The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 760 Blackmailing the Mayor

The water elf saw that Lu Li quickly got along with the NPC, which was a bit incredible. She always thought that Lu Li was a cold and arrogant person, but she didn't expect that he also had a humorous side.

In fact, Lu Li had brought his sister with him since he was a child, so how could he always keep his face straight?

It's just that he is a bit introverted, and he doesn't like to waste expressions when he is with people he is unfamiliar with or has a bad temper. Today, these NPCs with military backgrounds are more to his liking.

Everyone made fun of Mayor Solomon vulgarly and looked down upon the Blackstone Orcs. They had a lot in common.

"According to the calculated location, we need at least forty-six explosive salt bombs to cause a devastating blow to the Stone Castle Fortress." Keishaan's hand clicked randomly on the map to confirm the installation of the bombs. Lu Li couldn't understand the position anyway.

"You go to Mayor Solomon and ask for a bomb," Messener said to Lu Li.

"What about you?" Lu Li asked.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. We are going to have a drink. Do you want to treat me?" Mason said with a strange smile.

"Forget it then, I'm going to do some work." It seemed that he could no longer avoid running errands, so Lu Li had no choice but to go to Mayor Solomon.

"What are you doing here? Have you completed the mission? Do you know that Lakeside Town is in danger?" Mayor Solomon looked unhappy when he saw them, and of course he placed the responsibility for the safety of Lakeside Town on the shoulders of the two players. .

"Mr. Mayor, I think this task is too difficult," Lu Li stopped the water elf who wanted to explain, and said distressedly: "Colonel Todman said that only Keeshan can save Lakeside Town, but Keeshan doesn't care at all. Lakeside Town, and he seems to have no good solution, we may have to give up this mission, after all, we cannot force him to die."

"You can't do this. If you fail the mission, you will be punished." Mayor Solomon's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that Lu Li would say this.

When did the adventurer who always bowed to him have the courage to refuse the mission?

"What kind of punishment? Let's take care of it." Lu Li didn't believe there was any punishment for this ridiculous mission. According to Dawn's laws, if there is a punishment for a mission, it must be made clear in advance.

Mayor Solomon began to regret not setting a penalty for the mission.

He gritted his teeth and said: "That bastard Keshan is willing to take action no matter what he wants. As a person from Lakeside Town, he is actually unwilling to fight to protect Lakeside Town. He does not deserve to be called a hero."

"Uncle, I just remembered that he is a hero. Why did he go there so long ago? If a hero has to be beaten on the stage all day long in order to have a full stomach, then what is the attraction of this hero? Is it only to die? Only then will he be a hero in your eyes," Lu Li mocked Solomon's old face rudely.

"He's a soldier, that's what he should do," said Solomon with a red face.

"Yes, he is not a soldier now, and sorry, neither are we. It doesn't seem to matter if Lakeside Town is occupied by the Blackstone Orcs," Lu Li said seriously: "If Lakeside Town is occupied, and we fight back, Stormwind City will give us more information." Lots of rewards.”

"..." Mayor Solomon was a little confused.

For the adventurer, this process seems to be a matter of reward, but for him, the mayor of Lakeside Town, it seems to be a matter of life and future.

"We will find a way to regain Lakeside Town from the Blackstone Orcs," Lu Li said in a tone as if the mayor said, "Don't worry."

"No, look at this lakeside town. The scenery is so beautiful and the people live so peacefully. Can you bear to let them be destroyed by those damn orcs?" Mayor Solomon said anxiously.

"I can't bear it," Lu Li nodded, stared at the old man in the Mediterranean and said slowly, "So I ask for more remuneration, and in addition, there are a hundred explosive salt bombs..."

"There is no problem in increasing the remuneration," Mayor Solomon shook his head like a rattle: "But it is impossible to use a hundred explosive salt bombs."

"If the Blackstone Orcs enter the town, all your belongings will have to be renamed, or you will have to go to Stormwind City to ask for help. Just look at the work efficiency of those men. When they come, there will be no grass left here," Lu Li glanced at He saw through this NPC's poor intelligence.

"But there aren't even a hundred explosive salt bombs in the town," Mayor Solomon, who was already stingy, was about to cry after being bullied.

"Dear Mayor, lies will bring you disaster that you will regret for the rest of your life," Lu Li threatened him.

"There really aren't a hundred. If there are, I will give them all to you. There are only fifty in the warehouse. If you don't believe me, I will take you to see them." Mayor Solomon was sweating on his forehead. He decided to hate adventurers from today on.

"Okay, take me to see it," Lu Li was overjoyed to be able to loot the NPC's warehouse again.

However, after entering the warehouse, he realized that he was overthinking it. In addition to the smelly dried fish, there were only fifty explosive salt bombs in the warehouse. There were no herbs, no cloth, and no gold, silver, or jewelry as he had imagined. .

"This must not be all, you must be hiding it," Lu Li said unhappily.

"According to the level of Lakeside Town, there can only be fifty explosive salt bombs in the town. This kind of thing is very unstable and can only be used by experienced veterans, so it has always been here. If you don't believe it, there is nothing I can do about it. ," It looks like there really isn't any more.

Lu Li did not dare to push too hard and put away all the fifty explosive salt bombs.

"What is this?" There is a strange-looking thing in the corner of the warehouse, with small dried fish scattered around it.

"Oh, that's a goblin tank. It seems to be broken down," Mayor Solomon said nonchalantly: "If you want to use it, take it with you, but I guess there aren't many people who can repair it."

Yes, of course!

It would be better if there were airships. Goblin tanks are different from real tanks, but they can also play a strong protective role and are very sharp for infantry combat.

Lu Li had already cleaned out his backpack and stored all the rune cloths.

Moreover, this tank used anti-gravity technology. Lu Li was barely able to load the tank up, but it was a little difficult to carry the weight.

"What rewards do you plan to give us after this is accomplished?" Lu Li was still not satisfied.

This was a mission triggered by the water elf, but she didn't stop Lu Li from blackmailing the NPC. She just looked at him with a pair of expectant eyes and smiled - a smile that she probably wouldn't realize even if she didn't look in the mirror.

"Damn it, can't I double it for you?" Mayor Solomon cursed bitterly and said with a broken jar: "I'll give you twenty gold coins and a lot of experience points."

Damn it, it’s only twenty gold coins after doubling it. Old man, you’re looking for a beating, right?

It has been a year since I coded, and I feel that my health has deteriorated a lot. I went to the gym today to apply for a card. There is only one update. Please bear with me.

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