The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 772 Harvest (please vote)

If Qingqi Gujiu heard Lu Li say this, he would definitely spit in his face.

You just like telling the truth.

That's right, Lu Li hit the target again this time. When Ming Pojun still had 48% of his health, Qingqi Gujiu, the King of Grinders, really couldn't grind anymore.

"Why is this happening? Qingqi Gujiu should have an advantage in duels, and when Paladins fight against warriors, this is an absolute professional restraint, right?" Pure White Jiji ignored Lu Li's displeasure and was very cautious. Asking for advice.

Among other professions, some may have suppression, but most of them are not very obvious.

Warriors are different from knights. When their equipment and skills are not much different, Paladins can absolutely restrain warriors because their defenses are comparable, but warriors don't add blood to themselves like Paladins.

"It's very simple. What is Ming Po Army famous for?" Lu Li did not answer, but asked one question after another.

"Moonlight's big whirlwind, Gaze's charge, Eleventh Master's combos, the fatal golden pants' bleeding damage, Ming Pojun's most powerful thing should be control..." Pure White Jiji murmured: "Oh, I understand. , is control.”

Pure White Season's game level itself was pretty good, and he quickly understood what Lu Li meant.

Although Qingqi Gujiu can increase blood, he is not a healing profession after all, and the amount of blood he adds is very small. Both of his blood-increasing skills need to be read. Unfortunately, the control of Ming Po Army is very slippery, and he does not give him a chance to increase blood. .

Enter Lethal Gold Pants.

A duel between two warriors!

The three professions of combat thief are the professions with the highest concentration of masters, and the masters of the warrior profession, Fatal Golden Pants and Ming Po Army are the top few.

"This time, who do you think will win, and how much blood will they need to lose?" Pure White Jiji asked Lu Li.

She had begun to blindly trust Lu Li. Not just her, no one in the audience questioned Lu Li's words. They all pricked up their ears to listen to Lu Li's verdict on these two guys.

You guys might as well stop fighting and just listen to Lu Li and settle the matter yourself.

"I don't know," Lu Li said, wiping his sweat. "But the Fatal Gold Pants should win."

Everyone rolled their eyes together. Isn't this nonsense? The Fatal Golden Pants are full of blood, but the Ming Po Army has only half of it. They are of the same level, they are almost the same, and no one knows who will win.

The real result was that Fatal Golden Pants had 72 health left at the end.

Using 28% to consume 48% is not to say that the Fatal Golden Pants are so awesome, but because all the ultimate moves of the Ming Po Army were used on Qingqi Gujiu in the previous game.

Similarly, Fatal Golden Pants, with most of its burst skills, mobility skills, and control-release skills on cooldown, has also become a toothless tiger.

The hunter "Despicable Young Master" sent by Ziyue Dongtian defeated the deadly golden pants after consuming 70% of his health.

It's also a 70% loss of health, which seems to be a tie, but don't forget that this is a duel between a second-rate player and a top player, and 70% of the hunter's health is only more than 2,000 points, while the berserker has 4,000. many.

At this time, people realized the importance of the order of appearance in the arena.

Wushuang City really shouldn't use Qingqi Gujiu to deal with Longcheng Guyan. The gap slowly began to widen from that game.

The mage from Wushuang City appeared with "only half a cigarette left" and defeated the despicable young master, the hunter of Ziyue Cave Sky.

In the last game, he had 50% health and only had half a cigarette left. The battle with full health was also the "morality of the mage profession".

Needless to say, this time Lu Li knew that everyone would lose if he only had half a cigarette left. Although he really worked hard with only half a cigarette left, the gap he had opened before could not be saved by himself alone, and he ultimately defeated his opponent miserably.

In the arena competition, Wushuang City lost to Ziyue Dongtian.

Then comes the team competition.

The morale of the fans in Wushuang City at the arena was low. They had just used a lot of words to scold Lu Li, saying he was too talkative. Some even made up their minds not to give him gifts. But once the facts were put in front of them, they realized I saw how vicious and sharp Lu Li's vision was.

After the real results came out, there was another wave of buying gifts.

Lu Li looked at his experience value, which was almost 85% at level 44, which meant that Lu Li had gained 10% of his experience in just ten minutes.

In his previous life, he had been very envious of the fact that these racers could enjoy skyrocketing experience bars, and now he finally experienced it for himself.

"In terms of team combat, I think Wushuang City should be more powerful. They have three star players: Fatal Golden Pants, Qingqi Gujiu, and full-time assistant. The other three are also good experts, and Ziyue Dongtian There are only two of them, and their main healer is Xiaomiao. She is a druid, and may not be as good as a full-time auxiliary priest in terms of group treatment." The dark-colored Rufeng has never dared to speak in front of people like Lu Li.

Before the team competition started, he immediately listed the things that everyone knew, at least there would be no mistakes.

However, Lu Li still wasn't going to let him go: "I don't think Wushuang City can do well in the team competition. Their cooperation is really poor, and their professional matching lacks hierarchy. On the contrary, Ziyue Dongtian, they have always cooperated as a team. famous."

Lu Li had personally fought against Ziyue Cave Sky, and he knew some things from his previous life.

Looking at individual players, Ziyue Dongtian is certainly not as good as Wushuang City's lineup. Wushuang City's defeat in the arena competition is entirely due to the order of appearance in the game.

As for the team competition, although Lu Li was not as sure as before, he still preferred that Wushuang City would lose.

Fans of Ziyue Dongtian were so happy that they spent gold coins to buy gifts for Lu Li.

Lu Li gained 1.2% experience in this wave.

"Ahem," Dark Color Rufeng wanted to cry. He felt that he had become a rookie to set off Lu Li today. In the past, he was known as a gold medal commentator.

The difference in vision made him very embarrassed.

In fact, in the past, he would not discuss winning or losing. Apart from attracting attention, it was completely thankless.

But Lu Li had such a vision, and everyone wanted to hear his reasoning.

As soon as the game started, the two sides fell into a melee.

Following what Lu Li said before, everyone deliberately observed the cooperation between the two teams. Most of them found nothing. Wushuang City is a top club. How could there be such obvious loopholes? Even if there were, ordinary players like this would not be able to understand. Only some high-end players found clues after Lu Li went smoothly.

It is indeed a Shuguang textbook. I feel I have benefited a lot from his interpretation.

Even the managers of the club have obtained a lot of useful information, such as the strength of the Warlock profession, and there are too many tricks in the order of appearance in the arena, which can even determine the outcome of a game, such as team coordination issues.

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