The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 761 Engineering Repair Skills

"You will live and die for your Lakeside Town, and that's what you show." Lu Li looked like he was going to beat up the old man, and the water elf quickly stopped him.

Of course, he was just pretending.

The mayor is a friendly unit to him, so he can't fight him, even if he really hits him, he can't.

"The mission stipulates that the maximum is only fifteen gold coins, and I can't help it. The extra five gold coins are still my private money," Solomon said heartily: "I'm just a small town mayor, not a real noble."

What he said is not nonsense. The natural resources of Lakeside Town are not rich, but the town can be built like this and the people can live and work in peace and contentment. This stingy mayor is indeed not a greedy person.

"Okay, what about experience points?" Lu Li didn't value gold coins very much. In fact, the gold coins he got from missions were relatively meager.

Mayor Solomon mentioned a number, and Lu Li calculated it. It was only enough for him to upgrade by 4%. In fact, for his level, there were very few tasks that could upgrade him by 4%, but he still wanted more.

This kind of task of protecting someone usually has a lot of room for improvement.

The more thoroughly you complete the task, the higher the reward, but you have to earn it yourself, especially if the person who issued the task is a miser. Mayor Solomon is definitely not the kind of person who takes the initiative to increase task rewards.

Mayor Solomon was helpless and was really worried that Lu Li would give up on the mission, so he finally gave a higher number.

With an increase of almost 9%, it seemed that he had reached his bottom line. No matter how hard Lu Li persisted, he would not let go. He even went so far as to say that he planned to abandon Lakeside Town and withdraw to Stormwind City.

Lu Li didn't believe he would do this.

In addition to twenty gold coins, there is an experience value that can increase Lu Li's level by 9%.

As for the equipment or materials, there were none at all. Mayor Solomon was willing to give Lu Li several groups of dried fish, but he rejected them all. Such crudely made things were not even qualified to feed Can Meng's pets.

"I sent a scout to investigate there yesterday and left a quincunx code. You can contact us," Mayor Solomon said quickly.

All he wanted now was for Lu Li and the water elf to get out of here.

"The last request," Lu Li suddenly remembered something: "After we complete the mission, you must give Kishaan and the others a job. They are soldiers and can protect Lakeside Town. Remember this lesson and don't do it. This time I waited until the end of the matter before asking for help everywhere.”

The elder of Solomon Town blushed and said in a muffled voice that he heard it.

After Lu Li left, the old man returned to the warehouse angrily. At this time, the warehouse was no longer full of dried fish, at least not all dried fish. In addition to more explosive salt bombs, there were also some weapons and soldiers. A, there are also materials such as cloth, furs, minerals, and even rare materials and a large number of gold coins. There are people coming and going in Hupan Town, but it is not as barren as he said.

This is also the reason why he accepted Lu Li's blackmail. When you have enough money, you won't care whether you give others one bun or two buns.

Lu Li rented another boat. He originally had a boat, but he didn't take it with him.

There are sightseeing boats for rent in Lakeside Town. Seven gold coins can last for five hours. This amount of money is nothing to them.

When Lu Li and the water elf came back, Kishaun and the others were waiting by the Zhishui Lake. They were all sensible people, none of them were drunk, and everyone was wearing repaired equipment.

Hunter Keeshan, mage Messner, paladin Jorgensen, warrior Danvers, thief Karakol, Lu Li and water elf. There are three thieves in the team. There is no treatment. In fact, the combination is not reasonable, but considering Now that this is a latent mission, this combination is more reasonable.

"Can this thing still be used?" Lu Li threw the tank into the open space in front of everyone.

"It's actually a CTF-2 Goblin tank. What a good thing. It's yours, Danforth. Repair it," Keeshan said happily, patting the iron sheet wrapped around the tank.

Danfoss, who didn't talk much, came up to inspect it and finally proposed several engineering materials.

Lu Li could find them all, he was a senior engineer himself.

The repair work was so simple that it was almost perfunctory. In the blink of an eye, the originally unsightly tank started slowly. In addition to being good at engineering, the soldier Danforth was also an excellent driver.

Lu Li praised this uncanny technology without hesitation.

"If you want to learn, I can give you the engineering repair skill. It's actually of little use," the warrior Danvers said kindly.

"Of course, thank you for your generosity," Lu Li said happily.

Danfoss gave Lu Li a book. After Lu Li opened it, he received a prompt from the system, reminding him that he had learned engineering repair skills.

This skill can consume a certain amount of materials, repair damaged engineering items, requires expert engineering, and has a certain probability of failure.

If you know more than one thing, you will have some opportunities to make money, not to mention the magical skill of repairing engineering items.

Because of his rebirth, Lu Li knew that many ruins and ruins contained remnants of engineering creations. As long as a few could be repaired, it would be an unexpected wealth.

Then Lu Li took out the explosive salt bomb.

"Forty-six explosive salt bombs, you are really sincere," Keeshan put away the bombs Lu Li brought and pushed the boat Lu Li rented into the water.

Lu Li chuckled and got on the boat.

The person rowing the boat was the mage Messner. He released a fire spell backwards and relied on propulsion in the opposite direction to move forward. He may have done this kind of thing often. The boat traveled fast and steadily.

"When this mission is over, I will use this unique skill to become a fisherman," Messner said with a smile.

"I went to farm. My grandfather and my father both raised their wives and children by farming." The paladin, who was dressed in silver armor and looked majestic and holy, actually just wanted to be a farmer.

Others also expressed their plans to come back.

Keshan, the legendary soldier king, was sitting on the bow of the boat, staring at the sparkling lake in a daze. After he came to his senses, he said: "I... I might still go boxing."

"Actually, there's no need to do this. I've already agreed with Mayor Solomon that he will provide decent jobs for everyone," Lu Li said.

I thought this good news would bring a burst of cheers, but unexpectedly, all five NPCs shook their heads in disapproval. Seeing the awkward situation, Keeshan patted Lu Li on the shoulder and said, "As long as you have this heart, thank you." brother."

As he spoke, the Stone Castle Fortress was within sight.

The Stone Castle Fortress was once a fortress of the Alliance. It was captured by the Blackstone Orcs during the Second War and is still occupied by them today. It is located on a very strategic hill to the east of Lakeside Town. These Blackstone Orcs have been plundering all year round. Travelers sometimes gather to harass the outskirts of Lakeside Town.

Even the tribe's business travelers were often attacked by them.

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