The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 755 Buying a House in Lakeside Town

After handing over Parker's information, Mayor Solomon's expression became kinder.

"It seems that the gnolls finally got smart. I received a report that they formed an alliance with the Blackrock Orcs and planned to set up a time to launch an attack. I need a detailed report, friend, and I want you to go to Reese in the western region of Redridge Canyon. Let’s investigate the Ban Cave and look for dark-skinned orcs.” Uncle Mediterranean bared his teeth ferociously: “Kill them as soon as they come across them, and collect some information from their corpses.”

"Okay, as you wish," killing someone is the easiest thing to do.

Although their numbers have been reduced by successive battles, they are still relatively strong under the rule of the Destroyer Blackhand for many years.

The two thieves, Lu Li and Water Elf, do not need to go too deep into the Blackstone Clan's camp. They only need to kill some small fish on the outside. As long as there are not too many opponents, they can sap two first and then quickly clean up the rest.

Their purpose is very clear, which is a Blackstone attack plan.

Since every Blackstone Orc has a chance to drop it, why bother going inside to cause trouble for the large army?

It was revealed that the plan was written in the orc language, and then faced a translation problem. Fortunately, Mayor Solomon did not force Lu Li and the water elf to translate it.

He asked Lu Li and the water elves to take a rest in the town, and then sent someone to send the letter to the draenei in Swamp of Sorrows for translation.

The Draenei in Swamp of Sorrows call themselves the Lost. They and the orcs also come from Draenor, and are sworn enemies, so they can decipher the obscure orcish language.

I took some time off and didn’t know when the letter would be returned, so I couldn’t go to the wild to level up.

Lu Li and the water elf rarely had some free time, so they chose to visit Lakeside Town, which is said to be a holy place for players to live.

Although this cozy town seems noisy due to the comings and goings of travelers and merchants, they seem content to observe the changes in the world, fishing for a living or sitting in the shop discussing the politics of Stormwind, laughing at what if it could be done there If the politics are relaxed and the people are at ease, then all problems will be solved.

The town of Lakeside hosts two annual festivals, in mid-summer and mid-winter.

Although their festival was still several days away and the citizens had no intention of doing anything because of the threat of jackals, the festive atmosphere was finally reflected.

Some travelers even decide not to go to Stormwind, preferring to stay in Lakeside.

For the people who live here, including farmers, fishermen, and retired warriors and mages, they all feel that this place is different. The people are friendly and kind, and each of them keeps secrets.

The town of Lakeside welcomes any visitor, and there are inns and taverns, all of which provide ale for travelers to drink.

People were chatting loudly about the town's gossip. Mayor Solomon, whom neither Lu Li nor the water elves liked very much, was actually very popular. The residents felt that it was his all-out protection that kept everyone safe from the orcs and jackals.

"If one day players can occupy the territory in the future, I will take over Lakeside Town," the water elf tilted her beautiful head and looked at Lu Li. The implication was to ask Lu Li, will you compete with me when the time comes?

"Okay, I hope one day," Lu Li nodded in agreement.

He also thinks that Lakeside Town is very beautiful, but has no plans to take it as his own. The reason is precisely because it is so suitable for living here. The scenery is beautiful, the climate is mild, and the threats around it are not difficult to solve.

If life is too comfortable, people will get rusty.

What Lu Li likes is that no matter what the scenery is, it is best to be on the front line of the war. He now has many plans in Night Town, which can be regarded as plans for the future.

However, it will be a long time before players occupy the city.

"I plan to buy a house here first. If you want, we can be neighbors." The water elf didn't seem to be averse to shopping, and was very interested in it.

Almost all girls have the gift of shopping, whether in reality or in games.

The same is true for Lu Li's sister Lu Xin. Even though her family was poor in the past, she might not be able to buy anything even if she went shopping for a long time, but she would still be very happy.

"Okay, you can stay in this town for a while when you have nothing to do in the future," Lu Li's heart softened as he looked at this face that was as happy as his sister for shopping.

"Let's go buy a house while it's cheap now," the water elf said on a whim about buying a house, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't object at all.

Lu Li is a poor man with little money.

But buying a house is not a waste. The most reliable investment in the game is to invest in real estate. The island in the middle of the lake in Darnassus is proof of this.

"Excuse me, where is the best house?" The wealthy woman took action and naturally wanted to choose the best one.

"The best houses are of course the few cabins by Zhishui Lake," the clerk said enthusiastically, "You two can enjoy the sun rising on Zhishui Lake when you wake up in the morning. The lake is so golden. The lake..."

"What are you talking about? We are not..." The water elf couldn't bear it. No matter how tough she was, she was only a girl in her early twenties.

"Uh... aren't you two together?" The clerk knew that he had made a mistake, and he didn't know how to make up for it. You were not a couple. You were buying a house together, and you were talking and laughing. It seemed like you were having sex, okay? .

"Are you a real NPC?" Water Elf asked.

"Ah, you actually know about real-life NPCs?" The clerk was shocked, as if this was a great secret.

Lu Li was also shocked. What do real NPCs mean? Even if he was reborn, he didn't know there was such a thing. Could it be that some of the NPCs in the game were played by real people?

"Many of those who deal with players more are people hired by Dawn Game Company in real life. Most of them are disabled soldiers. They are just like normal people in the game," Water Elf explained quietly beside Lu Li.

Lu Li couldn't help but feel awe when he looked at this NPC.

"I don't know how you found out. Don't tell anyone. With my authority, I can give you a 10% discount," the NPC who was discovered said with a wry smile.

"No need, just help us pick two houses that are connected together and in a better location," the water elf shook his head.

Lu Li smacked his lips but didn't say anything. Since the water elf said so, it's hard for him to say that I want 10% off. There is a big gap between children from rich families and children from poor families.

"Two buildings?" The clerk finally believed that the man and woman were innocent.

But then I thought about it, there is not much difference between living together and living in the same building. It is very convenient if you want to do bad things.

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