The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 757 The King of Soldiers (please subscribe and the light of the great god)

The recruitment system is still far away, but if you build a good relationship in advance, as long as the relationship is good enough, there will be no need for recruitment, and NPCs may come to your door on their own.

Lu Li originally planned to recruit good candidates, but if he could recruit Kishaan, he wouldn't refuse.

This kind of tragic hero suits him very well.

"I heard that he was boxing in the underground fight club at the Lakeside Town Hotel. Find him and tell him everything you know," Colonel Todman shook his head unoptimistically and left with a long sigh.

Lakeside Town faced its biggest crisis in history, but he was powerless to do anything.

Will the people of Hupan Town have to pay the price of their families and lives for their ignorance and naivety?

"The hotel also has an underground fight club? It sounds so high-end," the water elf said curiously as he followed Lu Li.

"Players also play, but generally they can't beat NPCs. After all, it's computer data. Given the same data, they almost never make mistakes," said Lu Li, who had played underground fighting in his previous life.

In underground fighting, all players can participate in are correction fields.

That is to say, they have the same agility, strength and other data as the NPC, and then rely on punches to hit them to the flesh until one party is beaten to the point where they can't get up.

Few players win such games, just like it is difficult for ordinary people to win against a computer in Go.

"Can I go and fight?" The water elf was eager to try.

"It's best not to box. Only flat-chested people go boxing." Lu Li opened the small door like a dog hole next to the hotel and ducked in.

This was a row of steps going down. The water elf followed Lu Li and waited for a long time before she could bear to kick Lu Li down. However, after thinking about it, Lu Li seemed to have praised her unintentionally.

The basement is very large and is basically a comprehensive entertainment venue.

There are dance halls, bars, boxing arenas, and places where gamblers gather. All have one thing in common, which is chaos and noise. What makes people even more speechless is that this is not a safe zone, and players may be beaten to death. .

While foreign enemies are pressing on the territory and the murlocs, blackstone orcs, and jackals are attacking, there are still many people living here in a state of intoxication.

The water elf is curious about everything. At first glance, she looks like a good girl who has never been exposed to these things.

Trouble soon came.

Although she is wearing a mask, the water elf's beautiful figure still attracts a lot of attention, and her watery eyes are also very beautiful, enough to make people want to explore her face under the mask.

A drunkard, or a player pretending to be drunk, stumbles over, and his target is the water elf.

Just when everyone was watching the joke, Lu Li activated the special effects of his shoes and ducked behind the target, slashing him a few times and cutting him to a pulp. His dagger was placed at the player's throat.

"PK is not allowed here, do you want to cause trouble?" The unlucky player's voice was trembling.

Being able to host such an underground entertainment venue, the boss obviously has financial resources and strength. PK will affect his business, and killing people here can be interpreted as a provocation to him.

They were a little scared at first, but after they figured it out, the players who were attacked by Lu Li felt confident.

"You should beg for mercy," Lu Li gently pulled the dagger from left to right, blood splashed everywhere, and the player's blood tank was instantly emptied, and then he fell softly to the ground.

Even if he didn't have five combo points, Lu Li's throat-wiping skills were enough to kill such a drunken rookie.

He dared to kill people here, and the onlookers became excited. They seemed to have seen the thugs from the underground entertainment center throwing Lu Li out.

However, what surprised them was that the thugs did not attack Lu Li. They seemed not to have seen the scene just now. Even the corpses on the ground that had not been refreshed could be regarded as non-existent.

"Let's go, don't fight for monsters with me next time," the water elf put away the dagger and said angrily.

Having said that, the feeling of being protected just now seemed very good, how to break it.

Lu Li ignored the people around him who were about to stare out their eyes, and took the water elf straight to the boxing ring.

The reason why he dares to kill people is because this is an underground place. There are no strict rules in underground places. As long as you have the strength, you can do whatever you want. NPCs can see the player's reputation, and Lu Li is exactly the kind of person who lets them Just by looking at his reputation, he knew he was someone who was not to be trifled with. Secondly, he and the water elf were currently completing tasks given by the mayor Solomon, and the NPCs would not make things difficult for them.

Among those playing a game on the field was Keeshan.

Ask why you know?

It's simple, because the spectators are more excited than the boxers, and they keep shouting the names of the boxers on the stage.

"Kishaan get out of here!"

"Coward, Kishaan go to hell!"

"The little bastard, the little bastard who had his anus exploded by the orc..."

"Why are they so hostile to Kishaan?" The water elf looked at the hero who was supposed to be surrounded by garlands with a puzzled expression.

A super soldier who had completed 248 combat missions was just watched by a group of monkeys, and then was beaten around like a sandbag by his opponents on the stage.

"You are a warrior!" Lu Li grabbed the ropes of the ring and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Keeshan, who was beaten dizzy, seemed to turn his head and glance at Lu Li, then roared and knocked down his opponent who was much taller than him with one punch. This showed that the two of them were not actually on the same level.

This punch was impeccable both in terms of angle and strength. However, not many people cheered, and even the players were affected and cursed.

"We need your help?" Kishaan came down from the ring and walked out without looking at Lu Li, who followed him.

"I have enough money for today's meal. Come to me tomorrow." Keishaan tossed a few gold coins and was not very interested in Lu Li's so-called asking him for help. It was not that he could not defeat his opponent, but he wanted to pretend He looked evenly matched, otherwise no one would be willing to fight him tomorrow.

Lu Li's words "You are a soldier" aroused some of his passion, otherwise he would not pay attention to this adventurer.

"Hupan Town is going to end," Lu Li did not give up.

"Is there such a good thing? Then we really need to celebrate." Sitting down at the bar, Keeshan tossed two gold coins to the bartender. "Did you hear that Lakeside Town is going to end? Give this brother a drink too."

The bartender looked bored, but for the sake of the gold coins, he still threw two glasses of low-quality drinks in front of the two of them.

"The fishmen are attacking the town in the northwest. Colonel Todman and his guards are fighting against the enemy." Lu Li didn't mind the difference in drink, so he brought it over and took a sip.

"Colonel Todman is a very powerful man," Keeshan raised his glass and saluted Lu Li, and said calmly: "Those ignorant fishmen are no match for him, so don't worry about it."

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