowder, secondary moonstone, bronze frame, high-speed bronze gear, etc. The quantity is relatively large, but the price of these materials is not too exaggerated compared with the dwarf cloaking device. The cost of a dwarf cloaking device is enough Create five self-destructing sheep.

Lu Li already had high explosives. He had gotten some for making Ivey bombs before, and he still had some in stock in the warehouse.

Lu Li first ground the secondary moon stone into powder.

Secondary moonstone is widely used in the engraving of engineering circles because it has a relatively good energy transmission function.

Then there is the production of bronze frames and bronze gears. Lu Li is better at this because he is a blacksmith himself. The Hammer of Claythorne can play its greatest role here.

Then the engineering circle is carved on the frame and gears.

Fortunately, this is a game after all, and the system is not so abnormal that it allows players to accurately carve out the patterns on the drawing. As long as there are no big mistakes, the magic circle will be formed semi-automatically according to certain rules.

However, during the carving process, Lu Li's carving knife accidentally broke.

Bronze is different from mithril. Mithril is softer, while bronze is much harder. It is obviously a bit difficult to buy a so-called fine carving knife for twenty silver coins in the system store.

It seems that I need to get a good carving knife.

Lu Li sighed and tried hard to recall the strategies for this engineering tool in his memory. It was hard for him to remember a mission. It was said that there was a certain probability of obtaining engineering drawings or engineering props.

However, the task is not easy. It is almost impossible for him to complete it now. He can only wait until level 45 or even 50.

Changing to a spare carving knife, Lu Li continued to complete the half-finished engineering circle.

Then it was time to assemble the frame, install the legs, and wrap the copper frame with wool. The originally cold metal quickly took on the shape of a sheep, but Lu Li did not sew the sheep completely because there was no explosive device inside.

The name is Self-Exploding Sheep. In fact, the sheep or the buffalo are secondary. The most important thing is the self-exploding one in front.

The empty belly of the sheep was a place for placing explosive devices. Lu Li put away some unused items and cleared the workbench before starting the next work.

It was normal for the next component to explode, and Lu Li did not dare to be careless.

Put the high explosive into the weighing pan, accurately measure the desired part, and then pour it into the projectiles one by one. A complete explosive device was quickly formed in Lu Li's hands. He carefully Pick it up and put it into the sheep's belly, then let out a long sigh of relief.

The system prompted him to successfully create a self-destructing sheep.

After looking at the time it took, I saw that it took a full twenty minutes, much longer than expected.

This is such a waste of time. No wonder everyone gives up on engineering, which sounds like a great life skill.

No matter how difficult it is, keep doing it. Seeing that it is almost reaching the advanced level of 200, I will try to upgrade the remaining experience by the end of today's game time, and then ask people in the guild to help collect suitable recipes.

Lu Li recently planned to find a trustworthy NPC, hand over Ivey's bomb to him, and try to develop a more advanced bomb.

Two thousand points of fire damage is very high, but for monsters with five, six thousand or more health points, it is obviously not enough. If a high-level bomb that causes ten thousand points of damage can be developed, it might be possible. Crazy upgrade.

The self-destructing sheep were made by Lu Li one by one. After the backpack was full, they were moved to the warehouse. Anyway, he opened a home warehouse and could use the warehouse service without going to the bank.

People who concentrate have no sense of time. When the system prompted Lu Li that the game time was about to end, his engineering level had already been raised to Advanced 203.

If he continues to make self-destructing sheep, he no longer has much experience. The latest skill point he gained was after making five self-destructing sheep.

Lu Li tidied up the workshop and asked about the situation of the trial tower today.

The people of Sword of Judgment have gained a lot today, not only a large amount of experience rewards for clearing the level, but also making a lot of money from the wheel after clearing the level, and there are even some lucky ones who are very lucky.

There were six mounts alone, and one of them, a white chocobo, caused a sensation.

The basic characteristics of the chocobo are a slender neck and a wide beak, as well as two slender legs that are good at running. They are often used for riding, especially as a means of land transportation, because they are several times faster than walking regardless of travel. Or other games play a big role in life.

The racial mount of the blood elves is the chocobo.

If you are from other races in the tribe, as long as you increase your reputation in Silvermoon City, you will have the hope of getting this kind of mount sooner or later. But the Alliance is in dire straits. It is no doubt a dream to get a chocobo.

So it's no surprise that the Chocobo's appearance in the Alliance caused a stir.

Even professional life players have been pulled over. Root No. 3 organized a group of people to lead a professional life player. This not only allowed the professional life players to gain some experience, but also created an additional carousel slot.

As for the formula, it’s also very rewarding.

There are several engineering recipes, one of which can be used by Lu Li. It requires engineering level 205, and the required materials are not difficult to find.

The guild player drew the engineering blueprint. He thought he was unlucky and might as well get a piece of top-notch equipment. Unexpectedly, Lu Li found him and said he wanted to use points to buy his formula.

He was excited at that time.

Not only because Lu Li's price is relatively high, as a fan of Lu Li, I am very happy to be able to do something for my idol.

In addition, as expected, Weiyu Pavilion brought Wushuang City with it in this event.

Lu Li felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that Wushuang City was an enemy that did not belong to Weiyu Pavilion. This way of making his opponent stronger was a bit silly, but Root Number Three thought he was just jealous.

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