The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 781 Haka Temple (please vote for me)

"Call, call," Hachi-chan shouted in the chat room early in the morning.

Lu Li, who was leveling up, took the time to reply: "Your dragon died again?"

The success made the little girl go crazy immediately: "Your horse is dead. My dragon is fine and will be able to fly soon."

Because the flying skill book is currently unavailable, and the system does not enable the function of flying mounts, Hachi-chan's elf dragon can only run on the ground like an ostrich.

In order to help her baby dragon learn to fly, Hachi-chan climbed to the top of the mountain and reluctantly threw the dragon down. As a result, she fell half to death.

It is said that she searched on the Internet for how baby birds learn to fly and put together a guide for baby birds to fly. As a result, her little elf dragon lived in dire straits all day long.

This matter has become the most talked about topic in Sword of Judgment.

"It's so early today, Xiaoba, what's wrong?" Only March Rain can be so gentle and good-tempered to everyone.

"Sister March, I got a dungeon scroll from a mission. Let's go and download the dungeon. It is said that there are many dragons in it. Maybe we can find a way to make my baby dragon fly," Hachi-chan said enthusiastically.

"Is it the Atalhaka Temple?" Lu Li asked aloud.

"Hey, how do you know?" Hachi-chan was surprised.

"Who is as ignorant and unskilled as you? What difficulty level is this dungeon for?"

"Elite difficulty."

"The elite dungeon is better than the ordinary ones, but this is a dungeon that starts at level 45. If it's really a nightmare difficulty, we might not be able to beat it. Let's gather together and tell anyone who can't go," Lu Li said at Xinxin Mercenary The group’s channel asked.

"Call someone, my sister wants to accompany me today," Huadi Liqing answered immediately.

As long as it is not mandatory, he would rather level up and do tasks with his sister. Recently, March Rain has been competing and training, and he has almost forgotten about his brother.

"I'm getting older and need more rest, so I won't go," Piao Ling said lazily.

"I'm playing in the arena with Maomao. I asked Maomao to go for me," Luo Ying recalled. She had been killing people in the arena all day in the past few days. She was almost possessed. As soon as she heard that she didn't have to go, she immediately pulled out a scapegoat.

"When it comes to killing people, don't look for me for such a small copy," Yueguang took the time to reply.

"Well, I won't go. I'm working on alchemy right now. It's a critical moment," Tangyuan with sesame filling said sheepishly. He recently got a top-notch alchemy recipe and has been upgrading it for several days.

"Shh, I'm catching the baby, you..."

Before Can Meng finished speaking, she heard Lu Li yell: "Mengmeng, stop giving me excuses and get over here immediately, or I will roast and eat all your babies."

No one can go, after all, it is just a simple copy, and it is only on elite difficulty.

But Canmeng can't do it. It's only elite difficulty. If she, a little red hand, doesn't go, there will be nothing to gain.

"Since you want me to go so much, then I will reluctantly agree," Can Meng was a little proud. Seeing that, no one can go, but she can't do without her little red hand.

A few people are missing and must be made up. Even if it is only on elite difficulty, it is still a level 45 dungeon.

The lowest level mobs are all at level 45, and the BOSS reaches level 48.

The only two group pets who were willing to go were Lu Li and Azure Sea Breeze. There were still six people left. Lu Li simply called out to the guild and planned to find a few random people in the guild.

Rain Like a Wanderer, a paladin with output orientation, is the leader of the Knights of the Sword of Judgment.

Brother Ji, the healing priest, Lu Li called him over to add blood. Although his skills are not as good as Sanyueyu, he is still qualified to be the main healer of the temple dungeon. What's more, Xiaobajiang now has the Serenity skill, which is powerful. Still sitting.

Nuoyu, the third-ranked mage with the Sword of Judgment.

Jiweika, the Shadow Priest, Root No. 3's real-life friend, is also a member of the Star and Moon Guild. In the Star and Moon Guild's regular dungeons and wild boss battles, he is often the one with the highest output on the list.

Mumuyu, ice method, the lucky one chosen.

The last one is that Maomao loves to eat meat. She doesn't like being trained as much as Luoying recalls. She has long wanted to run out and play.

Because there are no sesame-filled glutinous rice balls, everyone has to teleport to the Watch Keep in the Cursed Land first, and then run all the way to the Swamp of Sorrows. Swamp of Sorrows is located on the eastern coast of Azeroth, bordering the Redridge Mountains, Deadwind Pass and the Blasted Lands. The Alliance has only a weak control on this map, and its counterpart is the Horde's stronghold of Stonard.

However, Lu Li and others don't need to keep a low profile, at least few tribe players have set foot here.

The Swamp of Sorrows is not for the faint of heart. Monsters are everywhere in this stinky mud pond. There is almost no place to stay. There is stinky water everywhere, and the beasts that breed and multiply because of it.

And most of the time, this dark region is wet and rainy, as if parts of Stranglethorn Vale had drifted here.

Seawater seeped into the marsh, turning it into a salty wetland. The trees growing in the swamp are huge and emit moisture, making the air more humid. Coming here is like being in a rain forest.

Lu Li tugged at his wet leather armor and sighed softly.

He is the only thief here, so he naturally shoulders the task of exploring the path, in order to prevent the team from encountering the Lost BOSS.

The Broken Ones and the Lost Ones are two types of mutated draenei. They lost the noble appearance that the draenei were born with, their skin became loose, their limbs shrank, and some sarcoma-like growths began to grow. They lost the protection of the Light and began to think less clearly. The difference is that the Broken have retained their wisdom and mind because they have found shamanic teachings. And the Lost are utterly depraved.

The most threatening thing in the Swamp of Sorrows is the Lost Ones whose strength is generally at the elite or even quasi-BOSS level, and there are even a few BOSSs.

What’s even more annoying is that no matter they are elites or quasi-BOSSs, they all look exactly the same.

You have no idea whether the one coming your way is an elite monster or a BOSS monster. For this reason, few people try to level up by killing the Lost, because you accidentally find the BOSS.

Lu Li couldn't tell the difference between elite monsters and BOSS. He could only lead his team to avoid those unexplained monsters.

What finally appeared in front of them was a lake, and a strange building could be seen in the distance a little above the water. That was the Temple of Atal Hakkar - the place where the Blood God Hakkar was suppressed.

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