The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 766 Mentor (please vote for recommendation)

"Okay, I won't make fun of you. Young people are thin-skinned. Just wait a moment." Pasonia walked into the inner room and came out with a book in her hand: "Girl, you have been wanting it for a long time. Now I Leave her to you and remember what I say.”

"Don't worry, Aunt Pasonia, I will definitely lay the foundation. I won't open it until level 50," the water elf happily took the book.

Lu Li glanced at it and saw the words "enhanced backstabs" were engraved on the cover.

"Although it was completed by the two of you, there is only one skill book, and there is nothing I can do about it," Pasonia said helplessly.

This is pure nonsense. For a thief of this level, it is impossible to have only one skill book.

However, Lu Li and the water elf also knew the system's urinary properties. It seemed impossible to give them more skill books. The water elf went over to hold Pasonia's arm and asked softly: "Aunt Pasonia , can I share some of the experience points I rewarded with him?"

Lu Li was extremely shocked, not because the water elf wanted to give him experience points.

But the water elf is actually acting coquettishly. This is coquettishness. Can a person who is cold all day long act like a coquettish person? Can a star racer who can compete in a single act act like a coquettish person? Can a person carrying a bucket of mineral water in each hand climb the fifth floor? Can a female man act like a spoiled child?

This is how Lu Li feels now.

Pasonia obviously liked the water elf very much, and it went beyond the master-disciple relationship given by the system. She touched the water elf's hair and said hello repeatedly.

Then Lu Li and Water Elf received prompts from the system to gain experience and reputation.

When Lu Li came out of the trial tower, his experience bar was 46% over level 44. For the Lakeside Town Crisis mission, he got 9% of the experience from Mayor Solomon, and the orcs at the Stone Castle Fortress gave him 7% of the experience. And Pasonia is obviously not a stingy person.

After gaining her experience, Lu Li was only 25% away from level 45.

The water elf is the main person who takes the tasks, and she gets more.

Killing monsters and leveling up in a regular manner will never be as good as this kind of rare mission. Unfortunately, the number of rare missions is too small, and it is not easy to trigger. Even a small mission master like Hachi-chan can only follow the first echelon of the level list. Just the pace.

The water elf asked Lu Li to do the mission, just to return the favor of his trial tower.

"Okay, sit down. If you're not in a hurry, just chat with me, this old man." The old lady pointed to the chair next to her and motioned for Lu Li to sit down.

The water elf was nestled next to Pasonia, looking like a grandfather and grandson.

Lu Li was now extremely sure that the seemingly cold and arrogant water elf was actually just a young girl, but because of her birth and growth, she had an extra mask to protect herself than ordinary people.

In the past, the water elf probably didn't really regard him as a friend, otherwise she wouldn't have put on a disguise in front of him.

"Yesterday, my backstab was 93% complete," the water elf said a little proudly, sounding like a little girl who had accomplished something great and then ran to her parents to ask for sweets.

"It's better than last time. Practice more and don't be afraid of hardship. Think back to those days..." A common problem among the elderly is that they like to reminisce.

However, her few words can often bring countless inspirations to Lu Li and the water elves, and occasionally they can hear anecdotes about many legendary figures.

For example, the small village by the roadside in Crow Ridge is full of ghosts, in the basement, upstairs, etc. You can't see it, and you can't hit it. Only the SS's stealth detection can do it!

For example, Queen Sylvanas was not the first person to break away from the control of the Lich King, and so on.

There were many things that even Lu Li had never heard of.

"Aunt Pasonia, can Lu Li become your student?" After chatting for a while, the water elf took advantage of the NPC's happiness and made this request.

"Well, there are really not many women left in the university," Pasonia joked.

"Did you agree?" The water elf heard the NPC's tone and thought that Pasonia had already agreed.

Unexpectedly, Pasonia still shook her head. She patted the water elf on the back and sighed: "This is impossible, my child. You are disciples of Ravenholdt Manor. I will accept you as a student. The risk has been taken, but once I accept another one, neither MI7 nor Ravenholdt Manor will continue to sit idly by."

Sure enough, she knew about the small camp of Water Elf and Lu Li, and perhaps the Polluter fragments they wore betrayed their identities.

There is no direct conflict between MI7 and Ravenholdt, but they are just jealous of each other. Both parties are assassin organizations, and they have had some unhappiness over the years.

"It's okay, Aunt Pasonia, let him find a mentor by himself," the water elf comforted.

"He is stronger than you, and he has had many adventures. Just these few blessings are enough to make him proud," Pasonia said, pointing to Lu Li's shoulder.

There are the blessings of the Moon Girl Priest, the blessings of the Jungle Guardian, and the blessings of the Bloodfang Werewolf.

Normal players can't see it, but NPCs can.

"Dear Madam, I have some questions. Is it okay to ask?" Although Lu Li was a little disappointed that he could not have this powerful and knowledgeable NPC as his mentor, he quickly adjusted his emotions.

"You ask," Pasonia nodded.

"There are countless famous people in this continent. The mages include Aegwynn, Khadgar, and Antonidas. The paladins include Turalyon, Tirion Fordring, and Uther. There are countless other professions. Why are thieves so popular? So few?"

Not only are there few, there are almost none that are truly known.

Even these assassins from MI7 are equally complex. The reason why they are more famous than the people at Ravenholdt Manor is because they are an official organization.

"Child, if an assassin is known to many people," Pasonia blinked, "then he is already dead."

Lu Li was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect the answer to be so simple.

Hearing this answer, he didn't even have a reason to refute it. This was obvious. One look at how a thief who used sneak attacks and assassinations as his fighting method could let others know his identity.

Perhaps the person you passed by was an assassin who had assassinated countless famous figures.

"Then how can I find a suitable mentor for me?" Lu Li asked.

"Haha, this is simply a joke. You are from Ravenholdt Manor, why do you want to go outside to find a mentor?" Pasonia sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, MI7 is more powerful than the Assassin League. The number is still too small, and no one knows how deep the water is inside.”

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