The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 754 Trouble in Lakeside Town

Lu Li didn't know that someone was targeting them - Root Hao San didn't even tell him that someone wanted the Sword of Judgment.

Neither of them is eager for quick success. They have long agreed to develop independently and will not accept any commercial capital injection. Therefore, whether the investor is powerful or not is completely out of the scope of concern.

The domineering president also didn't know that his precious daughter was hanging out with Lu Li again.

Because Lu Li "generously" shared the trial tower, the water elf also gave back a high-level mission. In fact, it was not a mission. It was just that the hometown of the water elf's thieves mentor was threatened, and he himself couldn't get away, so please Let his proud disciple solve it.

The water elf's mentor is a night elf thief who is a valet of the king of Stormwind City. Her enhanced backstab was taught by this mentor.

When Lu Li heard what the water elf said, he remembered one of the important sources of strengthening skills - mentors.

This instructor is different from ordinary skill trainers. Skill trainers are public NPCs and can be contacted by anyone. They can only teach some of the most basic skills. Not to mention enhanced skills, even finishing skills may not be available. Mentors rarely accept disciples, usually only a few or even one.

The water elf's mentor was from Lakeside Town. He asked the water elf to go to the mayor of Lakeside Town with a letter of introduction.

Lakeside Town is located in the west of the Redridge Mountains. The mountains bordering the Burning Plains to the north have been completely destroyed, the Swamp of Sorrows and Deadwind Pass are adjacent to the south, and the beautiful scene of Elwynn Forest appears to the west. The reason why Hupan Town was named was because of a large lake. The name of the large lake was Zhishui Lake.

The Stillwater Lake is very large. It is different from the Crystal Lake in Elwynn Forest. It accounts for one-sixth of the total territory of the Redridge Mountains, from Lakeside Town in the west to Yilgara in the east. The tower stretches across the entire Redridge Mountains. The shape of the lake is like a dragon without spread wings, lying on the neutral territory of the Redridge Mountains.

The water in the lake is very clear, with lush aquatic plants, a moderate temperature, and abundant aquatic products. The most famous one is the spotted sunfish, a fish with tender flesh and a plump size. This fish accounts for a large proportion in the aquatic trade between merchants in other towns and fishermen in Lakeside Town.

Moreover, this lake is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Azeroth, and many players like to stay here.

If you don't count these players, Lakeside Town has a population of about 2,000 people. The town's political system is democratic, and a general meeting is held whenever something happens.

However, the problem encountered this time was really difficult and could not be solved by holding a conference.

The mayor of the town is a male human, over fifty years old, named Solomon. He is a senior warrior with a fiery personality.

"Damn jackal trash, you have no good intentions. In the past two weeks, the number of jackal activities in this area has tripled. I'm worried that they may be planning to attack Lakeside Town." Solomon looked sad.

It was the letter he sent to the mentor of the water elf, urging this comrade who was doing well outside to come back and guard his hometown.

"What's so scary about jackals? You are also a high-level warrior. The protection in this town is pretty good, right?" Lu Li saw many high-level warriors along the way.

"What do you know," Mayor Solomon glared at Lu Li and said, "Lakeside Town is not as peaceful as you think. There are wolf spiders in the east, orcs occupy the north, and wolves roaming in the forest. In fact, these are not counted. What, the biggest threat is actually the fallen dwarves of the Blackstone Clan. The Blackstone Clan has many more people than us. They have built their own castle in the east of Redridge Mountain, across the Still Water Lake and the defensive fortress outside Lakeside Town - Stone Castle Fortress. Look at each other, we must ensure enough troops to guard against those dwarves."

In fact, Redridge Mountain was originally the territory of these dwarves, and they were the original residents of Redridge Mountain.

More than two hundred years ago, when the immigrants of humans and orcs set foot here, the fallen dwarves of the Blackstone clan had been waging war against the alien populations, causing a large number of casualties of the immigrants of humans and orcs. Many years passed, until that day, by the lake The establishment of the town and the construction of the stone fortress.

"Should we just let the two of us fight against the jackals?" Lu Li sighed.

"We still have many friends, a very large number of them, who are willing to contribute to Lakeside Town," the water elf said immediately. She and Lu Li are both people from large guild backgrounds, and they can attract tens of thousands of support groups in minutes. .

"I'm sorry, we don't welcome outsiders in Lakeside Town, and even you two only gained my trust for Jeno's sake," Mayor Solomon said with a straight face.

Damn it, old man, you are too arrogant.

Lu Li wanted to kick him out because he was still picky when disaster was imminent.

"Okay, Uncle Mayor, what do we need to do now?" The water elf's eyes were filled with helplessness. After looking at Lu Li, he could only accept the fact that he could not ask anyone else for this task.

"I want you to go to every Gnoll camp in the area and gather as much intelligence as possible. Check out the camps to the north, east, and southeast. Whatever you find, bring it back to me," the mayor said. He was very satisfied with the performance of the girl in front of him and completely ignored Lu Li's angry look.

Lu Li and the water elf could only take this mission to explore the jackal camps around Lakeside Town.

The level of the gnolls in these camps was more than level 40, and no more than level 45 at most. They did not pose any threat to them, but the number was a bit too many, so Lu Li and the water elves simply sneaked all the way. Anyway, the first The task requirement of step is exploration.

After exploring several camps, they actually couldn't find anything interesting. However, Lu Li and Water Elf met an Alliance scout outside a camp.

"We were sent by Mayor Solomon," Lu Li said quickly when he saw that he seemed to want to take action.

It's not that they are afraid of such an NPC who is over forty levels, the main reason is that they need information, and a person with the word "scout" in his name is someone who has clues at first glance.

"This is my latest harvest. Take it back and give it to the mayor," the thief who called himself Parker said indifferently.

Taking the so-called information, Lu Li and the water elf hurried back to Lakeside Town.

I hope this mission won't involve running through countless maps like the one I did with the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls last time. Neither Lu Li nor Water Elf is someone who has too much time to use up.

"I asked you to investigate the movements of the jackals, how come you came back so quickly?" Mayor Solomon intuitively thought that the two adventurers were perfunctory.

There is no way, who makes the two of them not as charming as Hachi-chan.

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