Colonel Todman said he was going to look for Keeshan's body. Lu Li told him the direction in which the flying dragon flew away, and then left the peaceful and peaceful Lakeside Town with the water elf.

Behind the peace is filled with the blood of soldiers.

Stormwind City remains as majestic as ever, and the mottled spots on the city wall not only record the passage of time, but also silently tell the stories left over from the three wars.

Valley of Heroes, this glorious valley is located in the south of the city. Since it is the only way to Stormwind, every visitor must cross it.

Statues of heroes stand on both sides of the road, greeting and warning visitors.

They are the elf ranger Alleria Windrunner, the human paladin Turalyon, the human mage Khadgar, the dwarf griffon knight Kurdran, and the human warrior Danath Trollbane.

Everyone has endless legendary stories.

However, there is no such thing as a thief profession. Not to mention the heroic sculptures at the entrance of Stormwind City, there are no so-called thief heroes anywhere.

On the way, the water elf told the story of her acquaintance with the thief mentor without any secret.

To put it simply, it was a sunny afternoon. The adventurer girl brutally killed a dozen tribe players who had sneaked into Stormwind City to hunt for trumpets. The killing method was clean and neat, without any sloppiness, so she was passed by. Pasonia recognized him and accepted him as a disciple.

"Pasonia!" Lu Li always felt that this name was very familiar.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he couldn't think of where he had heard of this name.

"Aunt Pasonia is very powerful. She taught me a lot of thieves' skills, especially in assassination. I think she should be an assassin," the water elf's eyes lit up when he mentioned his mentor.

Fortunately, her mentor was a woman, otherwise Lu Li would have felt a little jealous, although he didn't know why.

"What's her last name?" Lu Li asked.

"Shor, Pasonia Shore, she didn't hide anything from me," the water elf said, thinking that Lu Li was worried about this person, and tried to defend her idol.

"Xiao Er!" Lu Li turned his head suddenly, stared at the water elf and asked, "Don't you know who she is?"

"I think she may have been brilliant once, but now she looks like an ordinary old lady. When I met her, she was planning to go to the forest to pick some mulberries." The water elf opened his eyes curiously: "Do you know Her story?”

"Maybe you haven't heard of Pasonia Shore, but haven't you heard of Mathias Shore, haven't you heard of MI7?"

"MI7 seems to have heard of it, but who is Mathias Shore?" The water elf shook his head.

"You are really illiterate..." Lu Li felt a little helpless.

"Speak quickly," the water elf's dagger was already placed on Lu Li's neck. A wealthy woman also has self-esteem. This is the first time in her life that she has been despised as illiterate.

"Okay, okay," Lu Li reluctantly compromised and explained: "MI7 is the Stormwind City Assassin Group, which is also one of the oldest existing organizations in Azeroth. Even before World War I, Stormwind City's The enlightened nobles felt that some things were difficult to accomplish through legal means. In order to solve this problem, one of them, a man named Evel Youngden, secretly contacted a thief in prison."

"The thief, could it be Aunt Pasonia?" The water elf found it hard to imagine that the kind-hearted woman could be a thief.

"She is not only a thief, but also a habitual criminal. She has been arrested many times and is notorious." Lu Li ignored the angry look in the water elf's eyes and said slowly: "Yang Deng promised her leniency on the condition that she would form an organization. , tasked with getting the league's shady job done cleanly. She immediately agreed - and asked that she be allowed to do it her own way."

"This is the origin of MI7, and Aunt Pasonia is the founder of MI7," the water elf is obviously not stupid either.

"Yes, she is not only a powerful assassin, but also an extremely capable leader. From a thief who struggled to make a living, to the mysterious leader of MI7, she created one of the most powerful organizations in the mainland. Do you actually think She is just a former palace guard," Lu Li couldn't help but envy the water elf's good luck.

It was Pasonia Shore, not Mathias Shore, further indicating that she was Fate's favorite.

If it is Mathias, the grandson of Pasonia, the current leader of MI7, then the water elf has indirectly joined MI7, but she is also from Ravenholdt Manor. Once the matter is exposed, , she is bound to be strangled by the two organizations.

The same cannot be said for Partonia Shore. She has retired and has no direct relationship with MI7 anymore.

If the water elf becomes her disciple, Ravenholdt Manor will not have any objections, and MI7 will also take care of the old lady for her sake.

"I'll ask you later if Pasonia still accepts apprentices," the water elf said.

Lu Li's heart warmed up and he didn't say anything against it, but he was a little bit pessimistic about being able to become Pasonia's disciple.

After entering Pasonia's residence in Stormwind City - it was a very simple small house with two rooms inside and outside, made of pure wood, Lu Li met this legendary figure.

Pasonia completed many assassination missions during the war.

Keshan has completed 248 missions, and Pasonia has only a few more. However, Pasonia's actions are more secretive, and most of her missions are unknown.

She is not young anymore, after all, her grandson has already served as the leader of MI7.

But Lu Li could still tell at a glance that she was once a beauty, and she was one of those gentle, virtuous, and beautiful women who would captivate a country. The Pasonia in front of him had gray hair, but it was arranged very nicely, and she was wearing a lady from Stormwind City. The common bun has small yellow flowers that are common in the wild. There are some wrinkles on her forehead, but not many. There is a faint scar on the temple, which adds some mystery to the kind old lady.

"Aunt Pasonia, the crisis in Lakeside Town has been resolved. This is my friend Lu Li. He helped me a lot during the mission," the water elf said.

"The thief is the lone king," Pasonia put down the things in her hands and said seriously, but in the blink of an eye she changed to another expression and said with a bit of joking: "But if you bring something you like, If you are a person, then you don’t have to abide by this rule. When you are young, whether you are a thief or a mage, love is actually more important than anything else..."

The water elf was slightly embarrassed, and Lu Li was also a little uncomfortable with her teasing.

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