The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 773 Recommendation

As expected, Wushuang City lost the team competition.

The Magic Cup champion suffered a defeat in the preliminary round, and the professional league slapped them hard with reality.

Of course, even if they lose some points, it will not affect their promotion at all.

If they can't even advance to the preliminary round, they might as well disband on the spot.

Lu Li was a guest once and gained 12% of the experience. He still had 13% left to reach level 45.

If you go step by step to find monsters in the wild to level up, it will take at least a day or two. Especially at this time, few people can wait patiently.

So Lu Li took the rare materials prepared by Root Number Three and set foot on the Blood Fang Altar again.

"I think you must have heard of the Well of Eternity," the Bloodfang Lord Kruger did not go out this time. He has basically solved the problems of his tribe. More healthy werewolves appeared and spread to the distance. They have been The kingdom of Gilneas shrouded in darkness began to appear within people's sight.

It is said that a player has successfully learned to transform into a werewolf.

"Of course I have heard of it. Everyone knows about the Well of Eternity." Lu Li didn't understand why he would ask such a childish question.

The Well of Eternity was once the center of Azeroth, a lake full of mysterious energy and the source of magic and natural energy for the entire world.

It draws energy from the boundless darkness beyond this world, and then provides nutrients for all kinds of creatures in the world.

Later, the fierce battle between Malfurion and Azshara threw the Highborne's magic into chaos, and the vortex in the Well of Eternity finally exploded, triggering a series of cataclysms.

"In ancient times, we habitually drew energy from the Well of Eternity. Obtaining this power was so easy that they gradually began to rely on it and couldn't extricate themselves," Kruger said seriously: "We call it magic addiction. , and what you are doing now is very similar to what we did back then.”

Lu Li understood what he meant instantly.

It seems that Kruger does not approve of Lu Li using the Bloodfang Altar to gain experience.

"Thank you for the reminder, Your Excellency." Lu Li put away all the rare materials, leaving only a small portion, which he estimated was only enough for him to reach level 45.

After spending a lot of money this time, he originally wanted to get a higher level.

What Kruger said actually makes sense. Although the higher the player level, the greater the advantage, but level does not determine everything.

After Water Elf got the enhanced backstab skill book, her instructor warned her not to use it in a hurry. It would be better to wait until the normal backstab can achieve 100% completion before learning.

100% completion requires not only a standard posture for using the skill, but also a deeper understanding of the skill.

Under the personal auspices of the Bloodfang High Lord Kruger, the altar devoured that rare material.

Enveloped in the glimmer of upgrade, Lu Li let out a long sigh of relief.

He finally reached level forty-five.

This is not a milestone leap, but it once again makes him have one more equipment level than others.

Before anyone else had changed into level 40 equipment, he had already picked up level 45 equipment - such as this dagger.

Widowmaker (Legendary): Damage 54-72, Agility +40, Strength +20, Constitution +10, Critical +15%, Slot 2, Effect 1: Disarm, 50% chance of stealing an enemy's weapon , making it unable to exert the attack effect of the weapon, lasting for 3 seconds. Special Effect 2: Bleeding. There is a certain probability of causing bleeding damage of 50% of the attack per second to the target, lasting for six seconds. Special Effect 3: Escape, teleporting to a line of sight within fifteen yards. and the designated location, the cooling time is three minutes, and the equipment requirement level is 45. Durability 150/150.

Controlling, bleeding, and escaping were simply tailor-made for Lu Li.

The new dagger looks slightly wider and longer than his other dagger, the Defiler Shard, making it suitable for the main hand.

Moreover, this dagger has a dark color and is designed to avoid causing violent air movements. The thief can be more concealed when attacking first, making it more suitable for sneak attacks than the Defiler fragments.

The most important thing is that the attack is high, 54-72, even a two-handed sword is nothing more than that.

After reaching level 45, it will be even harder to go up further. In addition, he is two levels higher than the second place. Don’t rush to level up now. Find a master quickly and let him teach you the strengthening skills. Kingly way.

If anyone knows a complete set of enhanced skills, even if Lu Li has a high level and good equipment, he will still be tortured.

Of course, it would be nice if someone could learn one or two enhanced skills at this time. Even if the water elf is so favored by her mentor, she only has one enhanced skill book, and Pasonia requires her to increase her completion level before she can learn it.

Lu Li said goodbye to Kruger and teleported to Nanhai Town.

"I hope to find a mentor in the organization, can you help me introduce him?" Lu Li found a time when there were few people in the tavern, and stepped into the hotel in Nanhai Town again.

He invites the idle waitress for a drink.

"Tutor..." Nima, the waitress, was surprised that Lu Li would make such a request.

"Don't you have a mentor?" Lu Li was curious about how NPCs teach skills to each other. There are many famous NPC mentors and apprentices in Dawn. For example, Cenarius's disciple is Malfurion, Antonidas's disciple is Jaina...

"My mentor's name cannot be revealed, and he will not accept a second disciple," the waitress shook her head.

"Then he is the Grand Master? How many strengthening skills has he taught you?" Lu Li asked.

The waitress frowned, obviously she didn't like Lu Li's pursuit, but she finally replied: "Of course, it's best if you find a mentor, it's best to find a grand master. The mentor taught me seven strengthening skills."

There were actually seven. Lu Li found that he had really underestimated this contact person.

In fact, although the waitress is not an important person in Ravenholdt Manor, she is by no means as simple as a janitor. The contact person needs to deal with all kinds of people, so what can she do if she has no skills.

"Can you help me introduce a great master in the organization?" Lu Li asked directly.

"Without the Grand Master's permission, I cannot reveal anyone's name unless you tell me which one to look for," the waitress said with a hint of fear on her face, not even daring to mention her name.

"Please, we can be considered friends," Lu Li said helplessly.

Ravenholdt Manor is the most secretive organization. Even the people in the organization don't know the existence of others. Lu Li knew that Duke Jorach Ravenholdt was the current leader of the organization, but it was obviously impossible for him to accept Lu Li as a student.

"It's not that I don't want to help. In fact, I only know a few great masters. If I help introduce you without their permission, they won't mind turning me into a corpse." The waitress looked frightened.

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