The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 762 Roast people (please subscribe to support)

After finding a place of dense grass, Lu Li hid the boat inside, and the group stepped onto the lake shore.

Instead of setting off directly to the Stone Castle Fortress, as the reality there was unknown, everyone decided to find the spy Brubaker that Mayor Solomon mentioned before making any plans.

After searching for a while, Lu Li found that the branch of a big tree near the lakeshore had been cut off with a knife, and there was a vague mark of a plum blossom, exactly as Mayor Solomon described.

Following the direction of the mark, Lu Li and others quickly discovered the second mark.

It seems that this scout is quite cautious. The method of indicating the direction is different every time. Only veterans like Keshan and others can understand it, and there are no traces on the ground.

After searching for more than ten minutes by the lake, Keeshan, who was walking in front, suddenly squatted down and made a fist to stop his progress.

Everyone didn't dare to take a breath, and then walked a short distance away, imitating Keeshan's example and looking out through the gaps in the grass.


It was too cruel. Lu Li's throat felt a little itchy. He took a wrong step to the side and blocked the water elf.

The water elf was about to move forward to see what was going on, but his view was blocked by Lu Li, and he heard him say in a low voice: "Don't look, the orcs put Brubaker on the fire and roasted him."

The water elf trembled and reached out to grab Lu Li's clothes, but he didn't dare to look at it.

Outside the grass is a temporary camp for orcs. Several orcs are resting around the fire. Hanging on the shelf above the fire is a naked human being. It has been roasted on the outside and tender on the inside. The grease dripping in the fire makes a sizzling sound. There was also a faint smell of barbecue in the air, which was probably the basis for Keeshan's judgment that there was something wrong with going there.

Lu Li took a quick glance and the painful and ferocious expression on Brubaker's charred face was imprinted in his mind.

I don’t know why the game designers designed this kind of scene. It can easily leave a serious psychological impression on the players. People with poor psychological quality will definitely scream out immediately.

After all, the water elf was a girl. Thinking about it from another angle, Lu Li never wanted his sister to see a similar tragic situation in his life, so he subconsciously protected the water elf in his arms.

"Five orcs, two warriors, two hunters, one shaman, and there are no other secret sentries around," the thief Karakol quickly brought back the information.

"Kill," Keeshan said with a cold face and rushed out first.

The first ones to discover them were the hunters' pets. Just as they were about to sound the alarm, they were shot through the throat by two arrows. Keeshan didn't fire two arrows at once, but the speed of the continuous shooting was too fast. It was like two arrows were fired at the same time.

Then there was a one-sided massacre, with neither Lu Li nor the water elf catching up to fight.

The water elf never glanced at the human skewer. After the battle, he pulled out the system operation interface and changed the game settings to block this disgusting picture.

The two NPCs put Brubaker down and buried him deeply on the spot.

Brubaker's clothes, armor and belongings were scattered and piled nearby. Keeshan rummaged inside and quickly found the scout's information.

My friend, if I hadn't handed you this note with my own hands, I would probably be dead.

Tell my wife I love her and you must kill these bastards.

Also, I found a black dragon in the fortress.

The note was indeed Brubaker's. He drew a rudimentary topographic map of the Stone Castle Fortress, as well as an inaccurate troop arrangement, which was of little use. Keeshan was once imprisoned in the Stone Castle Fortress for a period of time as a prisoner of war. He also participated in the construction of Stone Castle Fortress, but the black dragon was mentioned in the letter, which was indeed shocking news.

"Don't worry, even if there is a black dragon, they will still be blown up together," Keeshan said coldly.

He pulled the corpses of the Blackstone Orcs from the ground and threw them into the fire, and the flames suddenly became more intense.

The group continued on their way with a heavy heart.

If you get closer to some stone castle fortresses, you can see the orc patrols from a distance. They usually have a team of ten people, four warriors, two hunters, two shamans, and two wolf cavalry. Their professional matching is impeccable, and They are all elite monsters.

The five orcs just now were probably just half of the scout team.

"Those wolves have anti-submarine capabilities, so be careful," Keeshan said to Lu Li and the water elf.

The wolf he mentioned should refer to the wargs of the Wolf Cavalry, and the two hunters also brought wolf-shaped pets, but they were much smaller and had very short legs, but they were thick and powerful, and they probably had good short-range explosive power.

Lu Li was puzzled. You five NPCs have various professions. You are not worried about yourself, but you are actually worried about us two thieves.

Then he saw five NPCs drink a bottle of something and completely disappear before their eyes. Yes, they completely disappeared. Even with Lu Li's perception, he couldn't find where these hunters and paladin warriors were.

Then, it seemed that the mage Messner unleashed some skill on them, and then they saw five NPCs that were already sneaking.

Is this task so simple? They can just wait here.

"Stop looking and follow," Messener said in a low voice: "In addition to installing bombs, we must also kill at least half of the squad leaders. Otherwise, the orcs will have an organized evacuation of the Stone Castle Fortress if they have a command. .”

"This time I must kill the Blackstone orcs," Paladin Jorgensen said bitterly: "After completing the mission, I will not go back to farm. I will kill the orcs and kill all the orcs."

"I hope when I get old, I will still have the opportunity to go fishing," Master Mason shook his head without hope.

Well, Lu Li and the water elf could only follow cautiously.

Even though Lu Li couldn't detect the NPC's stealth effect, Keeshan and the others did not take it lightly. They almost moved towards the Stone Castle Fortress little by little.

The first place to plant the bomb is of course the castle gate.

There are four orcs guarding here, and they must be killed. Following Jishan's order, the three orcs they were responsible for were killed immediately, and Lu Li and the water elf fought this one. Only one book's worth of blood was lost.

Keeshan turned his bow and arrow, and shot the last orc to death with just a few arrows.

"I'll install the bombs. Messner, you take everyone to the next location. From now on, we have forty-five minutes to install forty-six bombs and kill as many orc officers as possible. Be careful not to enter the central hall, the commander is not something we can deal with," Keeshan said in a very commanding manner.

The bombs are timed, but due to their extreme instability, only soldiers like Keeshan can ensure their foolproof use.

Lu Li took a peek from the side and learned how to use it briefly.

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