The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 780 Huge Investment

"And there are a lot of little tricks on the field that you don't know how to use, so I feel like you are the one who needs training the most," Cat's dad rapped his knuckles on the table, "Many of your tricks are based on I guess Yue Guang, some things are suitable for him, but they may not be suitable for you. Anyway, I want to train Maomao and the others, so I don’t mind bringing you one."

"Then please excuse me, Uncle Cat. I will definitely listen to the class carefully," Lu Li certainly would not refuse.

"I'm very strict," Cat Dad said, pretending to be angry, but in the end he couldn't hold back and failed, and everyone laughed.

"I plan to place an advertisement on the Game World channel to recruit potential students to join the guild. Once the youth training camp is completed, Uncle Cat, you will have to work harder," Root No. 3 said about his future plans.

"Alas, coaches who are tired and will exhaust themselves are actually not very good," Mao Dad habitually boasted.

"Uncle Cat, do you have any friends you can bring over?" Root Number Three asked with a smile.

As the saying goes, every elder in a family is like a treasure, and people like Mao Dad, who has been in the gaming industry for a long time, are even more treasures among treasures. Root No. 3 hopes that his experience can bring mature mechanisms to the club, but it is these two that he covets the most. The connections accumulated over ten years.

Coaching, sparring, psychological counseling, guild management, equipment matching designer, game merchant, etc.

"There are a few old guys. I'll contact you later. Don't expect anything. We haven't cooperated with each other for many years." Cat's father became more humble now. He didn't dare to promise, for fear that he would not be able to make it later. face.

Then everyone went to buy equipment together. They were all fast and decisive people, so since they planned to do it, they didn’t waste time.

Lu Li needs to follow him to buy the equipment, which is available in Jiangnan City.

This kind of device that can reflect the scenes in the game onto the real big screen is almost equivalent to a large server, and its more important function is to edit maps and virtual scenes.

Training activities are often completed through the interconnection between this server and the game.

The shopping guide in the game mall recommended to them the best one, priced at more than 5.4 million yuan. The functions and functions were talked about in a lavish way, and it was completely to the rhythm of killing big customers.

Fortunately, it was Cat Dad who went with me.

At that time, Cat Dad rolled up his sleeves in an imposing manner and said viciously: "This is a scam."

Dad Cat may have had a period of youth when he was young. His arms were densely covered with various tattoos, and he seemed to work out regularly. His arms were thicker than the thighs of the shopping guide.

The shopping guide's face turned dark immediately, but he thought he had encountered a gangster and did not dare to refute, so he planned to call security.

"Let your boss come out. If you haven't seen him for a few days, you'll even screw up your friends," Cat Dad sat down on the sofa where he was receiving guests, crossed his arms and sneered.

Not long after, the boss came over.

The cat dad really didn't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. When the boss saw it was him, he immediately rushed over and gave him a hug: "Oh, why do you, an old guy, have time to come over here? When I invite you out, you usually either serve your wife or your daughter. You don't Almost a valet."

"Don't talk nonsense," Cat Dad complained: "You don't know how to save some face for me in front of juniors."

Seeing that Mao Dad was so familiar with their boss, the shopping guide was a little embarrassed. He saw that these people really wanted to buy and were not the kind of people who just looked at it, so he recommended a luxury product in order to get a high commission.

"Why do you come here when you have time? I finally understand. You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything," the boss glanced at Lu Li and Genhao San before asking Cat Dad.

"I want to buy a set of training equipment. I can train troops in the new guild. Do you have any recommendations? Just forget about the five million one and keep it as a treasure for the store." Cat's father didn't mention the youth training camp at all.

"Old man, please stop being sarcastic. Let's take a look at one of these." The boss glared at the shopping guide.

A five-million-dollar set of equipment is purely for the second-generation rookies who want to rip off the rich. In front of an old guy like Cat Dad, it's just a chore. It's good if he doesn't fall out on the spot.

"There's a new guild in Jiangnan City, and I'd like to thank you for your help." The boss paid little attention to Lu Li and Root Number Three.

"Small guild, not worth mentioning. Have you heard of the Sword of Judgment?" Cat Dad responded casually while checking the equipment.

The sword of judgment!

The boss was confused at the time.

Those who work in this industry are closely integrated with the game. If you have never heard of Sword of Judgment, you can close the door and go home to sleep.

"Oh, then these two..." The boss was a little embarrassed.

It's not that he looks down on Lu Li and Root Number Three, but he thinks they are the younger generation who came with Cat Dad. He and Cat Dad are the same generation, so naturally he doesn't want to lower his status to get close to them.

If he hadn't heard Cat Dad's voice, he wouldn't have come out from the back. At this point, he would have stopped coming to the front to receive guests.

"The root number three of the Sword of Judgment..." Cat Dad introduced.

"President Root No. 3," the boss said with a smile on his face. This was a big customer, and then he looked at Lu Li eagerly.

"This is Lu Li..."

"I've seen your game, it's absolutely amazing. I also play as a thief," the boss grabbed Lu Li's hand and shook it again and again. It was rare to see it in the game, but he didn't expect to see it in reality.

"Nice to meet you," Lu Li didn't mind his ignorance just now.

He never thought that he would be worshiped by a group of people wherever he went. The living environment he had grown up in had made him accustomed to keeping a low profile. The enthusiasm of his boss made him uncomfortable.

The friendship deepened quickly, and the price of the equipment did not worry Dad Mao too much.

In fact, if Cat Dad stops here, they will not be cheated by their many years of friendship, not to mention that the boss has a good impression of the Sword of Judgment Guild.

It cost them 1.4 million to buy a set of training server equipment that was not top-notch, but was sufficient for the Sword of Judgment. The subsequent transportation, installation and maintenance were all free of charge.

For ordinary people, even if they don’t have two million, they may not be able to pull it back.

There were two major expenses, one was this set of equipment, and the other was buying videos from the tournament official for analysis and teaching. Lu Li felt a pain in his stomach when he paid for them.

There seem to be more and more places to spend money in the future.

Fortunately, his sister's condition was under control, and all the money he borrowed from the water elf was left untouched. It belonged to a special fund for treating his sister.

Lu Li announced the good news the next day when he entered the game, and the club's player training schedule was quickly designated. In addition, there is a welfare-like system proposed by Cat Dad.

That is, guild members also have the opportunity to enter the youth training camp to experience.

For ordinary players, this is simply pie in the sky, and it immediately aroused cheers.

In fact, what Mao Dad said is this: Since you won’t be able to find a sparring partner for a while, let’s grab some coolies from your guild to come over and be a sparring partner.

I was really sold and paid for the money.

After solving this major matter, Lu Li's life began to be regular again, playing games, practicing leveling, practicing engineering, and doing some basic training with Cat Dad and the others.

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