The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 767 Garona (asking for all kinds of votes)

"So, who are the famous assassins in Ravenholdt Manor?" Lu Li asked curiously.

In this world, apart from yourself, only your opponent knows your opponent. MI7 and Ravenholdt Manor, the two top assassin organizations, must have certain intelligence about each other.

"Famous?" Pasonia shook her head: "Grand masters of thieves are generally not very famous, especially Ravenholdt Manor, which has always been known for its secrecy. Why do you have to choose a famous thief?"

"It's a personal hobby," Lu Li smiled a little sheepishly.

At present, only he knows how pitiful this tutor system is. Many people find tutors who seem to be awesome, but in fact, that is often not the case.

Only when you understand a skill to a certain extent can you teach it. Although some cheating instructors know some powerful skills, they don't have the ability to teach them.

The reason why Lu Li didn't want to find an unknown mentor was because he was afraid of this situation.

Wouldn't it be meaningless to become a disciple in that way?

It is almost impossible to become a mentor again. Unless you find a way to kill the original mentor, you can only use other methods to obtain enhanced skills.

To kill a professional master, Lu Li had never seen anyone succeed before he was reborn.

There was once a star racer who chose the wrong mentor. Not that the mentor wasn't great, but he couldn't teach high-level skills at all, so the big guild behind him launched a powerful attack.

It is said that thousands of top players were dispatched at that time, including many powerful foreign aids invited from other alliance guilds.

They were full of confidence and believed that even a wild BOSS of the same level would not be able to make any waves, let alone an NPC with dozens of times less HP than the BOSS.

Reality slaps the player hard.

From then on, no one dared to attack the NPC professional master.

"My child, you are really making things difficult for me," Pasonia rubbed her brow with a headache. She said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "I can't possibly tell you who the grand master of thieves is. After all, this is someone else's secret. If I do that, I will We may not see the sun tomorrow."

"Then stop talking," the water elf quickly grabbed her mentor.

She also didn't expect that asking her mentor to help Lu Li would be so risky. Thinking about it, it seemed easy to understand that thieves lurked and didn't dare to let others know their identities. Once they were exposed, they might be in danger.

"However, there are also thieves who are not afraid of others finding out," Pasonia changed the subject.

"If you won't get into any trouble, please tell me," Lu Li said gratefully.

"Perhaps you should know Valela Sangunal," Pasonia thought for a moment and said, "She is also a powerful thief, and I have some friendship with her."

"Are you talking about His Majesty the King's friends?" Lu Li looked strange.

Valela Sangunar was a teammate of Varian Wrynn during his adventures. Her entire family died at the hands of bandits, and she was the only one who narrowly escaped death.

But she had nowhere to go - the Scourge's attack on the elven capital of Quel'Thalas had devastated her people.

The young high elf was a survivalist until she was kidnapped by thieves and sold to Rhaegar Earthfury.

Rhaegar Earthfury turned her into a gladiator, and allowed her to form a small team to fight with the night elf druid Broll Bearskin and the orc Brodier Bloodfist. After Blood Fist died in the battle, Valeela and Broll welcomed another human warrior teammate who had lost his memory - this human was later called "Ghost Wolf" Logosh - who later remembered his other name. ——His Majesty King Varian Wrynn.

They embark on a journey to help Varian regain his memory and regain the throne, and fight to the death with Onyxia, the black dragon who secretly controls the human kingdom.

After regaining his throne, King Varian invited Valeera to stay in Stormwind and serve as his advisor. While Valeera readily accepted, she also made a condition, that is, she was not loyal to the Alliance, she was only loyal to Varian Wrynn and his son Anduin.

Vali LS Gunnar is an excellent stalker, good at sneak attacks and spying. She is proficient in daggers and can use her poison to make weapon damage extremely terrifying.

Of course Lu Li knew this person, but he didn't feel much joy in his heart.

"Valela should be in the palace now. I can help you ask," Pasonia said after a pause: "But you'd better not have too much hope. She is too lazy and doesn't like Any alliance except the king.”

"Thank you, when is the best time for us to come and get the news?" Lu Li said gratefully.

"Don't be so troublesome, it will be fine soon," Pasonia called softly a few times, and a green bird flew in from the outside. She murmured a few words to the bird, and the bird fluttered. Fly away with wings.

After about half an hour, the bird flew back and chirped as it entered the house.

He actually understands the language of birds. He is truly worthy of being a former MI7 boss.

Pasonia sighed in disappointment: "My child, I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. Valela Sangunal has no intention of accepting other disciples. She already has one disciple."

Damn it, who is so fast?

Lu Li really wanted to curse. As a reborn person, he didn’t even have a mentor. Why did everyone else have a mentor? He also recognized the water elf. He met Pasonia by chance. Who actually fell in love with Valela Sang? Gunnar.

Valela Sangunar is the security advisor to the King of Stormwind City, and Lu Li is very satisfied with her outstanding status.

"Are there any other suitable mentors?" the water elf asked.

"The circles I came into contact with were either the palace or MI7, and they were not suitable for him." Pasonia also felt very regretful. She sincerely did not want her disciple to be disappointed.

"It doesn't matter, maybe the time hasn't come yet," Lu Li smiled reluctantly and said goodbye.

He has other things to do today, and it's already late, so he needs to get ready.

The water elf also said goodbye. They were not idlers and could not chat with Liger here, even though this NPC gave her a feeling of maternal love that she did not have in reality.

"If you can find someone, she may be more suitable to be your mentor than Valela Sangunal," Pasonia said hesitantly before leaving.

"Who is it?" Why don't you say it if there is something suitable? Older people just like to forget things.

"Garona Haversen..." Pasonia said solemnly, as if this name had a magical power that made her feel suffocated.

Lu Li also felt a little suffocated. He was no stranger to this name.

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