The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 763 Black Dragon (traditional online games please subscribe for support)

There are still four explosive salt bombs left in his backpack, maybe they can be used next time.

Moreover, such an unstable thing does not cause any problems in the hands of Keshan, which is enough to show that this military king has his own unique methods.

Lu Li thought there would be a difficult fight, but unexpectedly he was wrong. From the beginning to the end, they were not discovered by the orcs.

The stealth potions of several NPCs are very powerful. He and the water elf are also the best in the thieves profession. The level of the orcs here is generally less than fifty. As long as they are not in close contact, they will naturally not be discovered.

"Forty-sixth," Keshan said calmly: "In up to thirty-five seconds, the patrolling orc team will find that the sentry at the city gate is missing. Let's leave here now."

Naturally, the others would not object and would still go out through the gate of the Stone Castle Fortress.

This fortress is a steel fortress where the orcs have a foothold in the Redridge Mountains. They captured captives on a large scale just to build this fortress. Otherwise, the orcs would generally not keep captives, which would simply be a waste of their already scarce food.

"Will the commander die?" Lu Li wanted to kill this boss.

Judging from the levels of these orc elites, the level of the BOSS should not be too high, and Keeshan is also a BOSS, and a very powerful one.

"It doesn't matter whether the commander dies or not. As long as we kill a sufficient number of orcs, their attack plan will fail. Even if we regroup our troops, reinforcements from Stormwind City will come over." Although he said that he didn't care about the lakeside The life and death of the town, in fact, the purpose of Keshan and others' actions is clear at a glance.

"Okay then, when will the bomb be detonated?" Lu Li was helpless.

"It's been detonated." As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Stone Castle Fortress was enveloped in endless explosions. And the moment Lu Li and others just passed through the city gate, the city gate also collapsed amid the explosion.

Lu Li looked back and saw smoke, fire, and gravel behind him.

And gravel has become the most lethal method for the orcs. No wonder Kishaan not only considers the location of the blasting site he chooses, but also considers whether there are a lot of stones in the placement location.

Lu Li suddenly discovered something magical.

His experience value has increased again!


His experience bar, which had not been able to move for a long time, suddenly increased by 7% as if it was being dragged and pulled hard.

5% of the experience is one small grid, and 7% is more than one small grid. It is visible to the naked eye and is very obvious.

The water elf had obviously noticed this, as her level was two levels lower than Lu Li's. This wave of experience points increased even more, and she even reached level 43 on the spot.

It turns out that the orcs killed by the bomb can share the experience.

However, it is only "points", not exclusive. Otherwise, there are so many high-level elites in the castle that would not let them upgrade just this point.

The aftermath was still roaring, and Lu Li and the NPC demolition team were already running towards Zhishui Lake. They did not dare to stop, because the number of orcs who were still alive was still a large number, far more than just a few of them could do. It can't be dealt with, not to mention there will definitely be a BOSS here.

Not even Keeshan wanted to face the orc commander unless absolutely necessary.

A huge shadow covered the sun in the sky and grew bigger and bigger. When Lu Li looked back, he almost fell to the ground in fright.

Black dragon!

At least level 50, he is a real black dragon, no longer a velociraptor, nor a dragonman, but an authentic dragon with pure blood.

"Get ready to fight," Keeshan made a move with his feet, twisted his head and shot a green magic arrow. Unfortunately, it missed the dragon's neck. After all, he was in a hurry and could not guarantee the accuracy.

However, this arrow also neutralized the powerful momentum of the dragon swooping down.

Then came the huge fireball spell of Master Mason. This time it did not miss, but hit the dragon's head hard. This fireball did not dissipate as quickly as other magicians hit, but enveloped the dragon's head and burned. stand up.

"Forbidden air!"

Messenna threw away the staff in his hand and tore a silver-white scroll into pieces. Huge spell energy rose from the ground and enveloped the area in the blink of an eye. The dragon fell to the ground like a stone.

A damage of more than 50,000 points floated from the dragon's head, which was much higher than the damage caused by the previous fireball.

The giant dragon that had lost the ability to fly was like a lizard magnified countless times on the ground. It roared in pain and was surrounded by several melee professions and was beaten wildly.

It seems...the giant dragon isn't that powerful either.

Lu Li was just an ordinary player in his previous life. Even if he rose to level 50 or above, he would not have much chance to come into contact with the dragon.

Perhaps it was because these NPCs were too powerful. Mage Messner's hands were so cool just now. Lu Li regretted why he didn't play as a mage. Moreover, there were many powerful NPCs, making it easier to become a mage.

While thinking, Lu Li also found his attack position and struck a few times at the relatively soft flesh of the dragon's belly.

The damage is pretty good, at least not single digits.

This was the rhythm of fighting the BOSS. Lu Li seemed to have seen a bright future where the dragon was destroyed and the best equipment was waiting for him to pick up.

"Be careful to protect yourself," Kishaan was not as relaxed as Lu Li. His expression was solemn and he looked like he was risking his life. He hesitated to shoot arrows with too much force and speed, and his fingers were even stained with blood.

The flames on the giant dragon's head finally went out, and it opened its eyes. Seeing several weak humans attacking it, it took a deep breath.


A stream of flames spurted out from the dragon's air. The first person to be sprayed was Paladin Jorgensen. Even though he opened a golden cover immediately, he was still badly burned and lost a lot of energy and blood.

"This attack is too high," Lu Li finally understood why Keeshan's expression was so solemn.

A black flame dragon's breath can actually burn more than a thousand blood of a plate-armored NPC. If it burned him, he couldn't help but change the direction of the attack.

"Attack its eyes," Keeshan shouted at the mage. He himself also regarded the dragon's eyes as the target. That may really be its weak point, because it didn't care when attacking other parts of the black dragon. It will only dodge when attacking the eyes.

"We can't fight, run, head," the thief Karakol shouted.

"Karakl, you go first," Kishaan was rubbed by the dragon's claws and rolled several times on the ground. He quickly got up in disgrace and continued fighting.

"I won't leave. You go first. I'll pester it and I'll get away on my own later," said the thief Karakol with a confident look on his face.

Thanks to my beloved and cloud friends for the generous reward. thanks for your support

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