The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 752 Flowing Clouds

When he went online the next day, Lu Li did not go to leveling or go to the workshop.

Although he seems to be doing nothing all the time, the hot spot in the game right now is actually the professional league. However, the Sword of Judgment is so powerful that ordinary guilds cannot pose a threat to them at all.

Today is the fifth game. The previous four games all scored full marks, and the points have reached forty.

This sword of judgment against Liuyun attracted a lot of attention.

Liuyun Guild is relatively low-key, but it is also a large guild with a formal club. It ranks 28th in the guild rankings. It entered the top 100 in the last Huaying Cup, and it is a mid-to-upper-middle-class guild.

During the preliminary round, two top 100 contestants met, and the organizer was almost moved to tears.

Especially the several industry experts who were responsible for the commentary felt that they had finally waited for this moment after all the vicissitudes of life.

There is no way to explain the previous games. For example, in the first few games of Sword of Judgment, every time it was the fat monkey or the cat who loved to eat meat and dominated the group stage. The battle ended with three strikes, five divisions and two. There was no explanation for the team competition at all. It was a swarm, and the battle ended in ten seconds.

The difference in strength is simply too big. Everyone can see it. Do we need to explain how many seconds it takes them to kill someone?

The Liuyun Guild is different. They are also an old guild with decades of history. They have complete supporting facilities and organizational structures, and they have many racer-level players under their umbrella.

I don't know anything. I'm a cloud racer. I'm a knight. I focus on defense but take damage into account. My ID is called "I don't know anything." In fact, I know everything. I'm a famous theoretical expert and I'm called the master of ignorance.

Su Zi is a Liuyun Sailor with a mage profession. She is considered one of the better players among the younger generation. She is good at arcane spells and is a frequent visitor to the battlefield.

Wild Cat, Flowing Cloud Racer, Druid profession, a rare Druid profession among racers, mainstream physical melee output, minor defense, is also a difficult character who can grind a game to eternity.

In addition, their other racers are also well-known.

In the black market casinos, some people even offered a bet that they could beat the Sword of Judgment, but not many people bought it. Only some guys who wanted to take the unpopular route dared to give it a try.

"The game time is now 8:30 in the morning, and the match between Judgment Sword and Liuyun is about to begin," one of the commentators whose ID is Yutian cleared his throat and began to explain.

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to this game. Who do you think will win on a rainy day?" The female commentator is the famous Pure White Season in the industry.

"I think Liuyun still has hope," Yutian stood in a neutral position smoothly, he smiled and said: "Actually, I like Liuyun as a guild. It has a good reputation in the circle, but they just got lucky this time. I had a little back, and I ran into the Sword of Judgment in the preliminary round.”

"If nothing goes wrong in Liuyun's first game, he may still not understand the master. He just doesn't know who the Sword of Judgment will arrange to play first. In the previous four games, Moonlight started once, Fat Monkey started once, and Maomao Love Eat Meat has made two starts, but Lu Li has never appeared in the arena." Pure White Season introduced the topic to today's game and began to analyze the lineups of both sides.

"I feel that Lu Li will not appear in the preliminary arena competition," Yutian said with a regretful tone.

"If both sides still play in their own order..." Pure White Season suddenly paused and said loudly: "The game has begun. Yes, the starting order of both sides is still the same. Liuyun is playing the Paladin. What? I don’t understand either, but the Sword of Judgment still means cats love eating meat.”

"Mao Mao Loves Meat is a folk master who grew up in the arena. He has set a record of forty-eight consecutive wins and has defeated professional players many times." Yutian spoke quickly and introduced the sorceress who had entered the Sword of Judgment.

Both sides are relatively durable professions, so there is no delaying strategy.

As soon as we play against each other, I go all out. I know nothing about chasing Maomao. I love to eat meat and output with all my strength, without giving the other party a chance to distance themselves. As the commentator White Season said, if Liuyun wants to win in this game To get a decent score, at least the first game can’t be too ugly.

At the beginning, the cat loved to eat meat and was at a disadvantage, and its blood volume was reduced a lot.

But when the acceleration skill that I didn't understand was gone, the little girl immediately used a skill similar to flash to distance herself. The Cerberus pet shattered into ashes, and the scantily clad succubus stepped out of the air.

The damage of the Succubus is not as good as that of the Cerberus, but it does have the Charm skill.

I didn't understand anything and was shocked. It seemed that I was about to go up and control the succubus. This thing had very little health, so he was confident that he could destroy it in a short time.

"Master who doesn't understand will suffer a loss," perhaps it was the onlooker's fault, or perhaps it was because Pure White Season was a skilled player herself, and she keenly discovered the trap set by Maomao who loved to eat meat.

It's actually very simple, if you hit my baby, I'll hit you.

"When Paladins and Warlocks fight, they are naturally at a disadvantage," Yu Tian found some reason for me to understand nothing when I fell into fear.

Although cats love to eat meat and I know nothing about fighting, both sides are annoying little goblins with various blood recovery skills. It is really difficult to tell the winner for a while.

After about five minutes, Maomao Loved Meat was able to kill her opponent with all her strength, and her own blood volume was less than 30%.

Liuyun's second player was Su Zi.

"Chunbai, do you think it's possible for cats to love meat and counterattack," the male commentator asked whimsically on a rainy day.

"I'm afraid this is not possible. If it were me, I would consume as much of my opponent's blood as possible," Chunbai Ji took care of his partner's emotions without directly saying that you were mentally ill.

How can you deal with an arcane spell whose instantaneous explosive power is no worse than that of a fire spell, and all the accelerating burst skills are not used?

Just as expected in Pure White Season, Maomao loves to eat meat and did not expect to delay it. She immediately unleashed all her remaining abilities. The moment she fell, Liuyun's mage racer Su Zi was killed. Forty percent of his health was lost.

"We may be lucky enough to see the battle between fire magic and ice magic," Yu Tian raised his voice and expressed the thoughts of the audience present.

"Probably not..." Pure White Jiji shook his head.

When Moonlight appears on the field, it turns out that Pure White Season can become a well-known commentator in the industry. This vision is not comparable to that of ordinary commentators.

The Sword of Judgment cannot lose too many points in this kind of game, so the order of Fat Monkey will inevitably be exchanged with Moonlight. It is much easier for high-end warriors to fight mages than for mages to fight mages.

If the previous two games were evenly matched, then Moonlight's battle against Su Zi, who had 60% health, could only be described as crushing.

From the moment Su Zi was controlled, she could only be guided by the moonlight.

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