The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 758 The first drop of blood

"Colonel Todman may be powerful, but he is busy dealing with the fishmen now, and the real threat to Lakeside Town is the eastern coalition composed of Blackstone Orcs and Jackals. They plan to join forces to attack Lakeside Town... Now the people of Lakeside Town need Your help," Lu Li explained the situation.

I thought Kishaan would take it seriously, but he just shook his head: "Help them? Help those who would rather spit on me than smile at me?!"

It seems to be a common feature of human beings to easily forget those who have protected them.

"..." Lu Li really couldn't find the words to persuade him.

He had no choice but to go with the water elf to find Colonel Todman. Colonel Todman is Keeshan's old boss. There may be a way to get Keeshan back to the battlefield.

"It's completely understandable that he doesn't want to help," Colonel Todman was killing the fishmen one by one, looking very powerful.

It's just that there are too many murlocs in an endless stream, so he can only hold on to the town.

"Is there any other way? I know a lot of friends," Lu Li clearly has tens of thousands of subordinates, and there are only a few more water elves. Those black stone orcs and jackals are really not afraid of any number of people as long as their level does not exceed fifty.

"If you and Keeshan are going to defend Lakeside, we're going to find his old men. The latest I know is that all of them—Messener, Jorgensen, Karakol, and Danvers—are He was captured by the Blackstone Orcs, so go to the Orser logging camp in the east to see if there are any clues." Colonel Todman ignored Lu Li's suggestion. It seems that there is really no way to find anyone to help.

NPCs in games are so rigid, and this rarely happens in reality.

"We will definitely rescue Keshan's comrades. Mr. Colonel, I won't interrupt your fight," Lu Li waved helplessly and pulled the water elf away.

"It feels a lot like an old movie called First Blood," said the water spirit.

"I didn't expect you to watch old movies," Lu Li was surprised.

"My dad likes old movies from hundreds of years ago. He thinks the actors who are all made with virtual technology are boring now. He has a room full of old movie CDs," Water Elf naturally talked about her family.

"I also like old movies and have watched some of them," Lu Li once saw a movie player, a very old one, which became the main means of entertainment for the brother and sister.

"I don't understand you guys, maybe you and my father can talk," the water elf said.

Oser Lumber Camp is located to the east of Lakeside Town, some distance away from Lakeside Town. Fortunately, both Water Elf and Lu Li have mounts, which saves a lot of time.

When they came here, the Blackstone Orcs were changing their defenses, and the entire camp was noisy, allowing them to sneak in smoothly. Lu Li took the lead, and the water elves followed.

The water elf found that Lu Li was a bit chauvinistic. When the two of them acted, this guy naturally walked in front every time.

Whenever he encounters a monster that must be killed, he does it himself, and it seems that the water elf himself only needs to follow behind.

Although the water elf is a beauty, she has always been in a high-ranking position and her skills have been recognized by everyone. This is almost the first time she has been in such a protected state.

"Pay attention," Lu Li keenly noticed that his companion was a little distracted. "I'll leave the one on the left to you, and I'll take care of the one on the right. We'll sap them together, and then concentrate on killing the one in the middle. That's an elite."

"Okay," the water elf made an OK gesture, cheered up and followed.

Lu Li's judgment was correct. This was indeed the entrance to the dungeon. When he opened the round lid, he was greeted by a stench. The water elf was so smoked that he retreated continuously.

"You wait outside, I'll go in alone. If there's a monster coming, just remind me," Lu Li asked her to stay outside very considerately.

The water elf nodded repeatedly. She couldn't stand the smell simulated by the game.

Maybe the Blackstone Orcs didn't like the dark and rancid dungeon. There were no guards down there, and some NPCs were imprisoned down there. When they saw Lu Li coming down, their dead eyes suddenly lit up.

They beat the iron bars of the dungeon desperately and shouted for help.

Lu Li was not in a hurry to save them, although he also knew that saving these people would gain a certain amount of reputation. He stood in the spacious corridor and shouted: "I'm here to find a few people, Messner, Jorgensen, Karakel, Danvers, does anyone know about them?"

The dungeon was quiet for a while, and then someone said: "I am Mason, what do you want from us?"

"Get you out," Lu Li walked to the door of the cell and used his lockpicking skills to open the door lock. His lockpicking skills were already at level four, so a small iron door of this level was no problem.

"And us, and us..." In addition to the four people Lu Li was looking for, there were dozens of prisoners in the dungeon.

There are various races, and there are even two ogres. The Blackstone Orcs do seem to be quite powerful, otherwise they would not be able to capture so many people and imprison them.

The water elf picked up the four people he was looking for and hid them away from the eyes of the Blackstone Orc patrols. Then Lu Li opened the cell doors one by one.

The prisoners swarmed out, scrambling to get out.

These people were really rude. No one thanked him from the beginning to the end. Lu Li touched his nose, and the little guilt that had just appeared in his heart was instantly wiped away.

The escape of so many prisoners naturally caused riots in the Orser lumberyard, and the Blackstone orcs were busy trying to catch them.

"Okay, let's leave during the chaos," Lu Li returned to the water elf.

"No, we have to get our equipment back," the rescued Mason said anxiously. All four of them were wearing big pants of the same color, revealing their strong muscles.

"I'll just buy it later," the rich woman said. She felt that as long as it could be solved with money, it would be best not to bother with it.

"That's our equipment. We have to get it back. I know where it is. Come with me." The thief Karakol took the lead in exploring the road ahead. He had no equipment, but some basic skills could still be used.

Lu Li quickly followed. If there was a need to fight, he and the water elf would take action immediately.

These guys are the key to persuading Keeshan to change his mind. They are precious, and if they fail, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Fortunately, the large number of prisoners that Lu Li released before really helped them a lot. The whole camp was full of chaos and no one noticed them sneaking into the warehouse.

Lu Li liked the warehouse the most.

However, the lock in the warehouse was much higher-end than the cell door, and Lu Li couldn't open it with his unlocking skills. At this time, the thief Karakel they rescued came into play.

I don’t know what level this NPC thief is, but he attacked with a strange-looking lockpick and fiddled with it a few times, and he actually opened the door of the warehouse.

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